It got dark early in late autumn, and Secretary Yuan put down his busy work and stayed here for a long time. He was also a little irritable. So when he saw Fu Lichang and Zhao Quan coming in together, he couldn't help but ask: "Did you figure it out?

Fu Lichang nodded and said: "Secretary Yuan, I finally did not live up to your expectations. Today's things are basically clear. I have notified the procuratorate of the case. I should be able to issue an arrest warrant and a search warrant soon. It has now been determined. The fire was deliberate arson. It was Liu Xing who gave the order, Song Zhe was the one who gave the idea, Chu Jiang was the one who executed it, and the accomplice was Ma Rong. These people were all the principal offenders."

"Oh? It took a while to figure it out? Come and listen." Secretary Yuan said with interest.

Fu Lichang casually found a chair and sat down. Next to President Lin, he picked up a glass of water on the table and took a sip. Regardless of the expression of constipation on the face of President Lin, he said, "Passing by us The interrogation basically clarified what happened today.

The story goes like this: This morning, the old worker Sun Kang passed away because the rescue was ineffective. His son Sun Wei threatened that due to the wanton embezzlement of the current factory director Liu Xing, the efficiency of the factory was declining, and neither wages nor medical expenses were reimbursed. That's why I was so angry that he carried his father's body and gathered a number of family members and workers, surrounded the factory office building, and asked Liu Xing for an explanation.

Liu Xing asked Chu Jiang, the chief of the factory's security department, to take a few people from the security department and guarded the door of the factory's office building to prevent the workers from rushing in, and then called the Municipal Light Industry Bureau for help. "

Speaking of this, Zhao Quan interjected: "Yes, the process should be like this. I got the news. After discussing urgently with Director Song, I hurried to come here."

Fu Lichang went on to say: "After Liu Xing made the call for help, he convened a few **** members of his staff to discuss countermeasures. After discussing with them, they felt that this time the incident might be a big deal and it might attract attention from above. They were afraid When the corruption was exposed, he wanted to destroy the account book credentials first. Song Zhe came up with an idea and simply burned the matter. At most, he would be punished by poor management. So he arranged for Chu Jiang to do this. It happened because he was originally born as an electrician in the factory.

Chu Jiang took the task, went downstairs and looked around, and found that there was a new cashier named Zhu Hong in the financial room at work. He felt that it was not easy to start, so he came up and told Ma Rong, so Ma Rong gave it to the financial department. The office called, falsely claiming that Director Liu needed an official seal, and found that there was no inkpad, so Zhu Hong went out to buy inkpad.

The location of this radio factory is far from the accounting supply store. Even if Zhu Hong goes by bike, it is estimated that it will take an hour to go back and forth, which leaves Chu Jiang plenty of time to commit crimes.

He first falsely claimed that some old circuit boards needed to be cleaned, and went to the factory’s dangerous goods warehouse to get a bottle of absolute ethanol, which is industrial alcohol, then went to the financial room, opened the door with Ma Rong’s key, and poured alcohol on the account book first. Go up, and then pick out some aging and damaged wires on the corner of the wall and directly short-circuit them, forging the scene where the wires are aging and sparking, and the alcohol is ignited, before closing the door and going back upstairs.

Because industrial alcohol is very pure and evaporates quickly, when the workers gathered outside discovered the open flame and called the fire brigade, the fire was already quite big.

The workers banged open the door and extinguished the fire together with the fire brigade who arrived. Everything in the house was burned up, and after the alcohol was burned, there was basically no residue, so all this looked like an accident accident. "

"Then why did you find out the real murderer so quickly?" Secretary Yuan asked.

"It's actually very simple. Of course, I also want to thank Deputy Director Zhao for his help."

"Me?" Zhao Quan pointed to his nose inexplicably, "I was dragged by you to hear the trial in the afternoon. Why did I help?"

Fu Lichang smiled slightly and said, "Director Zhao was very helpful. In fact, when I heard about this incident, I felt that it was unlikely to leave any obvious marks on the scene.

You think, this factory is a radio factory. From the director to the workers, everyone knows the basics of strong and weak electricity. It is almost no difficulty to forge a short-circuited wire accident site, and there will never be any obvious handles. Starting here is basically a dead end.

So, I decided to look for another direction.

It happened that Director Zhao sent someone to block the scene before we arrived. For this reason, he also had a dispute with Liu Xing and turned everyone's attention to this aspect, which was convenient for me to conduct other investigations. "

"Oh? What investigation?"

"Of course it is the investigator."

"I pretended to be casual, asked about the usual staff structure in this office, and determined that only one accountant named Zhu Hong was working in the financial room today. According to the time provided by the fire brigade and the workers, the fire broke out at noon. Around eleven, she should have not got off work at this time. In theory, she should be the first to spot the fire. However, we did not find this person at the scene. So where did this vermilion go? Why was she not there?

