Rebirth of the Great Era 1993

Chapter 728, Liu Yi’s change, Seagate softened (please subscribe!)

I stayed in Chen City for three days in a row.

Under the leadership of their aunt, Zhang Xuan and Mi Jian went to Wuling Square, Luojiajing, and finally Suxianling in Suxian District.

In the middle, the uncle took Zhang Xuan to look at Xinglong Pedestrian Street. This is just a rough plan at the moment, but even so, my uncle still has a head start than most people.

In 1996, it was December 16th of the lunar calendar.

Just after breakfast, when Zhang Xuan and Mi Jian were watching TV together on the sofa, Ruan Xiuqin called.

Ruan Xiuqin got straight to the point and asked, Man Zai, are you at Mi Jian's place?

Zhang Xuan hummed.

Ruan Xiuqin exclaimed: You are so not afraid of death that you just ran away to her house?

Zhang Xuan: .

Look what this says! How scary!

Ruan Xiuqin asked worriedly: Can you please talk to Mi Jian's parents? Didn't they do anything to you?

Zhang Xuan said: My uncle and aunt are very nice people. They treat me to good food and drink every day, and they are almost getting fat.

Ruan Xiuqin asked: Isn't it convenient for me to talk?

Zhang Xuan glanced at the people around him, stood up and came to the balcony: Mom, if you have anything to say, just say it.

Ruan Xiuqin said: Auntie's 70th birthday will be in two days and the two actors will come back. What are you going to do? Come back or not?

Zhang Xuan did not hesitate: Come back.

Ruan Xiuqin immediately breathed a sigh of relief. She was amazed every time she saw that girl. She was afraid that Man Zai would be trapped in the land of gentleness and would not be able to get out. Then Shuangling's face would not be taken care of.

Ruan Xiuqin was even thinking: She could guess that Manzai must have gone to find Mi Jian, and Shuangling could probably guess it too.

Ruan Xiuqin said: Give the phone to Mi Jian, mom and say a few words to her.


Zhang Xuan walked back to the living room and handed over the phone, My mother wants to say a few words to you.

Seeing that Zhang Xuan and his mother did not avoid him, Mi Jian felt a little happy, but more importantly, he felt sad.

Hey, Auntie. Mi Jian took the phone and went to the balcony.

Ten minutes later, Mi Jian came back and returned the phone to him.

Zhang Xuan took a closer look and didn't find anything strange.

Thinking about it, Comrade Ruan Xiuqin is a quarrel between the two sides. He may be cruel to himself, but he will never show any mercy to Shuangling and Mi Jian.

He took the phone and put it in his pocket with peace of mind and continued to watch TV. However, not long after, Ruan Dezhi called again.

Ruan Dezhi said: Listen to your mother, are you in Chen City?

Zhang Xuan replied: Yes.

Ruan Dezhi had heard more or less about this nephew's romantic affair, but he did not ask Zhang Xuan what he was doing in Chen City.

Instead, he said directly: We plan to go back to our hometown to celebrate the New Year. Tonight's train will pass through Chen City around 12 o'clock in the morning. Do you want to go back together?

Zhang Xuan took one look at Mi Jian and said yes.

After chatting for a while, the two hung up the phone.

Mi Jian tilted his head and asked, Are you going back?

Zhang Xuan ignored Liu Xin and her boyfriend beside him and lay directly on Mi Jian's lap: My uncle's train will pass through here tonight, so I'll go with them.

Mi Jian thought for a moment and said, Then let's go shopping on the street.

Zhang Xuan raised his eyelids and guessed what she was thinking, Okay, it's up to you.

Mi Jian asked Liu Xin: Are you two going together?

Liu Xin's boyfriend looked at Liu Xin.

With the idea of ​​getting in touch with Zhang Xuan more so that he could hug him more easily in the future, Liu Xin stood up directly: Okay, okay, I'm bored at home, let's go shopping with you.

Not far from my doorstep is the relatively prosperous commercial street in Chen City, so you don’t have to walk too far to go shopping.

Passing by a clothing store, Mi Jian walked in and picked out a black down jacket.

