Rebirth of the Official Business Route

Chapter 490: Loopholes in the contract

Picking up Li Yijiang and leaving the meeting early, sending Tang Jing home and rushing to Danjing Alley. Zhang Ke checked his watch. It was only 8:30. I don't know how Dong talked with Cheng Hanzhang and Xiao Jincheng.

Zhang Ke walked into Bajinzhen. Chen Feirong lowered her head and just about to crash into his arms before she could take a step. She was taken aback and took a step back. She held her hands on her chest and stared at Zhang Ke, that clear and shining. The expression in the eyes immediately became rich, the standard melon seed beauty's face was still as white as ice and cream, instantly covered with a bright and moving pink, covering her face, turning her head and leaving, almost couldn't help but laugh and walk away. At the time, his shoulders were still twitching slightly. Fastest update of novel chapters

"What's the matter?" Fu Jun was inexplicably, Chen Feirong's reaction seemed to be too big.

Zhang Ke knew that Su Yiting must have made a fool of Sun Jingmeng in 1978 and told Chen Feirong unreservedly. She sighed deeply in her heart and her image was ruined. She was surprised to see Fu Jun and said with a curled mouth. : "Don't you feel that your charm has increased during this period of time?"

Fu Jun smiled. Everyone is familiar with the road. Dong and they are in the elegant room of the side room. He followed Zhang Ke and Chen Qi greeted him: "Young Master Ke hasn’t been here for a long time for dinner. Is this a supper? ?"

"It's really hard to tell!" Zhang Ke raised his hand and glanced at the bowl watch. He saw Chen Feirong sitting in the corner of the atrium with a smile on her face. Even more charming, with the shy and unreasonable amorous feelings of a girl, the diners sitting in the atrium hall were stunned. A young couple sitting next to Chen Feirong, the man brought vegetables to the girl's mouth. The head of the chopsticks almost pierced his girlfriend's face in a daze, and stared at his girlfriend apricot, scared to death..."Fiction" Novel chapters are updated fastest

Fu Jun told Chen Qi the truth: "We have eaten, and we will meet someone here...oh, over there..." The elegant room did not close the carved wooden door towards the atrium. Fu Jun saw Dong and them.

Chen Qi accompanied Zhang Ke and Fu Jun to the door of the elegant room and beckoned to let her daughter Chen Feirong come over to add dishes.

Cheng Hanzhang and Xiao Jincheng watched Zhang Luo come and accompany their Dong. Also, the two chief engineers of the Kumho Electronic Technology Research Institute both stood up. They did not know who they were, but out of courtesy, they also stood up.

Xiao Jincheng. Zhang Tuo passed. But it was at the Tokyo Electronics Show in the past five years. At that time, ess had good achievements in digital storage and decoding systems. It was also one of the main suppliers of decoder boards for the domestic video disc player industry. Although it was eight years later, at that time Xiao Jincheng looks younger and feels younger than he looks now. This is mainly because Xiao Jincheng and Cheng Hanzhang have been flying over half of the earth by plane for a long time after hearing the bad news. Not to mention the jet lag, and they have not taken a good rest. . Lei

Cheng Hanzhang, Zhang Ke has never seen him. However, I have seen his photos in professional electronic communication magazines, and he looks very energetic. But at this time, they still fell to the ground, ess had little achievements before, and they all invested in the decoding chip. At this time, he was hit hard again. No one has a particularly good look. Of course, this kind of person. Even if it suffers once or twice, it will stand up again and rise again.

Zhang Ke smiled and said: "Sit down first. Mr. Cheng and Mr. Xiao are both Taiwanese. There is no rule that Taiwan must stand for introductions, right?"

Chen Feirong walked in, her anger was smoothed out, but the blush on her face was still there, and she didn't dare to look at Zhang Ke, because she was afraid that she couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Zhang Ke said to Chen Feirong, "Just help us with two glasses of water." Then he asked Chen Feirong, "Why don't you wear floral cheongsam?" For cheongsam, it is a pity that the fork only reaches the knee, and Zhang Ke hopes that the fork can reach the base of his thigh.

"I only came to help temporarily, and I arrived home today." There was a cabinet on the outer corner of the wall that held dishes and served as a table for passing dishes. Chen Feirong lowered her head and held a delicate porcelain tea cup with blue and white printed on it, and replied in a soft voice. , But didn't dare to look back at Zhang Ke, "I took a boat back to Haizhou with Su Yiting and the others."

Zhang Tuo Chen Feirong endured hard, stabbed Fu Jun and told him to pour the tea. Don't let Chen Feirong pour the tea cup filled with water on herself, and she can't blame others.

Chen Feirong stood at the door happily, waiting for Fu to take the tea back before leaving.

Dong helped Cheng Hanzhang and Xiao Jincheng introduce Zhang Ke and Fu Jun.

