Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 371 Movie Wave

"Damn Spain!" This is the opening comment title of the Los Angeles Times, the largest newspaper in the western United States.

"Spain is a country that was born with bullfighting as a very dangerous activity. People will die from it anytime and anywhere. However, such an event is a festival loved by the whole people in Spain, and everyone participates in it. Some people say that this is the source of Spain's adventurous maritime spirit hundreds of years ago. However, some people also think that this is the reason why Spain likes war. Let's ignore it for the time being because yesterday, we saw that in addition to Apart from Spanish bullfighting, there is something that Spain is proud of and that is somewhat controversial, and that is Spanish films, which directly host the world's first film festival award ceremony. In it, we see that Spain has a film that deserves the attention of the whole people. What deserves the world to deepen its exploration of Spain is that the Spanish film world has become a miniature version of the world. We are destined to need to understand Spain before we can understand the world. Damn Spain, why are you still so charming?"

The Los Angeles Times is the mouthpiece of the California consortium. It can be said that it represents the main voice of this consortium in the United States. With the support of many states and cities in the west and south, it has become a subtle way for these states and cities to safeguard their own interests. Use it to compete with the supporting regions of the "Chicago Times" in the north and center and the "New York Times" in the east. From this, we can also see that the political landscape of the United States has changed over the years with "Los Angeles and other western and southern United States." Rapidly developing and increasing economic status in the United States. They have become the third internal king of the United States, forming a wrestling triangle.

With the emergence of the Liberal Party in the South, especially the development of the southern oil industry, the rise of the Texas consortium has made people gasp again, and it seems that the Liberal Party and the Texas consortium are also aware of their embarrassment at this time, so , they chose to establish a newspaper exclusively for the South last year, and "American Southern News" became their mouthpiece in the United States.

Naturally, they also participated in this movie feast, and they were not far behind and made comments. [

"Everyone can see it. This is to give the whole world a show of strength. Give people all over the world a feast to enjoy the visual feast?"

"With the development of the economy, Spain has now become the focus of the world's most attention in other aspects. This world is absolutely crazy. Thousands of people come in and out of Spain every day. This is It is far beyond the reach of the United States. Spain, with Europe behind it, has been accumulating for more than ten years. In their distant history, they have become the most concerned place in Europe and even the world.

This trip to Barcelona has allowed everyone in the world to see a deeper Spain. This has shown that Spain is undergoing a large-scale reform consciousness. This is not what the Catholic Church wants to see, but this It is indeed going on, which illustrates a problem, that is, the Spanish king and government have reached the point of controlling the power and intensity of the people, to the point of innocence, and to the point where the Catholic Church can only resist silently. The point of acceptance.

Therefore, when it comes to religious issues, Spain has also stepped out of the forefront of European countries with many religions.

After leaving, what I want to warn everyone is that Spain seems to be operating the largest reform of itself and the world since the Middle Ages. If other countries want to continue to be in the world and not fall behind other countries, then they must follow closely. We should follow the footsteps of Spain and walk toward each other instead of facing each other. "

This is a positive move taken by "The South" in the face of its own rise and to open up its position in the American newspaper industry. This time it interviewed the president of Harvard University, the most famous university in the United States. His speech was indeed It has attracted great attention from the United States and triggered many echoes, demanding that the US government must improve US foreign policy, as well as asking US Secretary of State Philander Knox to deal with foreign and domestic affairs. It must be prepared to follow Spain's footsteps so that the United States can expand its presence in the world.

Such calls are naturally not made by the Republican and Democratic parties. These two parties mainly rely on financial groups as their main supporters, so their idea is to serve their own party's supporters as their main service targets.

The two major parties that made such an appeal were the Progressive Party and the Liberal Party. Their relationship with Spain is definitely known to the whole world, so when they expressed their support in newspapers, the American people had no objection, especially as the third party. The Progressive Party of the three major parties directly proposed that the United States needs to learn from the development and reform of the Spanish film industry. The development process of these Spanish films should be used as a model for the United States to further study and deepen the development of the United States in the film industry.

He also called on the U.S. government to strongly support the gathering of American filmmakers held in Los Angeles to discuss the future of American film development. These calls have received strong support from major states and cities in the western United States, and Hispanics across the United States also support such moves, because these are fundamentally things that benefit the United States. Therefore, the President of the United States For William Taft also agreed. He also stated that on this issue, he would prepare for exchanges of visits between government cabinets that require the government to reach a policy exchange with Spain.

Surprisingly, the Democratic and Republican parties in the United States did not speak out this time, because they were indeed alarmed by Barcelona, ​​Spain. In that beautiful world, the two parties attended the movie this time. After the people from the meeting came back, they told their party members what they had seen in Barcelona with a look of shock on their faces. You can imagine the shock it brought. So this time, the two parties were quiet. But it is somewhat understandable.

As the President of the United States who has been attacking Spain in the past, Theodore Roosevelt is also very concerned about this incident. Faced with Spain's success at the movie party, it is naturally impossible to turn a blind eye. He was shocked, but he would not relax his vigilance against Spain because of this. On the contrary, he became even more vigilant towards Spain, because the more powerful Spain is, it proves that the United States' space for activities is becoming more and more important. The addition became smaller. Therefore, he couldn't wait to find his political assistant, Elihu Root.

First update. ()

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