Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 225: Roosevelt’s lifelong enemy

"The 'Golden Cobra' exercise lasted for one month, starting from July 1st and ending at the end of August. On the surface, this exercise is the second annual routine in the name of so-called humanitarian relief and maintenance of world peace. However, if we think of Spain’s ongoing strategic eastward shift focusing on the Pacific, especially when China is teetering on the brink of collapse and Japan and Russia are eyeing preparations to target the Far East, what this exercise revealed The strategic information released is unusual. Therefore, the United States needs to be more vigilant at this time, even the United Kingdom and the German Empire.

first. The structure of Spain's command of the Pacific Allied Forces has taken initial shape.

During the first 'Cobra Gold' exercise last year, five countries including Spain, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador jointly dispatched troops to the Pacific. Among them, Spain dispatched more than 10,000 naval forces to Western Australia, New Zealand, and Guam in the Western Pacific. Participated in the exercise, accounting for nearly 60% of the total military exercise force at that time. At that time, other countries in the world were also involved as observer countries. This can increase transparency and can be said to have a strong lineup. From this lineup, it can be seen that once a war breaks out in South America in the future, Spain will be stationed to the west of the South Pacific. The Pacific is the main one to command the military management of these five countries.

This year, with the addition of Colombia, Venezuela, and Mexico, it is actually equivalent to the fact that except for Brazil and Argentina, all the major countries in Latin America have shown up to join the Pacific coalition led by Spain. In addition, in the second half of this year, the Caribbean Exercises, in fact, in these two places, Spain has become a major military player in the region. In addition, Spain's warships are constantly cruising in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, which shows that Spain has become a rapidly rising global power in all parts of the world. In this regard, it is precisely the shortcomings of the United States. This time we still found observer countries to observe, but there were much fewer than before. Although the observer countries did not participate in the exercise, they sent observers to observe, especially the participation of established European powers such as Britain, France, and Germany, which were the first to get involved in Asian interests. Although Australia has already allowed the British to station troops, the country has always expressed its interest in becoming an observer country this year, so it successfully followed the British and obtained admission tickets. What is surprising is that the two Nordic countries, Norway and Sweden, have begun to participate in the exercise this time. This clearly shows that the relationship between Spain and the two countries has begun to become increasingly heated. What is curious is that Meng Meng has always been inseparable. Denmark did not participate even though Norway and Sweden participated, which puzzled many people around the world.

Of course, the most shocking strategic signal revealed by this exercise is that Italy, the Ottoman Empire, and the Rashid family participated in the exercise as participating countries, which may greatly stir up the situation in Europe.

This arrangement is listed in the same order as other Spanish allies, which clearly shows the priority and attitude of the host Spain. It vaguely foreshadows that after Spain decides to expand exercises in the Pacific and join exercises in the Indian Ocean, Spain will not only diplomatically support Mexico and other South American countries in Pacific disputes to counteract or even provoke their northern neighbors, but also This clearly shows that Spain will get closer to military integration with these countries in the future.

This exercise is not the same version as last year's military exercise. The naval exercise does not include exercises in Europe and Africa, but only exercises in Oceania, the Pacific and the Indian Ocean. The size of its navy is one notch smaller than Spain's full military participation last year. In this exercise, the three major European powers of Spain, Italy and the Ottoman Empire substantially participated, and Spain's future allies are also ready to emerge.

On the first day after the exercise, regarding the Pan-European rating company's rating of Siemens, a company in the German Empire, their national governments unanimously expressed their approval of such an approach. This situation shows that Spain has a huge political status and appeal in today's world. Although Spain ranks among the top four industrially and only among the top four militarily among all countries in the world, through this period The attitude of various countries over time has revealed a problem, that is, there are many independent countries in the world now holding Spain's stinky foot.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that for this exercise, countries that support Spain's position on the Dutch Indonesian dispute were invited. Spain also invited all the major countries that had issues with the United States, but only excluded the United States. This strategy is aimed at the United States. The intention is self-evident. Even the British media commented: Since Spain has promulgated a new military strategy centered on the Pacific in the past few years, this exercise will be used by Spain to strengthen the cooperation between its allies in the Pacific and curb the rise and military strength of the United States in the Pacific. The powerful implications of enlargement are self-evident.