Ask: What do you think of this dress? Does it look good on my aunt?

After imagining how this dress would look on Ruan Xiuqin, Zhang Xuan nodded: You have a very accurate vision, it looks pretty good.

Seeing that his eyes were the same as mine, Mi Jian tried it on and paid directly after feeling good about it.

This was Mi Jian's intention. He didn't rush to pay for it. He took the clothes and said, If you are interested, my mother will definitely like it very much. I can't believe that I will only wear this one all winter.

Mi Jian smiled: It's not that exaggerated.

Mi Jian knew how to advance and retreat. After buying one piece of clothing, he didn't buy another.

Zhang Xuan understood that if Comrade Ruan Xiuqin hadn't called her, Mi Jian might not even have this sense of existence.

Knowing that he was going back in the evening, everyone in Lao Liu's family rushed over for dinner.

This passionate scene made the old man sigh. I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, this situation was completely different from the situation in my previous life when I was refused entry.

Since the train was arriving in Chenshi relatively late, his uncle and uncle asked him to play cards to kill time.

This time Zhang Xuan stopped playing cards, and every time he used the excuse of being greedy to avoid playing cards. In a short time, he vomited out all the money he had won in the past few days. I also posted a lot.

This made my uncle very happy. Because he benefited from it, winning a few thousand dollars, which was almost worth his three months' salary.

Mi Jian sat next to him and smiled without revealing his little thoughts, fearing that he would be bored, and even asked him to have some snacks from time to time.

It is said that prostitution and gambling are the easiest ways to kill time. The hours spent waiting for the bus flew by.

Mi Jian looked at the time, 11:25, and said, It's time to set off.

When Mi Jian said this, the card players all put down their cards. Even the most excited uncle put down his cards without hesitation and stood up to get the souvenirs.

Grandpa, grandma, uncles and aunts, thank you for your hospitality these days. I'm leaving.

After greeting everyone one by one, Zhang Xuan said goodbye to everyone with a smile on his face.

Hey, please slow down on the road...

Downstairs, uncle was still driving, with Zhang Xuan and Mi Jian sitting in the back.

To the old man's surprise, Liu Yi also got into the passenger seat and planned to take him to the train station.

Liu Yi's attitude towards him was like the sun rising in the west. It was the first time in his life that he was a little flattered for a while.

The people outside the car waved, and the van moved and soon disappeared at the end of the road.

Back in the house, my uncle sat down and said, Brands are judged by character, and Zhang Xuan has a lot of spirit!

My aunt didn't understand, so she sat down next to her and asked, How did you tell?

Of all the people in the room, only my uncle was from the system, and he was also a serious department-level cadre, so his words had weight:

This Xuan head is smarter than the average person and can count cards. He obviously has a good hand but he just doesn't play it right. He is obviously giving up the cards to your brother.

After everyone heard this, they all reacted. My uncle lost the worst last time, but tonight he won no matter how hard he fought. This was a real comeback drama.

Combined with my uncle's usual bad poker skills, everyone in the room immediately believed it.

The aunt looked at Mi Pei and said, Brother-in-law, I really envy you.

Mi Peiruan and Xiaoxiao didn't know how to deal with this.


It took the group less than 10 minutes to arrive at the station gate.

Zhang Xuan asked Zhao Lei to pick up her luggage, turned around and said hello to her uncle and Liu Yi, then stared straight at Mi Jian.

The four eyes looked at each other, and at a certain moment, Zhang Xuan, whose blood was rising, stretched out his hands and hugged Mi Jian.

Seeing this scene, Liu Yi turned her head and looked away.

On the other hand, the uncle smiled brightly, his eyes stayed on the two of them, his eyes were full of silkworms, and his face was covered with flowers.

Mi Jian didn't expect that he would do this in public. After a little surprise, he said in his ear:

Be safe on the road, and send me a text message after you meet up with your uncle and the others.


Although he was very reluctant to leave her, Zhang Xuan also understood that everything has a priority, and he let go of her after hugging her for a few seconds. Then he entered the waiting hall under the watchful eyes of three people.

When the people disappeared, Mi Jian said to the two of them: Let's go back.

