Rebirth of the Thousand-Faced Movie King

Chapter 420: Chen Ping: Chief Director of

After Titanic was completed, Chen Ping didn't take many more films in Hollywood.

It’s not that there are no films.


Even if Chen Ping doesn't accept it, Chen Ping still has a series of blockbusters waiting for him.

For example, the Iron Man series.

Previously, Chen Ping played Iron Man 1, followed by Iron Man 2 and Iron Man 3.

As Chen Ping, who brought Marvel back to life, no one thought about changing the protagonist in the Iron Man series.

Say it again.

Even if there is, it is estimated that the audience will not buy it.

In addition, it is impossible for Marvel to follow suit.

Chen Ping is the largest shareholder of Marvel. Who dares to object to him continuing to act?

And except for the Iron Man series.

Marvel also launched the Avengers project.


As the most popular Iron Man in Marvel, Chen Ping is naturally the absolute protagonist of the Avengers.

Look at it from this aspect.

Basically, Chen Ping will not need to make other films in the next few decades.

Because of Marvel, he is more than enough.

But actually.

Chen Ping doesn’t only have Marvel series.

He also has the Lord of the Rings series.

Additionally, there is the Matrix series.

These series together...are enough to keep Chen Ping acting until he retires.


After Chen Ping finished filming Titanic, he returned to the mainland.


Started his TV series project again.


Chen Ping always believes that TV series are the carrier that reaches the widest range of people.

Although the production quality of TV series cannot be compared with movies.

But Chen Ping believes that there are still many audiences in the world who will not go to movie theaters.

And these audiences number in the hundreds of millions.

For this audience, Chen Ping successively filmed some well-known works such as Ji Gong, Liao Zhai and Feng Shen Bang.


Water Margin, Dream of Red Mansions... are also being planned.

Unknowingly, one year has passed.

During this year.

Chen Ping's previous TV series were aired one after another and achieved very good ratings.

In this.

The performance of Journey to the West played by Chen Ping is the most eye-catching.

With ratings exceeding 50 points, it topped the domestic ratings list.


This 50-point rating is not just broadcast by other TV stations.

This is a record achieved by CCTV’s first broadcast.

After the premiere on CCTV.

The ratings are even more exaggerated.

Reached an incredible 70 points.


Also at this time.

Same as the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Many TV stations know that if they don't broadcast it now, their TV station's viewership share will probably fall into pieces.

Teacher Chen Ping, today you filmed the finale of Journey to the West.

Yes, today's finale.

That's great, our The Wandering Earth can be released.

Director Guo, what's going on? The Wandering Earth won't be released until Journey to the West ends.

Teacher Chen Ping, you don't know your influence. Your Journey to the West is so popular that it not only affects the ratings of many TV stations, but also the box office of many movies. Look at the recent domestic theaters The films being released are all low-budget productions, and a lot of directors don’t dare to steal the spotlight from you at this time.”

It's not that exaggerated.

After receiving a call from Guo Fan, the director of The Wandering Earth, Chen Ping felt very comfortable with the flattery.

not bad.

Although Chen Ping has been filming TV series for nearly more than a year, his achievements in TV series are pretty good.


Although the TV series has achieved terrible ratings, Chen Ping has not given up on movies.

Chen Ping is a TV series and a movie that has two hands, and both hands must be strong.

The TV series is for all the people in China.

Movies are meant to impact the world and go global.

That's right, Teacher Chen Ping, my plan is to release The Wandering Earth in half a month.

Half a month, is it the New Year period?


OK, no problem.

Well, Teacher Chen Ping, can you help us promote it?


Chen Ping nodded: Isn't this an actor's job? After all, I also starred in The Wandering Earth. Oh, by the way, why are you so careful about what you say?

Teacher Chen Ping, I also want to communicate with you normally, but your level is too high. I feel a lot of pressure every time I talk to you.

Stop it.

Chen Ping scolded Guo Fan: I am actually an actor. Besides, I am also very interested in The Wandering Earth. Besides, I invested in The Wandering Earth, and I want to make back the cost.

A few days later.

Chen Ping, Guo Fan, and other actors from The Wandering Earth held a promotional meeting for The Wandering Earth.

Several young actors from Wandering Earth were extremely excited to see Chen Ping.

Teacher Chen Ping, I am so happy to see you again.

Haha, Duoduo, I'm very happy to see you too. Yo, you've grown taller.

Teacher Chen Ping, I'm almost 19 years old, why do you always treat me like a child?

