Right now, Jiangfeng has a theater chain, and the only thing that is worse is the supermarket.

If supermarkets and shopping malls can be revitalized, even if the financial crisis comes, don't be afraid

Huo Jianlin, who was next to him, was already staring, looking at Jiang Feng in surprise, swallowed and said, "Boss, is this what you think?

"Yes? What, is there a problem?" Jiang Feng asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No problem!" Huo Jianlin shook his head quickly, and said excitedly and genuinely: "Boss, you have such a good idea. Combining a commercial plaza with a residence and a school is equivalent to creating a commercial body. It's a good idea to complement each other and combine together like a complete block."

"Ha ha

Jiang Feng smiled

In later generations, when larger real estate developers such as Wanda, Jinko and other companies opened up new districts, they relied on this method to heat up the value of land and attract buyers.

In fact, this kind of commercial complex is indeed very valuable, especially in some areas where there are no large shopping malls and squares, and there are many residents, it is very attractive.

It works in the 21st century, let alone the 20s?

Next, Jiang Feng chatted with Huo Jianlin about the concept of real estate development. For example, in terms of quality, we must not adulterate, and I would rather make less money than be poked in the spine.

Jiang Feng doesn't hope that there will be traffic jams or traffic jams from Longhu's customers at that time.

For the planning of real estate, Jiang Feng definitely has a bright future to take the brand road, although it seems that it will sacrifice a little profit in the early stage.

But in the long run, it will make more people believe in the brand of Longhu. As long as this concept is formed, the houses in the latter will not be sold.

In the last life, when Jiang Feng was in Yuzhou, there was a real estate called Longhu, which developed like this in the early years.

Several real estate products have been developed in a row, and they have been affirmed in Yuzhou. As long as the products from Longfor are later, they are basically rushing to buy.

Until later, after Longfor went public, it gradually changed.

Therefore, as long as it does not die and forms a brand effect of Longhu, the future is still promising.

Chapter 332 Justice of the Peace

After half a month, Jiang Feng was finally discharged from the hospital.

Not paralyzed, not sitting in a wheelchair, but walking straight out like a normal person

Jiang Feng remembered that he stood up from the wheelchair after taking the Phlegm and Washing Pill, and the medical cow's expression was as if he was watching a medical miracle.

"My God, it's a miracle! Jiang Sheng, what kind of magical medicine are you taking? Actually, it can restore the limbs."

Jiang Feng smiled without saying a word.

Seeing this, the attending doctor scratched his head in embarrassment, "It's me who was abrupt."

Jiang Feng didn't explain, and he couldn't explain this kind of magical thing. After washing the stains on his body, he was asked to go through the discharge procedures, while he walked out of the hospital door with Han Xian, Li Ruotong and others.

After riding, we returned to the villa in Repulse Bay.

On the same day, the news about his discharge from the hospital also made the headlines of major newspapers for the first time.

Just 24, when I returned home with Khan Zuxian and Li Ruotong, I received a call from Cen Jianxun and learned a piece of news.

He has been appointed by the Governor of Hong Kong as an "unofficial Justice of the Peace"

What is an Unofficial Justice of the Peace?

There are three types of justices of the peace in Hong Kong: official justices of the peace, non-official justices of the peace and New Territories justices.These three 'JP's differ only in the procedures and conditions they receive, and their duties and status are the same!

Official Justices of the Peace are all public officials. Among the officials of the Hong Kong government, generally speaking, only those who have more than [-] years of experience in the deputy director, deputy secretary, and assistant director, and who have obtained major merits, will be elected. For the official Justice of the Peace.

Unofficial Justices of the Peace are generally non-workers who have significant influence on Hong Kong, or have made great contributions to the society of Hong Kong.

The main responsibilities of a justice of the peace are to maintain the tranquility of the urban area, listen to the complaints of prison inmates, and receive children from justice of the peace (Justice of the Peace, etc.)

By the oath of ordinary citizens, the fairness of regulating the gaming industry, etc.

, referred to as P), you can add two words after the name, such as Jiang Feng P. This is not the "JP" after the return, the "JP" after the return is worthless, even stars can get it, every other For a period of time, it was all distributed in batches, which has long since lost its past.

The value is more of a symbol of reputation.

Just like the wei members in the mainland.In the [-]s and [-]s, being able to obtain a "Justice of the Peace" was undoubtedly a sensational fragrance

Jiang, the glory thing.Those who can obtain a "JP" have great influence in society, such as Li Jiacheng

It was obtained in 1981. In 1986, he was named a "Lord" by Belgium. People like Bao Chuangan, Shao Yifu, Li Zhaoji and others did not get it. It is conceivable that this ""

How high is the gold content of the Justice of the Peace.

"Old Cen, are you not mistaken? Are you sure someone from the Chief Administrative Secretary told you?" Jiang Feng asked

"Well, that's what the Home Secretary said today."

"Do you know who named it?" Jiang Feng asked again.

Cen Jianxun said: "The Chief Secretary said that it was jointly nominated by the Hong Kong Charity Federation and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry."

Jiang Feng became more and more confused.

He didn't deal much with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, but considering Jiang Feng's current industry in Xiangjiang, the nomination is not too sudden, but what happened to the Charity Federation?

He didn't even donate a penny to the Charity Federation. Why did the other party kindly propose him?

Jiang Feng is a little confused, why is this thing full of weirdness?

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