Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 155: Just diverting attention

While everyone in the world was paying attention to the World Organization for Women, they did not realize that other things were also evolving, and they were not even smaller than the changes brought about by the World Organization for Women.

At the Venezuelan Presidential Palace, Gomez is currently meeting with important guests, including Spanish Prime Minister Eugene, Ecuadorian President Rafael Grete, Peruvian President Horta Humala, and Bolivian President Ike Morales. , Chilean President Bernardo Ozquin, and Colombian President Ramon Gonzalez Valencia.

Among them, Eugene has the most distinguished status, because looking at an oval table, Max is sitting in the middle opposite the door. On the left is Colombian President Ramon, on the right is Ecuadorian President Rafael, and on the second left is the Peruvian President. Horta, second from right is Chilean President Bernardona, third from left is Bolivian President Ike. There is also Mexican President Ferrio Díaz.

Yes, Ferrio Díaz, the independent president who has ruled Mexico for thirty-three years, is also here today. He came at the invitation of Spanish Prime Minister Eugene, not from the plan. Max, the host, of course, and most of the people sitting here also know that the reason why everyone is gathered here is also because of Spain. The funny thing is that Spain was the colonial power they had just overthrown more than a hundred years ago. Now, he has become their closest partner.

Of course, since even the President of Mexico, Ferrio Díaz, whom Spain invaded forty years ago, no longer cares about it, let alone those who are older, their interests come first. On his right was the Spanish Prime Minister Eugene, and the position that happened to be arranged was that Eugene sat opposite the host. The oval table allowed Max and Eugene to occupy both ends.

Although Max knew that the reason why such a big meeting was held today was not because of his face, he still felt extremely comfortable when he saw so many national leaders waiting for his speech. He was happy and happy, and even had a somewhat complacent look on his face. But when his eyes fell on Eugene, he put it away slightly. In the final analysis, he was just making vases, and Spain was still in charge.

He was a little envious of Eugene, even though the other person was just a subordinate of Alfonso XIII, and he was a subordinate for a four-year term. Compared with himself, he was suppressed by the king, and he could only suppress others. However, the other party's international status and weight are far beyond his own.

"Everyone, being able to come here today shows that we all have a common goal. I believe everyone knows that our positions are similar. I won't say more here. Prime Minister Eugene, I will leave it to you. "

Smiling and thanking him, Eugene said: "Thank you very much, President Hermes, for your warm hospitality. The food here is good. Over the years, under the leadership of His Majesty the King, Spain's achievements have been witnessed by everyone. To put it bluntly, Spain is now the most powerful competitor to become the third most powerful country in the world, behind only Britain and Germany."

When I heard the ranking mentioned by Eugene, no one had any objections. Yes, the U.S. economy is big and strong, but in terms of military, it is a Juno. Although the navy has many ships, it has many naval personnel on its shoulders. Too few. The total number of people is less than 30,000, which is less than one-third of Spain. The army is even smaller. The land is obviously much larger than Spain, but there are only 120,000 people. Including the navy, it is even better, 150,000 people.

The total number of Spanish navy, land and air forces exceeds 500,000, especially the Marine Corps, which has never appeared before. It is said that the number of personnel has reached more than 50,000. Therefore, in terms of comprehensive strength such as sea, land and air, plus economic population, economic potential, military potential, etc., it is not an exaggeration to be ranked third. In fact, many people have already regarded Spain as the Third Reich, but the Spanish media did not know it because they did not quote it.

Eugene continued: "Despite this, Spain still wants to continue to develop. Friends, partners and even allies, these are what Spain needs. With friends like you, Spain's development potential can continue to be stimulated. Of course , our development can also benefit your countries. For example, Ecuador is now. Ten years ago, I remember the first time I saw relevant data showing that the per capita income at that time was about 30. It was only 52 pesetas, but due to our heavy investment in repairing the port and increasing investment in agricultural products, it almost doubled to 52 pesetas in 1905. According to the forecast of the Atlantic Ratings Company, if we develop at this rate If this continues, by next year, in 1910, Ecuador's per capita income will reach 100 pesetas."

Hearing this number, everyone looked at Raphael with envy. 100 pesetas is equivalent to 100 US dollars. The per capita income in the United States last year was less than 1,000 US dollars, while in Spain it was about 1,200. Although compared to them, 100 pesetas is nothing, or even very small, but if you look around, except for the United States and the British Empire in the north, Canada, it is now the highest in their country. But don’t forget, the United States can definitely rank among the top five in the world in terms of per capita income.

