Of course, the budget did not write a few more zeros. In fact, since China was the first to develop a fighter with "vertical/short-range" take-off and landing capabilities, there were many technical difficulties that needed to be broken through, and it used to be the original technology supplier and potential partner. Rakshasa also put forward a very high asking price in the discussion of the joint development plan.

This is all okay. After all, there is a gold master with so much money behind him, and it is vaguely heard that part of this gold master’s huge fortune was snatched from Raksha by cleverly. The way of cooperation is returned to Raksha, which is also regarded as "taken from Mao and used in Mao"...

The most important thing is that the two sides have a huge difference in the direction of technological development.

The Yakovlev Design Bureau believes that a fighter plane should have super maneuverability. Even a single-engine carrier-based aircraft that can take off and land "vertically/short distance" must be able to do "cobra maneuvers". ", to be able to fly the "Leaf Piao", to be able to preempt the attack position in the "dog fight" within the line of sight, to be able to get rid of the missile lock with a large overload maneuver, as for the radar stealth, it is all sideways...

In this regard, the big gold master behind the scenes commented, "Why do you have to do dogfights? Because fighters have super mobility? No, because you are stupid!"

Then he explained: "With the dramatic improvement of the performance of the airborne radar system and the large-overload maneuverability of air-to-air missiles, the combat scenes of dog fighting will appear less and less on the battlefield in the future, and the role of mid-range interception On the contrary, it will become more and more important. The ability to spot and attack the enemy first will determine the result of air combat to a large extent. Another biggest advantage of stealth fighters is that they can sneak into the enemy's absolute defense circle, against enemy early warning aircraft and tankers. Important support aircraft such as, electronic warfare aircraft launched unexpected attacks and weakened the opponent’s strategic support capabilities. This is the belligerent way to gain air superiority. The idea of ​​trying to win in a dogfight shows that their tactical thinking is still stuck. In the Cold War era, of course, this is also related to their own weak radar level. It is extremely stupid to think that the enemy's technical level is the same as theirs."

The two academicians Gu and Li also had doubts at first whether the gold master’s idea was correct. However, after they visited the bluestar’s largest microwave anechoic chamber with the most testable bands built in Xijing, the gold master invested heavily. They accepted it completely and unconditionally-without him, they witnessed in this microwave anechoic chamber the low intercept rate effect of the "stealth leopard" under development on radar waves. Traditional radars are basically difficult to detect within a distance of 50 kilometers. Even if such fighters are discovered, it is extremely difficult to keep track of them.

If you can't even find it, then you have to make a woolen thread?

As a result, the Shengjing Group was completely and thoroughly brainwashed, and through the internal coordination of the Aviation Industry Group, after paying a certain price, it obtained the results of the previous stealth fighter pre-research led by Xijing and Rongcheng, and joined without hesitation. After this circle, I can't extricate myself from it.

As the saying goes, "Different ways, do not seek each other." Since then, Shengjing Group has naturally moved away from the Yakovlev Design Bureau. In addition to drawing on some of the design ideas of "Yak 41", " The J-31 is actually another aircraft entirely.

Going back to the question of budget, the factory’s internal code-named "J31", the Huaxia version of the stealth Yak 41, has been several years since the start of the pre-research. It has already spent a lot of money, and then gradually move forward. It is even more like a mountain. For example, to solve the vector nozzle problem of a "Turbofan 15", the budget needs to be calculated in units of billions, which is more than the cost of developing the entire "Flying Leopard" fighter—don’t underestimate it. This small spout involves a series of complex cutting-edge sciences, such as a variety of composite materials, precision mechanical action mechanisms, electro-mechanical-hydraulic integrated control mechanisms, servo mechanisms, software control programs and algorithms. What about the Navy? The current budget hole is almost like the work clothes of the nine-bag elder of the Beggar Gang, which is even leaking.

If you want to let this type of fighter play its best role, you have to develop an amphibious assault ship equipped with it, and since you want to develop the latest The amphibious assault ship, the various types of helicopters must not be missing...So even in this time and space, China has a better military budget because of its better economic situation, and it really can't take extra money to toss.

But it’s okay, the host said, this plane will be handled like the Flying Leopard plan in the future. Such a gimmick plane, show it to the princes, and just cheat a billion dollars to come back. It’s not a problem, so the Navy doesn’t have to worry about money. It’s serious if it has time to train a few more carrier-based pilots...

Besides, the **** should have reported the plan, right? If you agree or disagree, give a quasi-letter. Time is not waiting. Now we should prepare for the things we want.

General Liu once again picked up the report transferred from the State Security Department on the desk, and his heart was ups and downs.

He knew that the "child" he was actually very familiar with could completely hand over this report, but he did not do so. Instead, he passed a very official channel. This can only show one thing: that person, Everything he mentioned in this thick report is the result of his deep deliberation, and he is also showing his attitude to this country and showing it to the world!

The report is very long and is mainly divided into three parts. The first part is aimed at China’s current military equipment development system. The author puts forward a program that has been continuously practiced by himself and has proven superiority-military-civilian integration. The author proposes In the future, we should gradually break the exclusive supply system of China’s military equipment while establishing a sound review and confidentiality mechanism, and attract more capital into the field of military equipment research and development. Only in this way can we continue to promote technological progress and equipment through fierce competition. The decline in procurement costs will also enable the gradual opening of some military technologies to civilian use, increasing the participation of the entire society, and promoting technological progress in Chinese society.

The second part is aimed at various technical fields that need to be broken through in the field of equipment development. From basic theories to specific equipment, the author lists in detail the topics and development goals in multiple directions, from quantum communications to metamaterials, from being able to make breakthroughs. Blue Planet’s curvature-restricted over-the-horizon radar to a full-active phased array system of various band radars, from higher modulus carbon fiber to higher temperature resistant alloy materials, from stealth fighters to stealth warships, from high Precision machine tools to semiconductor industry chain manufacturing equipment, from aeroengines, rocket engines to diesel engines, gas turbines...the eloquence, hundreds of thousands of words, spanning multiple disciplines and fields, from the perspective of General Liu’s own reading, this is simply It is an outline for the development of China’s cutting-edge technology for the next 20 years. It can be seen that the author’s doctorate is indeed not a parallel import, and the reason why he has such deep multidisciplinary knowledge is probably also due to his powerful "academician." Circle of friends".

Of course, the last part of this report was the last part of this report that General Liu cared about most throughout his life. In this part, he put forward a bold plan, and in General Liu’s view, if this plan is true in the future Needs to be executed, then this executor not only needs to have financial and material resources beyond the usual "billionaires", but also has scientific research and industrial capabilities comparable to those of major countries, and he must also mobilize for this All resources and all preparations.

Including sacrifice.

So, who has almost all the enjoyment in this world that can be bought with money, can he still have this determination and will?

General Liu finally turned to the last page of the report.

On this page, there are only 6 characters written by the submitter of the report:

Not unified, do not look down!


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