Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 390 comes fiercely!

"Selling newspapers, selling newspapers, Spain fought back hard. Under the pressure and ridicule of the world's powerful countries, Spain won another victory and became the focus of the world's attention again."

"The latest news is that Spain is taking action again. African railways are rising. Spain will break Britain's monopoly on connecting routes from the European Mediterranean, the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean. Once again, people can see the power of Spain over the years. The world is shocked by Spain this time. "Under the generosity of

"Selling newspapers and reading newspapers, Spain is building a large railway across Africa. It is planning to establish a railway connecting the east and west ends of central Africa to the sea within five years. When it is finally completed, Spain will become as powerful as the United Kingdom. The mobile military and material capabilities in major regions around the world can greatly improve Spain’s combat capabilities and strategic height."

"Spain, when the whole world thought that Spain would become weak, came with such a desperate counterattack, which showed that even if Alfonso XIII is not around, Spain is definitely not someone to be bullied."

"Boom", the Elysee Palace, the presidential residence, in Paris, France. Paul Dume put the cup in his hand fiercely on the table, with a look of anger on his face. The people next to him obviously already knew the news, so they all had natural expressions on their faces. [

"Damn it, Helio, what are you doing? You don't even have any news. This has completely destroyed the environment we have created."

Sitting in front of Paul Dume were Prime Minister Gaston Dumelo and Foreign Minister Edouard Herriot. Finance Minister Raymond Poon, War Minister Alexander Millerand, and Navy Minister Camille Pelletin.

Edward Herriot also had a slight embarrassment on his face. This matter was simply too weird. He had not received any news at all beforehand, especially about the British government and parliament passing the South Sudan deal with Spain. However, he has not even received any news about this matter. This shows that their Ministry of Foreign Affairs really needs further reform. But under the current circumstances. But he couldn't say anything to the president because he didn't know what to say.

Naturally, Paul Dume would not really take pleasure in scolding Edward Herriot, he was just a little angry.

This thing is really unexpected. To be honest, if in this world. The person who can truly make Paul Dume feel the most dangerous. He would point directly at Alfonso XIII without any choice or hesitation. Because the second one was the Marquis Yan Shunyan who had been in contact with him before, but the latter's Chinese identity was destined to not have much advantage in the public opinion market in Europe. As for Chirac, who later accepted Yan Shun, he seemed a bit immature, at least in his eyes.

Therefore, in his opinion, Alfonso is the one who can really protect his safety and status. Of course, he will not be stupid enough to murder the other party, because this will definitely not be of much benefit to him. Yes, because things will become even worse because of this. After all, I really have some unclear life experiences. It is easy. Under the operation of Alfonso XIII, my political future may not be difficult to guarantee. .

Therefore, regarding the natural disappearance of Alfonso XIII this time, he was of course very easy for the other party to disappear since then, but it was not very urgent because at their level, in fact, many false accusations and formal evidence had been There is not much difference. You can insult the head of a country, and the people of that country will hate you for it. But after you come up with some evidence, you can say how the head of the country deceived the people, so The rhetoric will definitely make the people suspicious. At the same time, you may be counterattacked at any time and become a foreign spy, trying to undermine the stability of this country.

Therefore, whether it is real or fake, some things have lost a certain effect in their opinion, but that is the case in the hands of others, but in the hands of Alfonso XIII, it is not the same as others. Yyng, Alfonso XIII’s mediocre methods allowed him to witness many incredible things happening. Therefore, even after knowing that Alfonso XIII had disappeared for several months, he still They still suppressed the diplomatic strategies of the government and the people who wanted to counterattack Spain, but continued to let France encourage Russia to come out and conduct conspiracy tests against Spain, wanting to see what Spain's lowest level is. The bottom line is what the UK and powerful countries such as Germany, the US and Italy are unanimously willing to see. Therefore, during this period, Spain felt somewhat powerless and difficult to vent in terms of diplomacy and politics.

This is due to the tacit understanding between the major powers, which exerts Spain's influence in their respective regions or within their respective spheres of influence.

Originally this was a very good strategy. In their opinion, if King Alfonso XIII of Spain was really still around, he would have come forward to give everyone a "surprise", but now they have waited. Such a surprise made Ben Luo Dumei particularly angry that Britain actually reached such a secret agreement with Spain for a small profit, but countries like France were kept in the dark. Fortunately, in the end, Britain suffered from its own greed. Thinking of this, Paul Dume felt better.

I call you greedy, let’s see if you cry now or get angry.

Edward fell down on the office chair on the side, rubbed his forehead desperately, and said after a long time: "We have been fooled by them, because they will do something to them when Alfonso XIII disappears. Our press made some moves such as giving in. In fact, they did that in many small things, but it was their guidance that guided us. In terms of what Spain will do after losing Alfonso XIII, the result is that we can only end up with the current result."

Gaston Dumelo frowned. After thinking about it, he said: "Let's not mention these for now. What we should be most concerned about now is how we should deal with Spain's influence in Africa. This is the most serious problem we face now. Alas, The opening of this railway will definitely make a qualitative leap in Spain's influence."

"The Prime Minister is right. Although we originally had a certain distance and other geographical disadvantages compared to Spain on the sea route, our large-scale colonies on the African continent make it difficult for us to compare with Spain there. This allows us to achieve a balance. However, if Spain adds this railway, the final result is that Spain can stop us from going south to Africa at sea, and on land, it can stop us from going south to Africa. On those territories, a line was reached and formed a strong rope, making it difficult for many people to break free. It was under such circumstances that we were surrounded by Spain," Army Minister Alexander Millerand sighed.

Although we can maintain a balance in the Mediterranean, on the Atlantic, going south to Africa is even more severe, because the Portuguese ports provide Spain with the ability to block us at any time and anywhere. Therefore, Morocco and Ghana in the south are also Islands, these have already made people feel Spain's wexe force on us, plus South Somalia in the east and Libya in the north, as well as the Ottoman Empire, which has a quasi-alliance with Spain, and now its new ally Ethiopia.

These have seriously suppressed our reputation in Africa. What's more serious is that there are many tribes there, and many tribes are dissatisfied with us. At this time, if we show some slight signs of looking down on Spain, it is very likely that This will cause these tribes to lose confidence in us, and then hook up with Spain, a big ship in their eyes. Then our colonies in Africa may become isolated. "

"Let's contact the UK directly. After all, the UK should feel angry now that they were deceived. If we convince them at this time, we are still very sure?" Edward Herriot said tentatively, focusing on President Paul Du On the body of the United States and Prime Minister Gaston Dumelo.

Paul Dume felt much better after venting. After listening to Herriot's words, he shook his head and said: "It's hard to say, but I have a hunch that the British will not stand up to accuse Spain this time. Even if British nationals will not stand up, because Spain's actions this time are so abnormal, so abnormal that Britain, which has always been cautious, will definitely hesitate because of this and will not make up its mind to show off with Spain."

Saying this, he suddenly stood up and said: "We must pay attention to Spain's actions this time. Although there is no need to actually engage in any kind of conspiracy with the British, diplomatic terms are still needed, and it is good to give a hint to let the British know our intentions." Attitude, I think, next, I still need to go to St. Petersburg and Washington.”[

"St. Petersburg and Washington?" When the other people heard this, they had already guessed what President Paul Dume meant. Yes, France still felt that it was weak. The relationship between Britain and Spain was unclear, and the relationship between Germany and Italy was unclear. The close proximity of wexe has already made some people in France panic, and this incident in Africa really makes many things in France need to be accelerated.

The third update, there are still 4,000 words left. (To be continued...)

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