So I arranged for someone to investigate, and then I knew that just before the incident, someone saw this vermilion go out, and before leaving, they greeted the guard, saying that he was helping the factory director to buy inkpad.

I arranged for someone to find this vermilion. It was a coincidence that this person was blocked by our people just after returning to the factory door. She didn't even know what happened.

My person briefly cross-examined, knowing that Ma Rong called her and asked her to do this, so they were temporarily detained, and then Deputy Director Zhao and I pretended to go upstairs to find Liu Xing to borrow ink. Liu Xing didn't care, so he lent me a new box of inkpad from the drawer.

Since there is a box of new inkpad in the drawer of Liu Xing's office, why did Ma Rong ask Zhu Hong to buy another box, even for the factory manager? This is a big doubt.

So I interrogated Ma Rong alone. The chief financial officer was also timid. When I flashed the ink pad in front of her, she recruited everything.

Then I interrogated Chu Jiang, Song Zhe, and Liu Xing separately. They couldn’t deny the facts and they all confessed. I went to the phone team in the factory and adjusted the call records of today’s phone calls in the factory. At 10:50, there was indeed an internal phone call from the factory director’s office to the financial department. The call lasted 54 seconds. We also found the record of Chu Jiang’s picking up a bottle of absolute ethanol from the dangerous goods warehouse this morning. Next, people and physical evidence are available, they can't run away! "

Zhao Quan interrupted with a smile: "Dare to help me to help Fulmers divert the attention of these people."

Secretary Yuan asked strangely: "What Fulmers?"

Fu Lichang smiled and replied: "It's the protagonist of a foreign detective novel named Sherlock Holmes. Director Zhao joked with me, saying that my speed of solving crimes is about the same as that of the characters in the novel, and that person is also surnamed Fu, maybe it's mine. My family, gave me a new nickname."

Secretary Yuan laughed and said, "Okay, this shows that your old Fu Baodao is not old. Starting with a box of inkpad, it is really amazing to be able to solve the case in such a quick time. You have done a lot!"

President Lin on one side was unhappy, and said: "I have been working with me for a long time to turn over the accounts, and I have corrected all the accounts of the radio factory in the past two years. There is no credit?"

"Yeah," Zhao Quan slapped his slap. The account books in his factory were burned, but he couldn't burn the running accounts of the bank. They were all stored in the rich man Lin. This time, it can be regarded as ironclad proof. No one can run away!

On one side stood up an old man and a half, and said with a smile: "Also with me, all the money sent by post, the vouchers are also with me."

When Zhao Quan saw it, he also knew him, it was Xiang Chaoyang, the director of Wenzhou Post Bureau.

Secretary Yuan concluded: "Then, this is a premeditated arson case. The cause of the case was that Liu Xing and his associates had embezzled public funds. Director Fu, is that correct?"

Fu Lichang nodded, "Secretary Yuan concluded well. Judging from the facts that have been verified, this is the case. However, the specific amount of embezzlement still needs to be investigated again. I don't think that several people may be able to explain clearly. "

Secretary Yuan slapped the table and said bitterly: "It's no wonder that such a good factory was built in only two years. This is a bunch of moths. These people must be severely sentenced, otherwise it will not be enough for civilians!"

After calming his emotions, Secretary Yuan went on to say: "Zhao Quan, after you go back, think about what to do in this factory. You must come up with a proper solution. Several factory leaders have arrested them, but the workers below are innocent. They had such a factory director. It was our dereliction of duty. We haven't found any problems in the factory for so long. Now that we have broken the pustule this time, we must find a solution once and for all. Loss-making companies have come up with an idea to turn losses into profits as soon as possible."

Seeing that Secretary Yuan issued the latest work instructions, and this instruction clearly helped Xie Guangfeng and their plan, Zhao Quan also came to the spirit, and the iron must be hot, so he quickly responded loudly: "Please rest assured, Secretary Yuan. Just stay in this factory and work here, and submit the solution to the bureau and the city for approval as soon as possible! It just so happened that the director Xie of the Plastic Factory No. 1 and Zheng Xiangqing of the General Electric Factory approached me, just before I came here. , They put forward some ideas to me, I have not had time to report to the secretary."

Secretary Yuan raised his eyebrows and asked, "Oh? It's the two of them? What's the point? Let's just listen?"

Zhao Quan replied cautiously: "They only put forward some immature ideas. Look at the secretary, do I report to you alone?"

When Zhao Quan said this, everyone in the house immediately left wisely. When everyone was finished, Secretary Yuan said with a smile: "What is sneaky? Can I say it now?"

Zhao Quan replied: "It's not a secret thing, it's just that there is no precedent in our city. Therefore, I am afraid that I cannot grasp the scale of this policy. I would like to ask Secretary Yuan first for your advice."

He paused. Seeing Secretary Yuan sitting in a precarious position and listening intently, he continued to speak: This is the case. This morning, Director Xie and Zheng Xiangqing came to me and said some thoughts..."

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