Rebirth of the Thousand-Faced Movie King

Chapter 415: Behind us, there is a strong motherland

After the crew of Inception confirmed the male lead, Chen Ping, they held the opening ceremony half a month later.

As the great director Nolan, as well as the male lead Chen Ping, they have attracted a lot of media attention.

Nolan goes without saying.

He is a well-known director and has directed many heavyweight films before.

Who doesn’t look forward to his new film?

Chen Ping.

Originally, this actor was just an average actor and star in Hollywood, and at most he was slightly famous.


After Iron Man, Chen Ping became the focus of media attention.


One billion US dollars.

Two for $1 billion.

USD 1 billion.

In addition, the movie in which he plays the male lead has also exceeded 1 billion US dollars. How dare you look down on him?


Many media also want to take a look.

Chen Ping once again takes on the role of male lead in a film, can he still recreate his miracle?

For this.

Nolan is very confident.


After the opening ceremony, Nolan also asked Chen Ping to perform the first scene in front of all the media.

This first shot is to dispel everyone’s doubts.

In fact, Chen Ping once again shocked the media reporters.

After Chen Ping came on stage, Chen Ping became the absolute core of the entire set.

This was even before Chen Ping used the Absolute Domain very much.

With Chen Ping's current state.

Even if you don't actively use the talent Absolute Domain, the entire space and the entire domain are completely controlled by Chen Ping.

This is not just for journalists.

The same goes for actors.

As long as Chen Ping was involved, they all found that they were involuntarily influenced by Chen Ping.


Many times when they say a line or perform an action, they will look at Chen Ping and then perform other actions after Chen Ping gives feedback.

Okay, great.

Chen Ping, did you use some magic? Why do the photographers keep staring at you?

No matter what, after three months, we finally finished filming Inception.

Three months later, Chen Ping finished filming Inception.

at this time.

After receiving a call from Wu Jin, Chen Ping planned to return to China first.

As for returning home.

Mainly, Wolf Warrior 1 starring Wu Jin is about to be released.

Brother Ping, please help me stand on stage at the press conference.

I'm not participating in the show, so why should I stand on it?

Brother, don't be like this, I'm very panicked now.

After all, Wolf Warrior 2 hasn’t been filmed yet.

How could Wu Jin have such strong self-confidence at this time.

This time I called Chen Ping, not only because Wolf Warrior 1 was about to be released, but also because I wanted Chen Ping to stand up for him and cheer him up.

He knew it.

With Chen Ping's popularity.

Even if you don't participate in the show, just standing there will increase the box office by several hundred million.

But Chen Ping refused.

It's not that Chen Ping doesn't want to give Wu Jin a platform.

But Chen Ping felt that Wu Jin had to go through this process.

if there is not.

Where is the future of Wolf Warrior 2?

There's nothing to panic about.

Chen Ping comforted Wu Jin and said, I'm optimistic about your film Wolf Warrior 1. Even without me, it will definitely win the love of the audience.


Why else would I come back? I'm very busy in Hollywood.

Ah ah... ok, but, Brother Ping, I'll be very happy if you can come back.

With Chen Ping's support, although he was not given a platform, Wu Jin also gained a sense of confidence in his heart.

After the press conference, Chen Ping and Wu Jin watched the premiere of Wolf Warrior 1 together.

This version of Wolf Warrior 1 is similar to the previous version of Wolf Warrior 1. There are only slight changes in some details, but there are not many changes overall.

However, this was Wu Jin's first time making a military-themed film, and there were not many famous domestic films to refer to.

So the whole story is not very big.

But that doesn't matter.

The rise of domestic films will only develop slowly step by step.

As before.

Why is it that in China, if a movie breaks 200-300 million yuan, champagne must be opened to celebrate?

Take a look now.

If it doesn't break 1 billion yuan at the box office, you'd be embarrassed to say your movie is a hit.

Brother, how do you like this Wolf Warrior?

have no idea.

I didn't know you asked me to come and see it together?

Didn't you see that it says Chen Ping's works? I came here for Chen Ping.

Teacher Chen Ping also appeared?

That's not true...

Holy shit.

What the hell... Although Mr. Chen Ping did not appear in the movie, when has a movie with the title of Chen Ping's work ever disappointed us?

That's true.

at this time.

Like Chen Ping and Wu Jin, a large number of movie fans also entered the cinema.

