Rebirth of the Great Era 1993

Chapter 695, never been so close (please subscribe!)

Looking at each other, a smile appeared in Mi Jian's eyes: Does it look good?

Zhang Xuan subconsciously said: It looks good.

Ouch, the old man patted his lips, I never lie to you, it's really good-looking.

After saying that, he looked at the sky, then lowered his head for a long time and blinked: Let's go, let's go to bed.



One room?


Mi Jian tilted his head slightly and looked at him with a smile: Have you made a decision? Did you choose me between the two actors?

Hearing this, Zhang Xuan's face fell and he stared at her with a grimace, I mean, you sleep on the bed and I make the floor.

Mi Jian asked: Do you know about the trial marriage style in ancient times?

Zhang Xuan immediately shut up and pretended not to answer.

Trial Marriage Gege, you know!

Wasn't it just a trial marriage for the princess? Before the princess got married, she acted as the princess and trained the consort in bed.

But when the princess got married, the trial marriage Gege stepped aside.

Seeing him pretending to be dead, Mi smiled, sat up and said, It's really late. You go and have a rest. You have to go early to see the national flag raising tomorrow.

OK, good night.

Good night.

Back in the room, the old man threw himself on the bed and fell asleep.

It's just that he didn't sleep well that night. In his dreams, he was always troubled by the words Trial Marriage Princess.

Zhang Xuan, get up, it's time to set off.

After being confused for most of the night, when Zhang Xuan was sleeping deeply, Mi Jian bent over the bed and called him.

Zhang Xuan opened his eyes: What time is it?

Mi Jian looked at his watch: 5:20, today is October 1st, the national flag is raised at 6:11 in the morning.

The time for raising the flag is determined based on the sunrise time, which basically changes every day of the month.

But fortunately, after so many years, the locals in the capital have mastered the rules. Just ask Li Wendong and he will know when to rush there, so there is no need to worry about missing the time.

Is it 5:20?

Zhang Xuan stretched his hands on the bed and gasped for air.

While getting dressed, he asked, Are aunties, uncles and the others up?

Mi Jian replied: I'm washing up.

Zhang Xuan carefully looked at the person in front of him and found that his hair had been styled. It seemed that he had put a lot of thought into getting his parents, uncle and aunt to Tianxmen Square on time.

Seeing him yawning, Mi Jian asked with concern: Did you sleep well last night?

Zhang Xuan squeezed out the toothpaste, spit it out, I had a dream all night, and all I could think about was the trial marriage.

You know how powerful your words are. One word can make me live, and one word can make me die.

From now on, you must use these words with caution, otherwise I will be scared to death and no one will grow old with you.

Hearing this, Mi Jian stood at the edge of the door and stared at his side face quietly, smiling silently.

Brush your teeth, wash your face, and wash your hair all in one go.

Before going out, Mi Jian asked: It's a bit cold in the morning in October, so wear thicker clothes.

Okay. Zhang Xuan quickly ran back to the bedroom, picked out an autumn coat and put it on.

Nanluoguxiang is not very far from Tianxu Gate, it only takes more than ten minutes to get there.

Because it was National Day, I was mentally prepared that there would be a lot of people, but I didn’t expect that there would be so many people watching the flag raising.

Among the crowds, there were many compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, as well as many foreigners with blond hair and blue eyes.

If this was just more than expected, then the even bigger surprise was that I met a person here who I had thought about day and night but was destined to have no destiny, Zhou Huimin.

Seeing him, Zhou Huimin was also surprised, and then said hello: Hello Mr. Zhang, are you here to see the national flag raising?

Seeing such a beautiful woman taking the initiative to get close to Zhang Xuan, Liu Yi, Mi Pei and their uncle and aunt all looked at Zhou Huimin a few more times.

But Mi Jian seemed to recognize who the person opposite was?

Taking in the expressions of Liu Yi and others, Zhang Xuan smiled and said, I'll come over with my uncle and aunt to take a look.

As a person who works in the entertainment industry, Zhou Huimin understands some words immediately. She glanced at Mi Jian without any trace, and then said politely: Mr. Zhang, my friend and I went over there first. Next time we come to Xiangjiang, we will go there. Opportunities gather.”

Okay, if this is your first time in the capital, remember to try the roast duck. It tastes good. Before leaving, Zhang Xuan expressed concern as a friend.

After walking about 20 steps, my companion asked Zhou Huimin: Isn't it said that this great writer is interested in you?

How come you have a girlfriend in the blink of an eye?

The person next to him seemed to be his mother-in-law, and the mother and daughter looked very similar.

Zhou Huimin showed her white fangs: That was a rumor spread by Li Jiaxin and others. After we met at the last cocktail party, we have never met or contacted each other again. Do you think he is interested in me?

The companion asked quietly: It's groundless, so you haven't been interested?

Zhou Huimin said: Mr. Zhang's girlfriend is very beautiful.

Hearing what she said, the companion sighed immediately, knowing that this close friend must have had expectations, but the fate fell through before the fate came true.

Watching Zhou Huimin and her friends leave, Zhang Xuan simply said: You should recognize her, her name is Zhou Huimin, she is a star in Hong Kong.

The wife of a friend of mine is also a celebrity in Hong Kong, and I once met her at a friend's house.

Mi Jian looked at him with a half-smile, knowing that what he said was not for himself, but for his family.

Zhang Xuan's words were indeed meant for Liu Yi and the others, because Mi Jian didn't need to explain anything by himself at all. This was the trust and honesty between the two.

Right is right, right is wrong, there is no cheating between the two of them.

The howling north wind was blowing and it was a bit cold, so the autumn coat on my body was working.

Zhang Xuan shrank his hands and folded his coat. He couldn't help but think of a post he had seen on Tieba later in life: Netizens were arguing that it was cold due to the north wind? Or is it cold in the south?

Some people say that the south is wet and cold, and compatriots from the north wind freeze like dogs in the south.

But our compatriots in the south cannot withstand the north wind. The splashing water turns into ice in the winter. This thing is really deadly!

When the two sides were arguing, one compatriot concluded: the cold and wet in the south is a magical attack, while the dry and cold in the north is called a physical attack.

The northern compatriots are thick-skinned and not afraid of physical attacks, but they are afraid of magic attacks. In the same way, our fellow southerners who grew up with magical attacks are also afraid of physical attacks.

When the time came, the flag-raising ceremony began.

Mi Jian first aimed at the national flag guard and took a few photos, then motioned to Zhang Xuan to stand next to him and took a few photos.

Then he gave the camera to Mi Pei and stood up to take a photo with Zhang Xuan.

This morning, the old man was pulled to take almost 20 photos, individual photos with each person, and group photos with everyone.

For the first time in his life, Zhang Xuan felt so close to Mi Jian.

It's so close to Lao Liu's house.

I haven’t felt this way for a long time, and it feels so good.

In his previous life, because he and Mi didn't know each other clearly, Liu Yi was so angry that she didn't talk to him for 12 years, and she never saw him until her death.

It was not until Liu Yi entered her later years that, with the encouragement of relatives and friends, she acquiesced in the relationship between Zhang Xuan and Mi Jian. They were not a couple, but better than a couple.

ps: Please subscribe! Asking for a monthly ticket!


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