Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 469 Visitors from Albania

Montenegro, outsiders call it the Kingdom of Montenegro. This is what the Venetians call it. It is the only place on the Balkan Peninsula that escaped Ottoman rule. Legend has it that when God created the world, there were many rocks left in the world, so he created Montenegro, which is Today's Heishang Principality.

Although the Ottomans had a short-term occupation in history, in the end, decades ago, due to the various European powers' ambitions for the Ottoman Empire in Montenegro, they finally gained independence in 1910 and established the current Principality of Montenegro. This was approved by the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Tsarist Russia, Britain, France, Italy, etc. In response to this, the Ottoman Empire had no choice but to swallow its sigh of relief when facing the nods of this group of great powers. However, things turned around. Unexpectedly, I was ready to agree to such a thing, but in the end it was because of Spain. The final result was that Spain became the protectorate of the Principality of Montenegro, and as an ally of Spain, the Ottoman Empire actually received additional subsidies. That's it. Received a large amount of financial support from Spain.

This was actually a disguised form of Spanish recognition, and the Ottomans gave up their rights there and obtained the trading benefits of the sovereignty transfer. For the face-saving Ottomans, what could be a more satisfactory result than this? What's more, due to Spain's intervention, the Ottoman Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which had always regarded each other as regional competitors, unexpectedly The matter was reconciled by shaking hands, and from then on it was determined that Montenegro would be a model for cooperation between the two countries.

Of course, Spain plays a role in it. Needless to say, everyone understood it tacitly.

Montenegro used to be a principality, but it emerged as a principality under the Ottoman Empire. Now it is an autonomous principality under Spain. The military, politics and diplomacy are all under the jurisdiction of Spain. As for the economy, it continues to be under the jurisdiction of the Grand Duke of Montenegro (originally it was supposed to be It is managed by the King of Montenegro). Albania is the territory of the Ottoman Empire. It is also the only sea point of the Ottoman Empire in the Balkan Peninsula. It is the second territory in the Balkan Peninsula after Macedonia. Together they formed the current Ottoman Empire's stronghold on the Balkan Peninsula, according to outsiders. This is the only souvenir of the Ottoman Empire, a great power in Europe and Asia, that is worth remembering its glorious past.

Albania can be said to have become an important place of influence for the Ottoman Empire in Europe. today. This influential place has many mysterious guests.

"Distinguished guests, welcome to our beautiful Albania, welcome to Tirana. Our Minister."

Muslim Middle Eastern clothing is still as conspicuous as ever. Everyone sees this outfit. You know without asking that you are standing on the territory of a Muslim country.

Janos Hardik is the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Hungary, but this time he does not only represent Hungary, but represents the entire Austro-Hungarian Empire. Heinrich Lamarche, the Austrian Prime Minister, stayed on the mainland to prevent emergencies from coming, so that the empire could naturally continue to operate normally.

The Austro-Hungarian Empire was a country with a dual system, and the Kingdom of Hungary was the largest merged country after the Kingdom of Austria. In this country, the most important components are these two countries. Franz-Josef I is the largest ruler above these two countries, similar to the Secretary-General of the United Nations Headquarters in the 21st century. However, compared to the United Nations, Joseph I had even greater power. On the contrary, he specialized in managing politics, military and diplomacy, and local management.

As the current power of the Austro-Hungarian Empire ranks only after Joseph I and Crown Prince Ferdinand, and the same as Heinlis, he is definitely a powerful person now.

Otherwise, there would be no important figures in the power center of the Ottoman Empire this time. Now Enver Pasha, the military minister of the Ottoman Empire, came out to greet him personally. As a representative of the tough military, Enver Pasha was definitely one of the important hawkish souls of the Ottoman Empire. Such people came out to greet him in person, which shows that Istanbul definitely takes János Hardik's arrival seriously. Of course, if you add Spanish guests, then this kind of treatment will be even more understandable.

The guest from Spain this time is Omer, Spain’s current finance minister. Although in Spain, the status of the Finance Minister is ranked behind the King, Prime Minister, and the Military Minister of Defense and Chief of General Staff, followed by the Foreign Secretary and the Navy Minister, ranking fifth in the same row.

You know, the Minister of Finance has always been one of the main contenders for Spain's next Prime Minister in Spain, and only the Minister of Foreign Affairs can rival him.

Therefore, compared to the current Janos, Enver actually pays more attention to Omer. Of course, this is what he says from his heart.

Since this meeting was held in secret, the number of people brought by each party was not too large, so a lot of etiquette was saved.

After a short break, the three met again, this time in a secret conference room that had been prepared.

As a landowner, Enver Pasha naturally spoke first: "Although the arrival of the two of them was carried out in secret, it definitely attracted the attention of His Majesty the King of our country. Therefore, before coming, His Majesty our King has asked us to express our sincere I come to interact with you with an attitude to show Ottoman’s friendship towards the two countries.”

Omer and Omer naturally looked shabby with smiles on their faces, but time like this passed by very quickly.

He quickly got to the point.

Janos: "This time our Austro-Hungarian Empire has encountered unprecedented challenges. Although Tsarist Russia has been severely constrained in the Far East and other places, we still underestimated this country's war potential. Now that the war engine has begun to operate, We discovered that Tsarist Russia, which was already operating with difficulty on the surface, still had no intention of being too tired to move. This put tremendous pressure on us, Austria-Hungary."

Speaking of this, Janos glanced at the two opponents, and then said: "I hope that as an ally, and also as our Austro-Hungarian enemy is the common enemy of our countries, we can get more moral support and help from our allies. "

Omar didn't say anything, but his face showed sympathy and determination.

But he had different ideas in his heart. Yes, we are allies, but this ally is pulling the skin of a tiger to perform this different action. This action still does not take into account the general interests. At the beginning, Spain did not agree with the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Yes, but if Joseph I, or Archduke Ferdinand, wanted to do this, he would say that he did it to give Archduke Ferdinand authority. This is definitely a very good reason for ordinary people. . So that ordinary people cannot refuse.

Enver Pasha is a very direct person, and the quality of a soldier is often reflected in his life. Even now, this quality is also reflected at this time.

"We are very sympathetic to your country's experience, and we also very much agree with what you have said." After pausing and glancing at Omer next to him, who still had the same expression as before, Enver Pasha continued. (To be continued...)

ps: There is one more update.

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