19 years old... What is 19 years old but a child?

Touching the head of the number one female Han Duoduo, Chen Ping also liked these young actors very much.


And Uncle Da, whom I haven’t seen for a long time.

Uncle Da.

Seeing Wu Mengda, Chen Ping and Wu Mengda gave them a big hug.

Xiao Pingzi, our film depends on you.

Uncle Da, what are you talking about? I'm just a supporting role in it. In terms of roles, I'm not as big as you.

What a supporting role? Didn't you see that everyone is here for you?

No, no, no, Uncle Da, your popularity is just new. My journalist friend, do you think so?

Necessary, golden supporting role Uncle Da...

All I heard was kakaka... A group of reporters kept taking pictures of Chen Ping and others.

Teacher Chen Ping, can you introduce the film The Wandering Earth?

Don't call me teacher, call me Chen Ping.

Strange, didn't you like people calling you teacher in the past?

I was young before, but now I am really old, so I don't want to be a teacher anymore.


Everyone was amused by Chen Ping's words: Ok, Chen Ping.

Chen Ping nodded, satisfied with the reporter's title, and then said: The Wandering Earth is a very hard science fiction film.

Very hard, how do you say that?

That is, this film is actually a hard science fiction. Almost all the plots and settings in the film are well-founded. It is not like soft science fiction, which is based on imagination and stream of consciousness. For example, The Wandering Earth A few words, do you know what Wandering Earth means?

It's just humans wandering the earth.

The reporter thought for a while and said.


Chen Ping laughed directly.


Chen Ping shook his head: Human beings are not wandering on the earth, on the contrary, it is the earth wandering in the endless starry sky.

The earth is wandering in the endless starry sky?

This explanation surprised many reporters.

They thought their imagination was good, but they didn't expect that Wandering Earth would be such a story.


Chen Ping nodded: In the movie The Wandering Earth, the sun is about to be destroyed. In order to find a new home, humans lead the earth to wander through the endless starry sky in search of a new home.


Although they have not watched the film yet, after just hearing about it, many reporters were attracted by the grandeur of the film.

It's amazing. It feels more interesting than Hollywood science fiction.

That's right.

However, there is a question. How can the earth wander? Can it leave the sun series?

Of course it is possible, but it is very difficult. In our setting in the film, it will take a total of 2,500 years for the earth to escape the solar system or find a new home. In other words, the earth needs to wander among the stars for 2,500 years.

2500 years...oh my god.

Another new setting has appeared, which people can't even imagine.

Do you think this time is too long?

Chen Ping asked.

Everyone nodded.

2500 years may be a long time for human beings, but for the endless universe, 2500 years is just a blink of an eye. Moreover, if you want to lead the earth to find a new home, as I have said before, this is not easy. Things. Just like, even if the earth wants to escape from the solar system, it will encounter countless difficulties.

We divide these 2,500 years into five eras. The first era is the braking era. The meaning of braking is to stop the rotation of the earth. Why should we stop the rotation? That is because we need to install a planetary engine on the earth. Use huge thrust to push the earth into the universe.

There is a problem here. If the earth stops rotating, there will be countless disasters.

Yes. If the earth stops rotating, a series of disasters will occur. Tsunamis, high temperatures, extreme cold...etc.

Then how do humans survive?

There are also ways, like going underground.


Chen Ping began to explain the second era again.

That is the era of escape.

It is not that simple for the earth to escape from the solar system.

Because the solar system has a huge gravitational pull on the earth, it is impossible to escape from the solar system simply by flying.

There is only one way.

That is to first orbit the sun 15 times, and then escape from the solar system with the help of Jupiter's gravity.

The story of Wandering Earth takes place in this era.

The third era is the era of acceleration.

After the Earth escapes from the solar system, the planetary engine will run at full power for 500 years, increasing the Earth's speed to five thousandths of the speed of light. And it will run at this speed for 1,300 years, completing two-thirds of the planned distance.

Why did it take so long?

no way.

The universe is just too big and too slow.

Let alone ordinary flight, even the speed of light is a tortoise speed in the long universe.

So 1,300 years is not necessarily a long time.

The fourth era is the era of deceleration, which will take 500 years to decelerate the earth during the journey.

The fifth era: 2500 years later, captured by a new star. Becoming a satellite of this star, humanity begins a new home.

Okay, I don't feel the need for an interview. I just want to watch The Wandering Earth now.

Well, me too, it's too grand. I've never heard of such a story in China before.