"Combined with the data of the Pan-European Ratings Company, if we really want to calculate it, 100 pesetas is not much compared to the small countries in the Balkan Peninsula. It has already reached one-third of the European power Russia." Eugene said Only then did I realize that numbers are such lovely things. It feels so good to have them at my fingertips. At the same time, I am deeply amazed by His Majesty’s miraculous creativity. The establishment of Atlantic Ratings and Pan-European Ratings. , he feels it is definitely one of the witnesses of Spain’s prosperity in the future.

"What about our Chile?" Bernardo Naskin couldn't help but ask. Speaking of which, both Chile and Ecuador received aid from Spain at the same time. It was also one of the first countries to open up to Spain. However, he could also see that compared to Ecuador, Chile's economy was obviously not as good as that of Ecuador. This made him feel a little unconvinced, but when he was dissatisfied in the past, he would turn his attention to His personal country is Argentina, because every time he sees Argentina's poor economy, his mood becomes happy. Now, he felt that the pressure was back on him, and he couldn't turn his eyes away. This made him feel frustrated, and he also thought about how far behind his efforts over the years were compared to Ecuador.

The economies of Peru and Bolivia are similar to those of Chile, so the two also looked at Eugene, hoping that their data would also come out. "Time" magazine published a rough estimate five years ago. At that time, it was full of praise for their open attitude, which allowed them to gain a lot of support among the elites of various countries. Therefore, for these data, They have tasted the sweetness and want to know how beneficial these data are to them.

Max knew a little bit, so he also looked at Eugene with some eagerness, but he knew that they would not have a share this year, because, according to regulations, these data surveys in Spain are specifically for the purpose of checking the pulse of allies, in order to make their own The allies' economies have developed rapidly, and Spain has enjoyed common prosperity. This is Spain's way of repaying the trust of its allies.

Colombian President Ramon obviously knew it, so he was listening attentively. The most puzzling person here was Mexican President Ferrio Díaz. He still doesn't know what these numbers mean. I don't understand what this means.

Eugene naturally stopped talking any more unnecessary words at this time, so he said: "Chile, in terms of per capita, it was 50 pesetas four years ago, but because the investment is not as big as Ecuador, and the population is too large, The reason why diversification is not conducive to investment is that the development speed in recent years has not been as great as that of Ecuador. More importantly, the economy has been greatly affected by small eruptions of volcanoes and earthquakes. Atlantic Ratings predicts that next year it will It's about 90 pesetas.

Peru has a relatively good investment environment and has many excellent ports, so it costs about 95 pesetas. Bolivia is located in the interior of South America and has many mountains, so its advantage over other countries is not so obvious at first. However, fortunately, it has a lot of minerals, so it does not fall behind the group. It should reach 80 pesetas next year. To about 90 pesetas. Several countries have developed well in recent years. I believe that if we continue to work hard, maybe in a few years, this will be the next economic Europe."

Economic Europe! This metaphor excited everyone.

Eugene looked at their blushing faces and felt funny. If that day comes, then those who created this situation will definitely leave a good reputation. Most of them became leaders by overthrowing the regime. They lack nothing now, the most important thing It is fame and righteousness. That's what Eugene knew those of them needed. Prescribing the right medicine is the common principle of diplomacy and military affairs.

"Having said this, let's get to the point. I think everyone knows why we have called you here today. Last year's Golden Cobra joint exercise was very good. These were the exact words of our Majesty, and the actions we took are, We will set up a Golden Cobra joint exercise, and its location is in Guayaquil, the largest port in Ecuador." Seeing that the presidents of Chile and Peru were a little unhappy but had no objections, Eugene added: "This year , Venezuela, Colombia, and Mexico will become full members. For this reason, we warmly welcome this. Also, we have decided to once again fund the establishment of another military exercise so that we can better show our unity and prevent other countries from Dare to invade you, better protect our assets."

As soon as these words came out, everyone paid attention. Golden Cobra was established entirely with funding from Spain. Now Spain will build another exercise?

"I don't know, where is the location of this exercise and what is its name?" Ecuadorian President Rafael asked for the others.

"President Max, what do you want to say?"

"Well, after talking to Prime Minister Eugene, if you don't object, we will set up a Caribbean military exercise in Maracaibo. The name is called the Hurricane Joint Military Exercise. In order to stagger it with the golden glasses, and because of the June to November is the most frequent time for tropical storms in the Caribbean, so we choose to schedule the winter drill around December every year.”

"I don't know, what do you think?" Eugene asked.

"Those are just my diversions. My real purpose is actually here." As Alfonso's finger clicked on that place on the map, Spanish Defense Minister Creston and General Staff Jack Si En's eyes were full of shock, because the place where His Majesty thought it should be brought down was simply too weird. At the same time, they knew that if it were taken down here. It will definitely stir up a hornet's nest in the world, and the world will be turbulent. (To be continued.

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