Hey. My uncle took the lead and ran to drive.

Liu Yi glanced in the direction of the waiting room again, and said something to Mi Jian as never before: Mom can see that you two are in love, so you have to seize the opportunity.

Mi Jian paused, stroking the ends of his hair with his right hand, and remained silent.

As soon as he got on the train, Zhang Xuan went straight to Ruan Dezhi's sleeper car.

Dear brother, I miss you so much, I miss you so much...

When they first met, before Zhang Xuan had time to say hello to Ruan Dezhi and Yang Yingman, he saw Yang Manjing hugging her and shouting.

Ouch, this shameless guy is so disgusting!

Zhang Xuan was convinced: Relax, relax, I will give you money when I go home.

After achieving her goal, Yang Manjing let go of him with a smile and pulled him to sit down on the lower bunk.

Ruan Dezhi and Yang Yingman looked helplessly at their daughter, who was completely out of tune with Xiao Shiyi.

Zhang Xuan sent a text message to Mi Jian: He has met his uncle, don't worry.

Mi Jian replied instantly: Got it, tell me when you get home.

Zhang Xuan: Well, it’s very late. You should go to bed early.

Because it was too late, Zhang Xuan and Ruan Dezhi fell asleep separately after their families had a small gathering.

When I woke up the next day, it was already after 5 o'clock in the morning, and the train was about to enter Xinhua Railway Station.

Zhang Xuan woke up Ruan Dezhi's family of three: We are not going to Shao City anymore. We will get off at Xinhua Railway Station.

Hearing the words Xinhua Railway Station, Yang Yingman couldn't help but recall the bad scene a few years ago. Fortunately, Ruan Dezhi squeezed her palm at the right time and did not show any cowardice.

Enter the station, get off the station, and exit the station.

They met Du Dudong, Wu Ruiguo and Ouyang Yong father and son.

At this moment, four men stood in a row, frightening many passengers who had just left the station and walked around cautiously.


First, they exchanged pleasantries with Du Dudong, then turned around and had a small chat with Wu Ruiguo, Ouyang Yong and his son.

Du Dudong happily patted Zhang Xuan on the shoulder and asked Ruan Dezhi: Dezhi, are you hungry? Do you want to go to the restaurant next door to eat something first?

Ruan Dezhi replied: Fortunately, I ate a few boiled eggs in the car. I won't worry about it anymore. Let's just go home and eat it.

Dudukdong said, That's okay, the food has been prepared at home, just waiting for you to go back to eat.

Dudong and others drove over in two cars, a Toyota Overbearing and a Mercedes-Benz.

In addition, father and son Ouyang Zhu and Ouyang Yong each rode a motorcycle.

Zhang Xuan gave up his Mercedes-Benz to Ruan Dezhi's family of three, and he and Zhao Lei squeezed into the Toyota driven by Du Dudong.

The road from Xinhua to Qianzhen is a mountain road, and the tops of the mountains are covered with snow. It is as bright as day at night, but it is too cold.

Seeing Zhang Xuan blowing into his hands from time to time, Du Dudong turned up the air conditioner and took off his gloves and gave them to him:

I don't know what's wrong this year? It's very cold. You just came back from the south and you're still not used to it. Put on your gloves.

Zhang Xuan is not pretentious, he has an intuition that his hands will get frostbite.

Dudong asked: Why didn't you go to Europe with Shuangling and the others to watch the performance? Shuangling said on the phone yesterday that the concert would be great and she seemed to be in a very good mood.

Zhang Xuan said: The Shanghai mobile phone factory has something going on and we can't leave.

In fact, Du Dudong knew that he was busy with his career, so he just asked casually, I read in the newspaper that your PHS is selling well. When will it be sold to us in southern Hunan?

Zhang Xuan said: According to the plan, it will probably be done at the end of 1997 or early 1998. Now we mainly focus on consolidating the markets in Guangdong Province, Shanghai and Yuhang.

Du Dudong asked: Will PHS be implemented in the town?

Zhang Xuan said: Small towns have some difficulties for the time being, but they will definitely be implemented in the future.