I don't know if our planet will ever reach this point.

If you look at it scientifically, it will happen sooner or later. Even if you look at philosophy, it is the same. After all, the sun cannot live forever, and the earth cannot exist forever. Humanity will also perish sooner or later.

However, as for this, I don’t know how many years later.

This is not what humans can think about now.

[The Wandering Earth: The Hardest Science Fiction. 】

[The most ambitious science fiction masterpiece in China. 】

[The hottest drama of the New Year, The Wandering Earth. 】

[Chen Pingping’s latest film work after three years. 】

The Wandering Earth is scheduled to be released on the first day of the Lunar New Year.

In fact, there is no need for a series of magical settings before Wandering Earth.

Even without these settings.

Just Chen Ping's appearance attracted a lot of fans.

For countless spectators, countless viewers.

Chen Ping is not only a ceiling in the acting world, but also a true national idol.

This whole people is really the whole people.

Even those grandpas and grandmas who never watch movies are all fans of Chen Ping.


When The Wandering Earth starring Chen Ping was about to be released, he attracted the attention of almost countless people in the country.

Brothers, the tickets for Wandering Earth have been purchased.

I also bought it. I heard that this film is the most hardcore science fiction in our country.

I'm not here to see if it's hardcore or not, I'm purely here for Chen Ping.

Yes, Teacher Chen Ping has never let me down.

I'm already thinking, how many billions will the box office of Mr. Chen Ping's The Wandering Earth break?

“Needless to say, it’s definitely a record-breaker.”

That's necessary. If Mr. Chen Ping doesn't appear, the movies he invests in will break records again and again. At this time, he personally starred in... I can't even imagine how many records will be broken this time?

3 billion?

Are you looking down on Teacher Chen Ping?

Damn it, are you going to reach 4 billion?

4 billion, isn't it too scary?

I don't know. But I don't want to guess because I'm afraid I'll be slapped in the face if I guess 4 billion.

Nima, you don't mean to say 5 billion...

It is naturally impossible for everyone to know the box office of The Wandering Earth for the time being.


After being released on New Year's Day, The Wandering Earth has frightened countless viewers at the box office on the same day.


Oh my god, is it true?

what do you say?

Damn it, my eyesight must be blurred.

After numerous confirmations, people finally accepted this fact.


The box office of The Wandering Earth on New Year's Day exceeded 1 billion.

As for what the total box office of The Wandering Earth will be?

At this time, no one dared to guess.

What can you guess?

A box office of over 1 billion in one day is enough to scare everyone silly.

Another year has passed.

After Chen Ping's The Wandering Earth created an incredible box office of 5 billion, another domestic film took over.

Wolf Warrior 2, starring Wu Jin and invested by Chen Ping, once again broke the box office record, reaching 5.6 billion.

But that's not the end of it.

Although The Wandering Earth and Wolf Warriors both broke 5 billion in box office, this is not a flash in the pan for domestic movies.

After The Wandering Earth and Wolf Warrior 2.

From a cartoon called Nezha, it also broke the box office of 5 billion.


You read that right, a cartoon can break 5 billion in box office.

Again, this isn't over yet.

After Nezha, Jia Lin wanted to make a film to commemorate his mother. After visiting Chen Ping, Hello, Li Huanying came out, with the box office reaching 5.4 billion.

But but but...

This is not over either.

Because at this moment, Chen Ping received a brand new script.

This script is called Changjin Lake.



There are two parts of this script.

The first part is called Changjin Lake, and the second part is called Shuimen Bridge.


In these two films, Chen Ping is not an actor, but has another more important position.

Kaige, Xu Ke, Chao Xian... you three are also the top directors in the country. The two films Changjin Lake and Shuimen Bridge are very large-scale, and it would be difficult for one person to shoot them. I think so , how about the three of you joining forces?

at this time.

The CEO of Bayi Film Studio said to the three directors.

The three directors looked at each other and nodded, indicating that there was no problem.


After the three of them nodded, Chen Kaige said: Mr. Yu, that's it. There is no problem for the three of us to cooperate. After all, we are familiar with each other. But you also know that each of the three of us has a different style. The three of us can work together. It’s possible, but I’m afraid that the styles of the three are not unified, which will affect the quality of the film.”

At this point, Lin Chaoxian and Xu Ke nodded: We are also worried about this.

There's nothing we can do about it.