Cheng Hanzhang and Xiao Jin in Chengdu went to Stanford University to study after studying engineering in Taiwan. They had part-time jobs during their studies, and they started a company directly after graduation. They are under 30 years old this year. Silicon Valley is probably the place where the most young millionaires gather. It is common for elites from all over the world to gather in Silicon Valley to become millionaires and multimillionaires overnight. Even billionaires are not impossible, and many of these people are They are students in their early twenties who have not yet left school. For example, the biography of Bill Gates is almost a must-read Bible for scientists and engineers living in Silicon Valley.

Cheng Hanzhang and Xiao Jincheng listened to Dong's introduction that Zhang Ke was the boss behind Kumho Electronics Technology Research Institute and Aida Electronics. Although they were a bit surprised, their reaction was much calmer than those in the mainland when they heard this fact.

"What are you talking about? When you came in, you saw you talk very engrossed?" Zhang Qi took off his jacket and put on the chair. "Which step are you talking about?"

"I just talked about the need for a platform for Kumho. In addition to providing certain technical support for Kumho, this platform should also help Kumho maintain contact and communication with the latest electronic technology exhibition trends in Silicon Valley. A channel for Lake Lake’s technicians to continuously learn and improve their technical level...” Dong said, “I have explained in detail the intention of Kumho to establish a scientific research experimental base in Silicon Valley.”

Zhang Ke smiled, looked at Cheng Hanzhang and Xiao Jincheng, and said, "Since I have already talked about this, I will start to talk about my intentions for inviting the two over here. I am willing to invest in the ess company and hope that the two will be able to Continue to work at ess..." Cheng Hanzhang and Xiao Jincheng realized this in their conversation with Dong just now, but they didn't expect to bring it up so soon.

Cheng Hanzhang thought for a moment, and said: "I hope to know the facts that should be told. Of course, we will also fulfill the obligation of confidentiality..."

Zhang Ke thought to himself: Cheng Hanzhang and Xiao Jincheng probably wanted to know how their hopes were given, and the fact that Skober jointly suppressed them? He said: "In that case..." The tone was paused, and the probe asked Dong, "Do you have the prepared non-disclosure agreement with you, please sign Mr. Cheng and Mr. Xiao?"

Since it is, everything is done in accordance with the formal procedures. If many of the trade secrets involved are leaked from Cheng Hanzhang and Xiao Jincheng, it will reduce the future earnings of Kumho and Aida Electronics.

Cheng Hanzhang and Xiao Jincheng were not at all displeased. In the 1990s, Taiwan’s economic environment was much better than that in China. They have been studying and starting businesses in the United States. On the contrary, they appreciate the spirit of contract. The text of the non-disclosure agreement was turned over, and then signed and handed it back here.

Zhang Ke was a little embarrassed, touched his nose, and said: "Kumho implemented most of the functions of the second-generation decoding chip as early as half a year ago, but it lacks the necessary technical means to integrate related technologies into the decoding chip. On the previous year, only then, and Skoper joined forces to develop the third-generation decoding chip. According to the agreement between Kumho and Skoper, Kumho has related patented technology, which is licensed to use Skoper...

It is not to underestimate the level of research in the mainland. The level of electronic technology in the mainland is indeed not satisfactory. Kumho's ability to implement all the functions of the new disc player on the second-generation decoder chip does show surprising research standards. Had it not been for Haizhou, and the other party had proved through public channels that they were behind Aida Electronics, who jointly developed a new disc player with Skoper, and Philips, Cheng Hanzhang and Xiao Jincheng would have deeper doubts in their hearts. Of course, from the public information, Aida Electronics is a company that pays great attention to technology Since this step will make people a little surprised, it is not to the extent of exaggeration. Cheng and Xiao No one spoke, so Zhang Lu continued.

"In fact, we also have the complete technology of the second-generation decoder chip. At the beginning, we successfully developed the second-generation decoder chip based on the technical solution we provided, and shared this market with Skoper..." Zhang Ke said. "Before this, we also learned in detail about the efforts and achievements of ess on the decoding chip. I think that after the acquisition of ess by Kumho, we can continue our previous work and quickly develop a third-generation decoding chip with completely independent patent rights. Come……"

Prejudice Zhang tried his best to digest Zhang Hanli’s information. The facts are really hard to accept. However, I think there are still some points in Kumho and Skoper’s that are incomprehensible: "Could it be that the third generation jointly developed by Skoper Is there no interest in Kumho in the video decoding chip?"


"Is there no conditions for Kumho with Skober? I know that once Kumho acquires our ess, it will be able to develop a third-generation decoding chip with independent intellectual property rights. There will be no restrictions on Kumho's acquisition of ess or restrictions on Kumho's Third-party transfer of related patented technology? Since you have common interests in the third-generation decoding chips, shouldn't you tolerate any other party seeking any other interests in addition to the common interests? Unless there are loopholes in the contract..."Skopper, these big companies Will there be loopholes in the signed contract?

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