The current influence of SMI Media Group is in Wanwan, Aodao and Xiangjiang, and in Malay, Lion City and other places in Southeast Asia, because of the relationship with the South Morning Post, it has a good influence.

However, including the Standard Chartered Bank owned by Jiang Feng, its strength is only as strong as that of Merck.

So, Lola's analogy, she thinks it's okay

Brooke Shields is not Australian and doesn't know much about Merck.

Nicole Kidman is Australian, and her family is also a big farmer in Australia. They own thousands of acres of land. Naturally, they have heard of Murdoch, the media king. After hearing Lola compare the young man to Merck. , was amazed

This time, in order to launch the "Fast and the Furious" brand, and for the listing of Xingmei Media Group

atmosphere.The premiere can be described as extraordinarily intense.

Invited the queen of music, as well as Hongjiaban's martial arts team, lion dance and other programs

Finally, the leading actors and important supporting roles of the film all appeared on stage.

Explain the problems and interesting things encountered in the filming process, and the reporters who were invited

I don't care about the film, and I frantically shoot with the camera.Everyone knows that this movie with the highest investment in the history of Hong Kong will definitely become the topic of the last half month

Focus, there are not many shooting points now, how will you write the manuscript?In the audience seat, Qiu Shuzhen, Zhou Huimin, and Yuan Jie sat together, and the three girls were about the same age.

They are all in the same company, and they have become good friends over time.At this time, he was talking chatteringly.

"I'm so envious of Miss Xiaoxian, I'm afraid it won't take long to be able to act in a blockbuster of this level.

After going abroad, maybe I can get into Hollywood." Qiu Shuzhen looked at Khan Zuxian who was standing in the middle of the stage with admiration. Her demeanor like a woman and the respect of the director and all the leading actors for her, she was in her prime. Qiu Shuzhen was very envious, imagining when she would be so beautiful, "Okay, don't be envious!You can't be envious. "Yuan Jieying said, looking at

He glanced at Khan Zuxian, and then said: "It's not just you that envy her, who doesn't envy her in the company, it's just a sentence if you want any resources, unlike us who fight for a supporting role." "That's right, people. It's a dead person." Qiu Shuzhen sighed.

"Uh, is it as difficult as you say? I don't think the company has made a lot of movies this year.

Zhou Min on the side said that this year, Xingmei Film has produced no less than ten films in total, more than Jiahe and Xinyicheng.

Companies add up to more. "Amin, you don't understand, although there are many movies, there are so many monks and less meat. There are so many artists in the company that you can eat them.

One bite is good. Qiu Shuzhen sighed. She and Yuan Jierong are old people of Xingmei, and they have joined Xingmei for almost two years.

The development of the company, but both of them only got two supporting roles this year, and it is not because they have poor acting skills that they did not have a key role. It is true that both of them are baby faces, and Xingmei produced this year's film.

A series of movies with few roles for them.In addition, the acting skills are still relatively young, and it is naturally more difficult to be the leading actor.

"By the way, Zhen, I heard that Director Gan is after you?" Yuan Jie looked at her gossip.

With a smile in her eyes, "How's it going? Has he opened a small stove for you? Mentioning that fat man Wang Jing gave Qiu Shuzhen a headache, rolled her eyes at Yuan Jieying, and then said:

You're going to die, why gossip? ""Tell me"

Yuan Jierong took Qiu Shuzhen's hand, "Do you two have one leg? Can you help me to guide Wang

Let me pass you a word, think more about me when screening actors in the future. "You can say this, why don't you go to him?" "

Qiu Shuzhen curled her lips and said unhappily, "And don't talk nonsense, I have nothing to do with him.

"Che, the company already knows, he's chasing you and sending flowers to you, so it's not like he didn't see it." Yuan

Jieying said.Zhou Huimin next to her opened her eyes wide and said curiously, "Azhen, you really followed the director.

Delayed? Qiu Shuzhen felt embarrassed, and shrugged helplessly: "I really didn't misunderstand you. "

"He was indeed chasing me. But I didn't agree." Yes


, is the director of the company again. With him, don't you have any roles you want in the future? "

Like a curious baby, Yuan Jierong blinked and asked, "Director Wang is Jiang Xianniu's friend, "I know"

Zhou Min said: "I heard that Gan Dao has a wife, A-Jen was afraid that it would cause criticism, so she didn't have a wife.

promise? ""You 487 were at least half right. "

Qiu Shuzhen shook her head and said, "The fundamental reason is that I have no interest in him, and he is not my favorite.

Said, looking at Jiang Feng's location like a shooting star

In my heart, that is my true destiny.

Young, rich, talented, unmarried and other words make Jiang Feng the heart of thousands of girls in Hong Kong

In this material reality society, marrying into a wealthy family is the common view of women in Xiangjiang, even if some out of

The same goes for the wealthy ladies.What's more, what about a young actress like her in the entertainment industry?

After all the actors sang the theme song, the premiere was pushed to the high chao

After the chorus, "The Fast and the Furious" officially premiered.

The auditorium was instantly dark, leaving only the bright big screen in front of it.

The melodious and dreamy music sounded, and the title animation of Xingmei's movie appeared again, similar to the previous five-pointed star.

The difference is that this animation is a golden dragon coming from the clouds, and finally the golden dragon is entrenched in a snow.

Mountain, with a crown of five-pointed stars on his head.This is a new animation after the brand upgrade of Xingmei Film.Wu Yusen is sitting upright. This is his first film co-produced by Xia Mei.

in anxiety.

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