CEO Yu Dong said: You also know the scale of Changjin Lake and Shuimen Bridge. Judging from the preparations, the extras alone will cost tens of thousands. If it is really directed by one of you, I guess it will be difficult.

Mr. Yu, you misunderstood. We are not saying that one person will shoot. What I mean is that we can also invite someone to be the chief director.

Director, hey, this is a good suggestion.

Yu Dong nodded: With this chief director, you can be more coordinated and coordinated, and your styles can also be closer. However, who do you think among the three of you is suitable to be the chief director?

Looking at Chen Kaige, Lin Chaoxian and Xu Ke.

In fact, Yu Dong also has some entanglements.

The three of them are all the top directors in the country, and it can be said that they are equally powerful.

If the director uses it well, it is naturally good.

But if the chief director is not chosen well, there will be too many problems.

However, Yu Dong misunderstood what Chen Kaige meant.

Then, Chen Kaige continued: No one of the three of us is suitable to be the chief director. Anyway, I am not convinced by Mr. Xu.

Xu Ke cursed with a smile, glared at Chen Kaige and said, Damn, you think I obey you.

On the other side, Lin Chao spread his hands and said, That's it. You are dissatisfied with both of them.

Hahaha...this is what you are doing.

Yu Dong was helpless: Okay, you don't agree with anyone, who do you want me to invite to be the chief director?

Actually, I have a candidate.

Chen Kaige said.

No, Brother Kaige, I also have someone to choose.

Old Monster Xu is also ready to recommend one.

Hey, hey, I have one too.

Lin Chaoxian interrupted the two of them.

No, let me say it first.

No, the one I recommend is absolutely awesome.

Come less, the one I recommend is even better.

Seeing that the three of them were arguing again.

Finally, CEO Yu Dong said: This way, each of you will write a name and send it to me.

After a while.

Yu Dong received names recommended by three people.

one look.

Yu Dong smiled: Oh, you guys are fighting over each other, but it turns out that the ones recommended are the same person.

Open three slips of paper.

The names written by the three people were all Chen Ping.

It seems that Chen Ping is what everyone expects.

Yu Dong said with emotion.

Yes, I was the first to know Chen Ping. I want to say that Chen Ping is definitely qualified to be our chief director.

When Chen Kaige said this, he recalled that Chen Ping participated in his variety show Actors Please Take Your Place.

Chen Ping was still a young actor at that time, but now he has become a person that he admires.

Chen Ping is the actor who has acted in the most of my films, and I know him best. I am convinced that he is the chief director.

Xu Ke also said at this time.

Speaking of this, Xu Ke couldn't help but recall the series of films in which Chen Ping starred in him.

It's just a pity.

After Swordsman, Chen Ping never cooperated with Tsui Hark again.

However, this is why Tsui Hark admires Chen Ping even more.

Just like he played Swordsman.

After winning the title of Swordsman, Chen Ping is truly Swordsman.

Although I am the last to know Chen Ping, I still have to call him teacher.

Lin Chaoxian's previous film Operation Red Sea was also influenced by Chen Ping.


Before filming started, Lin Chaoxian also asked Chen Ping for advice.


The reason why the three of them recommended Chen Ping was not only because of their admiration, but also because they had an ambition.

That's beyond Titanic.


Titanic starring Chen Ping has created an amazing record around the world.

This record scares almost all directors around the world.

Everyone believes that no one can break this record for 20 years.

The three of them thought so too.

Based on their abilities, they probably won't be able to break it in their lifetime.


If Chen Ping takes action, it will be different.

PS: The book Rebirth of the Thousand-Faced Movie King officially ends today. If you think about it, the results of this book were disastrous before it hit the shelves. Fortunately, Dabai persisted, and thanks to the support of so many brothers, the results of this book are getting better and better. Although the number of completed words is not very large, only more than 1.5 million words. But Dabai also wrote what should be written, especially in many of Dabai's favorite films, Dabai asked the protagonists to either participate in or invest in... As for what happened after Chen Ping became the chief director of Changjin Lake, Dabai did not continue to write .

I think everything in the future is enough for everyone to imagine.

As for what Dabai said, can the two series of Changjin Lake beat Titanic.

I think everyone will know when Watergate Bridge is released at the end of this year.

Even if you can't Pk, it's probably not that far off.

I wish domestic movies will get better and better.

Dear readers, see you in the next book.

I hope you will not remove this book from your bookshelf. When a new book is created, Dabai will notify you in the chapter of this book.

at last.

I wish my brothers a Happy Chinese New Year in advance.

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