Although they have not seen many military movies, countless people still went to the cinema because of Chen Ping's works.

For this.

Chen Ping was also pleased.

The IP he worked hard to build over the years has not been in vain.

Although he did not star in the film, the two characters Chen Ping are there, which is a guarantee of box office.

Brother Ping, you are awesome.

Wu Jin gave Chen Ping a thumbs up.

This kind of situation makes Wu Jin extremely envious.

He is obviously the leading actor, and he is also the director... but his name is not as good as Chen Ping.

But Chen Ping said again: Don't worry, I believe you can do it in the future too.


Take the past life as an example.

The two words Wu Jin are also a guarantee of box office.

It can even be said to be a guarantee of super box office.

In the films of Wu Jin in his previous life, he broke records time and time again.

In the words of the media.

The only one who can defeat Wu Jin is Wu Jin.

Although Wu Jin is far less famous than himself now.

But Chen Ping also believed it.

After the filming of Wolf Warrior 2 starts in the future, the situation will be completely different.


Some people may say that Chen Ping is not cultivating competitors for himself.

But Chen Ping had no such idea at all.

The domestic film market is too big, so what if there are competitors?

Say it again.

With Chen Ping's current state of mind, he wouldn't worry about this.

not to mention.

No matter how Wu Jin develops in the future, everyone knows that it was all cultivated by Chen Ping.

That's too far.

Chen Ping and Wu Jin stared at the big screen.

Chen Ping has not watched Wolf Warrior 1 for a long time and is looking forward to it.

Although Wu Jin is the leading actor and director, watching his own movie in the cinema at this time is also a different mood.

Especially when he looked at the other audiences sitting there, he felt excited.

He recalled that he went to Hong Kong to develop his career, but after so many years, he didn't even get to be a leading male.

Unexpectedly, when he returned to China, Chen Ping actually supported him in filming this military genre that no one dared to touch.

Thinking of this, Wu Jin was a little worried again.

He was worried that people would not be interested in this military genre.

After all, no one had filmed it before, and even the ones that had been filmed were sold out at the box office.

He doesn’t know if the Wolf Warrior 1 he shot will do the same.


Wu Jin's worries were unnecessary.

Although Wolf Warrior 1 is not as passionate as the previous life Wolf Warrior 2.

But Wolf Warrior 1 also has a series of extremely burning places.

You will regret it for two years if you are a soldier, and you will regret it for a lifetime if you are not a soldier.

Don't underestimate hina, it's a forbidden area for mercenaries.

I don't have the feeling of killing, only the feeling of saving people. It feels good to rescue my comrades.

Although the story of Wolf Warrior 1 is very simple.

But listening to these lines, the spectators couldn't help but feel their blood boil.

Damn it, this movie is so exciting.

Yes, there is a feeling that I have never experienced when watching a movie before.

Yes, this feeling makes my blood boil.

Many people whispered.

It's different from other movies.

Some other types of movies are either funny, shocking, or touching.

But these are relatively ordinary personal feelings.


When this kind of emotion rises to a certain height, you will find that there is a higher level of emotion in your blood.


A lot of the time, he wasn't motivated.


The plot advances slowly.

When Leng Feng, the number one male character played by Wu Jin, defended his country on the sidelines, countless viewers had already screamed.

Anyone who hurts our citizens is our natural enemy.

This is our Chinese territory, and you have invaded illegally. I order you to stop the car immediately and surrender immediately.

The place we are going to protect is deserted all year round. If this battle had not happened, we might never have come here in our lifetime. There are no green mountains and green waters, no gold and silver treasures here, but in the eyes of our soldiers, this is the most beautiful place. This place, because it is the national essence line, is a place that we will defend with our lives and blood to the death! Now, let us swear with the dignity of soldiers: Anyone who offends our country will be punished no matter how far away!

When the last sentence, Anyone who offends China, will be punished no matter how far away... appears.

Throughout the cinema, countless audiences stood up one after another:

Those who offend China will be punished no matter how far away they are.

Those who offend China will be punished no matter how far away they are.

Anyone who offends China will be punished no matter how far away...

Brothers, I highly recommend a movie to everyone.

what movie?

Wolf Warrior 1.

It doesn't seem like there's much publicity. Who acted?

Wu Jin.

Who is Wu Jin?

