Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 195 A lifelong secret

Rafi: "Well said, then, Principal Medero, in your opinion, in what aspects will the Spanish government mainly conduct the military diplomacy you just mentioned?"

Metro: "We have learned about a lot of government-related decisions. I dare say that our Spanish government is the most open government in the world. We can discuss many things openly. For example, those of us now in The political topic discussed here is a very sensitive topic, which involves many situations that those of us have made public. It is possible that we will take what we guess and really accidentally disclose the real Spanish secrets. Let people all over the world know, haha, if it were in other countries, we would have committed a crime and even been imprisoned once, etc. However, in our country, we have not done this. This shows that our government is Enlightened governments, they do not engage in political blockades when it comes to us and when they face foreign countries.

The reason why I say this is that Spain's diplomacy is a very malleable political operation. Our diplomacy has no real fixity. If there is one, then allies are first and strategic partners are second. Grading is, therefore, I think that the Spanish government will conduct diplomatic actions in accordance with this set of relationship theories in the future. As for the military, it is well said that the military and diplomacy ignore the family, and the national interests always come first. Therefore, although the fixation of those levels is feasible, once it threatens the interests of Spain, it becomes Relaxed. "

Lafite: "Do you mean that when allies threaten Spain's interests, Spain will directly retaliate?"

Metro: "This is absolute. This can be said with certainty. Of course, I think that as Spain's allies, they will know where the bottom line of Spain's interests lies, such as territorial issues, and, for example, Spain Issues such as the property security of citizens, and even issues such as when Spain’s allies have disputes and Spain’s interests are provoked.”[

Lafite: "Can you explain the latter point more clearly? It's about the relationship between allies."

Metro: "Of course, as far as I know, there is a strong voice in the royal think tank, that is, as an ally of Spain, if there is a dispute between the two allies, such as As neighboring countries, the two countries have territorial disputes. At this time, as their allies, they naturally do not want to see their allies go to war because of these disputes, which will damage Spain's interests. The interests here include There are environmental issues surrounding Spain's business there. Also, don't forget, they are allies of Spain and they have military protection and cooperation with Spain. Their internal friction is actually internal consumption of strategic resources shared by Spain and their allies. Their damage In fact, it hurts their ability to cooperate with Spain, which is unfair to Spain. Therefore, Spain will never allow such a thing to happen."

Lafite: "Oh, we just can't kill each other. So what is Spain's countermeasure?"

Metro: "This should be answered by Louise. After all, sociology is her specialty."

Lafite: "Principal Louise!"

Louise: "What Metro said earlier is good. In fact, because of Spain, many countries in the world have now had rapid exchanges with each other. For example, the free trade agreement, Portugal and Spain signed the world's largest free trade agreement." The first free trade agreement, he implemented zero tariffs on all trade between the two countries. Therefore, the current trade exchanges and personnel exchanges between the two countries have actually implemented an integration strategy, which has promoted the relationship between the two countries. It can be said that the two countries of Xianzi have reached an unprecedented state of harmony. The society even gave a simple country name to represent the two countries called Spain and Portugal. It can be seen how close the exchanges between the two countries are. .

Since Spain and the four South American countries Chile, Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador, Portugal has now carried out comprehensive free trade with these four countries, using Spain as a transit point, and all five countries have benefited a lot. This is because of this kind of trade policy and the frequent exchanges between allies that have made the economies of the four South American countries develop so rapidly, and have even begun to catch up with the Eastern European countries. I believe that if things continue as they are now The speed of development will not even take five years, and it is very possible to surpass Eastern Europe and catch up with Central Europe and look far ahead to Western Europe. The four South American countries also have very close economic ties with other countries in the Americas, such as Venezuela, Colombia, Argentina, and Brazil. Their economic relations are as close as ours and France. Therefore, these countries have also driven the economies of other local countries. .

According to the recent agreements between Spain, Venezuela and Colombia, these two countries will become Spain's official free trade partners starting this autumn. By then, Spain's free trade alliance will expand to eight independent countries. Within the scope, the participation of the President of Mexico will naturally not be the reason why he has nothing to do. Everyone knows that he is also there for the development of the economy. At the same time, it is also the reason for trying to get rid of over dependence on the United States, so he is also Very important candidate country.