There was snow on the road, and there was a thin layer of ice in some places. In addition, the road back was uphill, so it was not easy to drive.

On a turning and uphill section, the Mercedes Benz behind suddenly stalled.

Zhang Xuan looked in the rearview mirror and his balls hurt. Damn it, a car as good as Hutouben can stall. Comrade Wu Ruiguo's driving skills are also very good.

I wonder if he would just thrust it a few times on the girl’s belly and forget about it?

The Mercedes-Benz tried several times but failed to come up. Zhang Xuan had to get out of the car and said to Wu Ruiguo:

You're tired, let me drive.

Knowing that Zhang Xuan was good at driving, Wu Ruiguo didn't show any mercy and quickly gave up the cab.

Similarly, Du Dudong also gave up the driving seat, and the Toyota was handed over to Zhao Lei.

After replacing the old driver, the car took on new vitality like a woman, and the journey back to Shangcun went smoothly.

When we returned to the crossroads, it was already broad daylight.

Ruan Xiuqin and Ai Qing were chatting with Nawen who was holding a child in the canteen while looking at the road at the entrance of the village. There was a big yellow dog lying next to him.

Suddenly, the big yellow dog stood up and barked at the entrance of the village. Ruan Xiuqin and Ai Qing stopped chatting immediately.

Ai Qing shouted: Back.

Ruan Xiuqin touched the dog's head and breathed a sigh of relief. She had been worried before, fearing that something might happen in this weather.


Zhang Xuan said Mom, and Ruan Xiuqin and Ai Qing responded reflexively.



After saying Hey twice, the people watching the trick were so happy that Zhang Xuan was so frightened that he quickly added Mom.

Zhang Ping and Ouyang Yong's mothers were raising their cubs in the living room, while Du Jingling chatted with them.

Seeing that the person had returned, Du Jingling and Zhang Ping, who were sitting there, got up at the same time and went to the backyard kitchen, opened the steamer and served food from the inside.

Zhang Xuan, who was tired after running all the way, wanted to take a shower first, but when he saw mother and daughter Yang Yingman's eyes shining brightly at the dishes on the table, he gave up his mind.

They only ate a few boiled eggs on the way. They must be starving, right?

The food on the table is very rich, 15 bowls, more lively than the Chinese New Year. This completely shows the signs that the old Zhang family has become prosperous.

But considering there are so many people today, 15 bowls is not too much.

Du Dudong loves wine, and Ruan Dezhi is even more addicted to alcohol. Together with Ouyang Zhu, the three of them are really matched against each other, and they are so frightened that Zhang Xuan and Wu Ruiguo dare not say a word.

After eating, Zhang Xuan sent a text message to Mi Jian: I'm home.

Then I took a change of clothes and entered the shower room.

It would be nice to have a bathtub at home, but it’s a pity that no one can surf with me now.

Just then the phone rang. Zhang Xuan picked it up and saw that it was Du Yu.

Somewhat unexpectedly, Zhang Xuan pressed the connect button, Hey, old classmate.

Du Yu asked: Zhang Xuan, have you gone home?

Zhang Xuan said: I'm back.

Du Yu asked: When will you come to Shao City after the New Year?

Zhang Xuan asked, When do you have time?

Du Yu said: That's it, we are going to my aunt's house in Yangcheng to pay New Year's greetings on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year.

If you come before the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, we are still in Shao City. If you come after the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, you can come to Yangcheng to find Seagate.

Zhang Xuan asked: Do you go to Yangcheng every year to pay New Year's greetings?

Du Yu said: No, it's too far away and I couldn't pay New Year's greetings every year. We usually go there every three or four years, and we usually go there as a team with several families.

Zhang Xuan understood: Okay, I understand.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xuan stared at the phone screen and counted one, two, three.

When the phone arrived in Seagate's hands, he edited a text message: I miss Seagate, can you help me find out if she has gained weight or lost weight?

Seagate just took the phone, clicked on the text message and saw the content, and felt numb instantly.

Like the soft numbness on the door panel

ps: Please subscribe! Asking for a monthly ticket!

(8600 words have been updated.)

Eat first and change later.

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