Don't worry about who Wu Jin is. Although he is also a well-known actor, it is not important. What is important is that after you go in and watch it, you will know what the movie is like.

In the domestic film market, there has never been a movie like Wolf Warrior.

Movies in the past were either comedy films, police and gangster films, war historical films...etc.

But Wolf Warrior broke this system.

He added a new category to the movie category, military genre, or modern military war film.

This genre has an innate height.

In the past, not many people saw it, and no one took pictures of it.

But this moment.

When Wolf Warrior appeared, countless people were shocked by this film.

I also highly recommend this film. Damn it. I went there for Teacher Chen Ping. When I saw it, my blood is boiling.

The blood is boiling, what kind of hot-blood method?

I don't know how to say it. If you ask me to say it, I will only say one thing: Anyone who offends China will be punished no matter how far away it is.


Those who offend China will be punished no matter how far away they are.

The original text of this sentence is: Anyone who openly offends our strong men will be punished no matter how far away they are.

This sentence comes from a letter written by Chen Tang, a famous general in the Western Han Dynasty, to Emperor Yuan of Han Dynasty.

At that time, the Han Dynasty was powerful throughout the world.

Even now, countless people admire that era immensely.

But today...

Among the Wolf Warriors, he shouted, Anyone who offends China will be punished no matter how far away he is.

This slogan really inspired the passion hidden in the hearts of countless viewers.


Today's China is no longer a country that can be bullied by others.

China is now fully capable of protecting itself and every inch of its country's territory.

Today's China has full confidence in saying that those who offend our country will be punished no matter how far away they are.

Brother Ping, thank you.

At the celebration banquet, Wu Jin and Chen Ping hugged.

It never occurred to him.

Wolf Warrior 1, which had a relatively low investment and was his first time directing, was such a success.

You're here again, why are you so polite to me?

Chen Ping said: How do you feel?

It feels great.

Is there a sense of accomplishment?

Hahaha... yes.

Compared to the crowd of spectators, Wu Jin was full of strength at this moment.

The success of Wolf Warrior 1 swept away all the haze that Wu Jin had previously experienced.

He just felt like he had been injected with chicken blood, and he was extremely excited.

Don't be too excited. Wolf Warrior 1 is just looking down on a skill. What are you going to do next?

Brother Ping, I've thought about it, I'm going to film Wolf Warrior 2.


Chen Ping nodded: There is still a huge market for military genres and modern military warfare. Wolf Warrior 1 is just an appetizer, and the entire market is far from being opened. However, do you have any thoughts on Wolf Warrior 2? ?”

not yet.

I can give you a suggestion.

Brother Ping, tell me.

Wu Jin had immense respect for Chen Ping in front of him.

This legend in the Chinese film industry is definitely an idol worshiped by everyone in the domestic film industry.

In fact, Wolf Warrior 1 is not only a military-style movie, but also a main theme movie.

Main theme movie?

This was the first time Wu Jin heard the term main theme: What is a main theme movie?

To say that the concept is a bit complicated, to put it simply, everything that promotes truth, goodness and beauty is the main theme. The reason why Wolf Warrior 1 is successful is not only that we filmed a passionate story, but more importantly, it represents It conforms to the mainstream values ​​of the people. In other words, we have actually made a movie that the people have been looking forward to.

Seeing that Wu Jin didn't quite understand, Chen Ping continued: Take the recent news and current affairs as an example. There was a conflict in an area in Africa. For the safety of our overseas Chinese, the superiors took the initiative to send warships to escort us thousands of miles away. Returning to the motherland. We see what it feels like, just like Wolf Warrior 1... There is a kind of passion in our hearts, and we will have a sense of pride at this time. So, in Wolf Warrior 1, we can send out, offend me Even if the Chinese are far away, they will punish such rhetoric. In Wolf Warrior 2, we can also let all viewers know that behind us, there is a powerful motherland...

What is the main melody

This is the main theme.

This is the real reason why Wolf Warrior 2 has a terrifying box office of 5.6 billion, which is close to 5.7 billion.

Behind us, there is a strong motherland.

Listening to Chen Ping's words, Wu Jin clenched his fists tightly.

After a while, Wu Jin said very seriously: Brother Ping, I know how to shoot Wolf Warrior 2.

Okay, I'll wait for your Wolf Warrior 2.

Chen Ping is also looking forward to it.

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