In addition to Mexico and most of the Kingdom of Najd under his leadership, as well as the Kingdom of Siam, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and other four countries that have now begun negotiations, if it is formed, then this free trade alliance will definitely be the world's economic circle Another great spectacle. And because most of its allies use pesetas, Spain's influence will definitely grow rapidly. On the contrary, if a war breaks out between Spain's allies, trade liberalization will of course start talking about it. This will also indirectly interrupt Spain's development path. His Majesty and the Spanish government under the leadership of Prime Minister Eugene will definitely not will allow such a thing to happen. Therefore, many of us feel that countries should be given some institutions to buffer their own conflicts. To this end, we have made suggestions to the government. The plan is to establish a special agency in Madrid to deal with conflicts between allies. The name of the contradictory headquarters organization is called Alliance Nations Arbitration."

The scene shifts to the Royal Palace of Madrid.

"Are you saying that you are deliberately exposing the news to other countries?"

"That's right. If we don't do this but put it forward forcefully during the meeting with them, even though they have a good impression of us and a lot of trust in us, they will still have doubts. Therefore, I will bring up what we want to talk about during the meeting. The content is broadcast directly on the radio, and our intentions are directly revealed through their watches. In this way, I think it will be easier for them to accept it. Also, it will be easier to understand. "

"But if this happens, wouldn't the whole world know our intentions?"

"Can we still keep our intentions secret?" Alfonso asked Patricia, who gave him a look. This made Alfonso smile bitterly.

"In short, I just feel that we can't tell them our intentions. After all, in addition to them listening, our potential enemy countries, our overt enemy countries, etc., will therefore be able to find loopholes more easily to plot against us. ."

Alfonso looked at that person who was thinking about Patricia in distress. On the contrary, his face was very calm. He took a leisurely sip of tea, and then said: "Don't worry, in fact, these are all It’s just on the surface, we still have back-up plans, our intentions are deeper.”

She gave him another look. Fortunately, she had been through the ancient education of the European kingdom. Otherwise, the flesh on Alfonso's body would have been destined to be healthier.

Alfonso naturally understood the meaning of his eye roll, cleared his throat, and then told her what he thought.

The scene returned to a broadcast room on the campus of the Complutense University of Madrid. [

"Aseline, tell me, why didn't our dean go up this time? How could it be replaced by the two of them? Really, and that Louise even said so brazenly that she wanted to submit to the World University Rankings If we are on par with the top three, doesn’t this mean that we, the University of Madrid, are not being looked down upon? It’s really abominable.”

"Okay, Jessica, what she said is actually right. Don't forget, the last time the dean taught us, he greatly appreciated the innovative teaching methods of the University of Salamanca and said that we would also start the semester To do that, it can be seen that this method is definitely very good." Aiselin looked at her roommate. From just now to now, this guy has been protesting about this matter.

"Huh, you guy, don't think I don't know. Louise is your idol, right? Huh, of course you are talking to your idol, pity my Principal Bart." Although the tone is not bad, but But his face showed the casual grumbling between friends.

"I think if other people hear it, you'll be dead," Athelin really said. Jessica really took it upon herself, "If you let others know that the prince charming in your heart is towards you, For him who is more than twice his age, I think your suitors will definitely overthrow the fourth-ranked university in the world. When the time comes, my idol will be able to step directly into the University of Madrid without even trying. Underfoot, and you, Jessica, will become the eternal sinner of the Complutense University of Madrid, which has been destroyed since its founding in 1499."

"Good sister, are you threatening me?" Jessica's eyes were full of murderous intent.

Aiselin said indifferently: "If, I think if your father, the head of the Linte family knew that you had such a dream lover, I wonder if he would directly kill the family members or directly kill the family members. How about using the best product, gunpowder, to blow this place up?”

"Hahaha, Aiselin. Don't come here. Don't think that I don't know. On the surface, you say that Louise is your idol. Don't think that I don't know. In fact, there is someone else? Louise is just covering it up. Just people”

Athelin's expression changed slightly, and then she quickly became calm again, "Oh, I'd like to hear it, tell me, who is my idol?"

"Then let me tell you, that is." He leaned his head on Aiselin's lower body, kissed her, and then smiled and said: "My childhood sweethearts grew up together, His Majesty the King, right?"

Aiselin glanced at her, and then left without saying a word.

Jessica from behind shouted: "Don't worry, even if I die, I won't tell anyone else, and the same goes for you. This is our lifelong secret."

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