Through this implicit arrangement, Spain sent a clear warning to the United States: Only Spain can organize and lead such alliances and exercises. Like Britain, the most powerful country in the Indian Ocean, Spain remains the dominant force in the Pacific. This military exercise involving the participation of 15 countries is of the same origin as the previous hurricane exercise of eight Caribbean countries organized by Spain that excluded the United States. It is based on Spain's diplomatic achievements and shows the United States the achievements of "conquering troops": Spain has already conquered the East. America's neighbors in the Pacific and South Pacific are all organized into an alliance, and this alliance may even include Japan. This is a method that political commentators in the Spanish media openly discussed in Spain in April this year to adopt encirclement tactics against the United States. The implication of drawing Japan to Spain's side is not only to embarrass the United States through isolation. But it really makes the United States huddled in the North Pacific forever in the Pacific.

The evidence is that this year the Spanish Navy announced that it will transfer more than 30 warships of the navy to the Western Pacific next year. Coupled with the New Zealand and nearby Pas garrison in the South Pacific, these can firmly lock in any changes in the United States. The exercise held before the arrival of a large number of Spanish naval forces was based on the background of the time when Spain warned the United States not to get too close to Russia. Now it is simultaneously warning the United States not to "take advantage of the situation" by its allies in the Pacific who are attacking Spain. The key point of the new military strategy announced is to tell the United States that Spain is watching you, brother.

Whether it is the Western Pacific, the Eastern Pacific, the South Pacific, or the Caribbean Sea, they are all beyond the reach of the current Spanish local military power. For this reason, it has become an inevitable choice to build regional alliances, use allied bases and military power, and cooperate with Spain in participating in the war. In order to test the strength of the alliance, exercises have become the most effective means of military diplomacy.

July 1st is a very special day for the Americas. It is the day when the American Civil War dawned. At the same time, this day also represents the defeat of the Spanish colonial America and its return to Europe, because this day is the day when the American Civil War dawned. It's Guatemala. El Salvador, Nicaragua. The day when Honduras and Costa Rica declared their independence from Spain, it is ridiculous now that this day has become the most intimate witness between Spain and South American countries. This is quite embarrassing.

This exercise was mainly conducted in the surrounding coastal areas of the South Pacific and Southeast Pacific. From Pas, it passes directly through the Nusa Tenggara Islands, which was formerly Dutch Indonesia and is now controlled by Spain, and then goes north to the Gulf of Siam in the Kingdom of Siam. From the east, it reaches Palawan, and then it goes east to the Bashi Strait and reaches the Spanish Navy of Guam. From the base, you can reach the Strait of Malacca, then go south to the Micronesian Islands, turn east to the Cook Islands, turn east and go north to Colombia, go south to Chile, then return west to New Zealand, and then return to Pasir Ris.

The entire month-long Golden Snake and Cobra exercise followed this route, treating the Pacific Ocean as its own pond, allowing Spain to enjoy the fun. This is the Golden Snake Cobra military exercise. Compared with the highly venomous cobra, a cobra made in Spain is more harmful to the United States. It is hoped that the US government can formulate a countermeasure as soon as possible to deal with the situation that is increasingly unfavorable to the United States. Otherwise, the United States may face a disaster that no one can imagine.”

"Is this the strategic report of the newly established presidential think tank in the United States this year? It's pretty well written." Theodore Roosevelt stared at the confidential report in his hand, and suddenly felt a sense of relief in his heart. It seemed that , that guy Taft still knows about Spain’s existential threat to the United States.

"The report is good, but it needs to be adopted by someone." Today is the day when Elihu Root and Theodore Roosevelt meet. Every week, they usually meet once and have a meeting, and they also discuss the three issues. Prepare to run again in the U.S. election next year. They were naturally very concerned about Spain's every move, especially the military exercises that were carried out during his term, which made him a little embarrassed. After all, if you really want to talk about it, the Monroe Doctrine in the United States was still very good in the past. , but after it came into its own hands, not only did the U.S. strategy lose its direction, but it also allowed Spain to take advantage of the situation and enter the place regarded as the backyard by the United States. It took root again nearly a hundred years later and is still here today. grew stronger.

It can be said that this is the biggest failure and shame in life for such a proud man. It is precisely because of this that he has even put Spain as the first enemy in his heart. Politicians who are only interested in profit have left him. Therefore, he has moved away from a real politician. All that's left is his stubbornly hostile view of Spain.

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