Rebirth of the Great Era 1993

Chapter 778, get a few more (please subscribe!)

A feasible investment plan is inseparable from a process: hypothesis - demonstration - financing - betting - waiting - harvesting.

Lao Deng held a thick piece of analytical information in his right hand and talked eloquently:

“We spent money to hire 10 investigators to collect a large amount of intelligence from different fields such as the Thai stock market, real estate, industry, banks, and government decision-makers.

The information that came back was shocking:

As the dollar exchange rate continued to rise, Thailand's exports decreased significantly. The Thai government took a risky step and borrowed money from foreign countries to stimulate the domestic economy.

Survey data shows that since 1994, the scale of international capital flowing into Thailand has reached 1.5 trillion baht. This figure was 35% of Thailand's total GDP in 1995. The amount is astonishing.

Most of these international capital are short-term loans implemented by the Thai government to stimulate the domestic economy, and the repayment period is only one year. This is undoubtedly a hidden disaster, and can also be seen as an early layout plan of Wall Street.

In addition, the rapid increase in Thailand's domestic real estate prices and stock prices is also a danger signal. These are the results of Thailand's domestic entities seeing profitable changes to stocks and foreign capital, but after all, this is hyped and virtual. To put it bluntly, It's a bubble economy.

Things have developed to this point. In order to repay the debt, the Bank of Thailand knew that there was a tiger in the mountain, so it had no choice but to go to the tiger mountain. It could only raise the exchange rate and drink poison to quench its thirst. This caused the scale of foreign debt to become larger and larger, and then raised interest rates again, thus falling into a vicious cycle. All these have contributed to Wall Street. Prey Thailand provides the prerequisites for maturity.

I think Thailand cannot escape this crisis. The baht will definitely collapse within half a year at most.”

Everyone in the conference room listened solemnly to Lao Deng’s analysis. The summary data of Thailand’s various industries were displayed one after another. The action charts of Wall Street peers explained one problem to the participants: Thai real estate, Stock markets and banks are already on the verge of collapse.

In other words, one foot is already in the coffin, and we are just waiting for a critical point when the bubble bursts.

At the same time, looking at the data reports and action charts, everyone's solemn faces revealed their eagerness to try, because in the eyes of predators like them, crises are full of opportunities.

Everyone in the conference room began to tremble involuntarily, and all their eyes were fixed on the big boss in front of them. They did not expect that this young boss, who was very popular with him at the first meeting, would be so courageous and ambitious, and even a little cold.

Since so many problems have been discovered, my boss may also be one of the biggest beneficiaries of this gluttonous feast. As for whether this is a nightmare for ordinary Thai people and goes against their duties, it is not a question they should consider.

From early February, Soros began aggressively shorting the Thai baht. He borrowed up to US$15 billion in forward Thai baht contracts from the Bank of Thailand and sold them on a large scale in the spot market, which increased the pressure on the Thai baht to depreciate unprecedentedly and caused turmoil in the Thai financial market.

The Central Bank of Thailand used 2 billion U.S. dollars of foreign exchange reserves to intervene to calm the storm and maintain the exchange rate of the Thai baht against the U.S. dollar at 25:1.

But before the Thai government could take a breather, the rating agency Moody's downgraded the credit ratings of three major Thai banks, Ayutthaya, Kyoto, and Thai Bank, from A2 to A3. Two weeks later, it downgraded their ratings from A3. to the extremely dangerous B1 level.

The rating falling into the junk range means that the international financing market is closed to Thais.

Lao Deng said: I have a hunch that the best time to short the Thai baht is coming. Maybe at the end of this month, maybe at the beginning of next month. This is the best opportunity we have ever had to buy put options, because the Thai baht cannot survive the Half a year.

Everyone in the conference room was excited. Zhang Xuan and Tao Ge looked at each other and nodded slightly: This greasy old Deng still has two brushes.

Although Zhang Xuan does not understand finance, he knows the future trend. Although there are differences between Lao Deng's analysis and the general trend, they can be ignored in such a big collision.

At this moment, he was very lucky to have tricked someone as talented as Lao Deng into doing things for him.

The meeting lasted for 2 hours, and then the young Mr. Zhang treated everyone in the company to a feast.

After drinking and eating, Lao Deng said to Zhang Xuan and Tao Ge: Let's go and sit in my room.

Zhang Xuan heard the implication and did not refuse.

Entering the suite, Lao Deng untied his tie and asked, Tea or drink.

Zhang Xuan leaned on the sofa: Drink, it's convenient.

Lao Deng asked Tao Ge: What about you?

Tao Ge said, Bring me a can of Coke.

Lao Deng took out three cans of Coke from the refrigerator, one for each person.

Zhang Xuan opened the lid and drank half of the bottle before asking Lao Deng: Tell me, what's the matter?

Lao Deng also took a sip, put down the Coke and said: You are a very clever kid, I know I can't hide it from you.

I want to ask you, how much more money can you raise in the next month?

Zhang Xuan was stunned: Hasn't 100 million pounds been transferred to the company's account?

not enough?

Old Dentz said: This is a once-in-a-century opportunity. Are you willing to invest only 100 million pounds?

Zhang Xuan's eyebrows knitted together: Now that you know how to speak, how much more do you want?

Old Deng rubbed his hands: I know you are not short of money, how about another 100 million pounds?

This way, if I have enough funds in hand, it will be much easier for me to operate.

Damn it!

Old Deng, you are a fairy. My current deposits in Swiss banks are only more than 300 million pounds. If we spend another 100 million, we will only have 200 million pounds of capital left.

However, considering that money cannot make money, and just lying in the bank is not an option, he did not agree or refuse the first time.

Zhang Xuan thought about it and said, My money didn't come from the strong wind. I need to save some money for my wife. I'll think about it again.

Apart from the topic of funds, Zhang Xuan mentioned another thing about his trip to Singapore:

Old Deng, don't just focus on the stock market. You should always pay attention to the financial status of some large companies such as Japan, South Korea, and Hong Kong. This is useful to me.

Lao Deng was confused: Are you too brave? Do you dare to have ideas for Xiangjiang? You know we will be back this year. You are not afraid of death, but I am afraid of death.

Zhang Xuan rolled his eyes: Are you stupid or am I stupid? How could I do such a thing that stabs the country in the back?

The reason why I want you to pay attention to Xiangjiang is because there are several real estate companies in Xiangjiang that may have opportunities.

For example, Tomson Group has many land parcels with excellent locations in the Shanghai stock market. What if we take this opportunity to become shareholders of Tomson Group? Wouldn’t it be great to be the top three shareholders?

Lao Deng grinned and said happily: It's really cool. If you don't tell me this, I will take advantage of it when the time comes. In addition to real estate, what else do you focus on?

Zhang Xuan said leisurely: Let's focus on chips and screens. In fact, don't deliberately focus on any one aspect. Every economic crisis is a major reshuffle of capital. We must seize every opportunity to make more money in Japan and South Korea.

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