Rebirth of the Great Era 1993

Chapter 641, Wen Hui’s puzzle (please subscribe!)

Before hanging up the phone, Zhang Xuan quickly asked: How was the conversation with Zidane?

Tao Ge didn’t hide anything: “It’s a bit difficult, but I’m still trying my best. Nesta’s hope is greater.”

Zhang Xuan nodded: That's it, I'm waiting for your good news, you go ahead and do your work first.

That sister died.

Okay, hang up.

Putting down the phone, Zhang Xuan was in a very happy mood.

Although he rejected the temptation of US$150 million.

But just because of his reputation, some people are willing to gamble $1.50, which also proves his status as an international celebrity.


In other words, it’s so much better!

In the evening, Zhang Xuan first took a shower, then ran back to the third floor to watch TV. When Wenhui came out of the shower room, he turned off the TV, prepared to go to bed, and continued to sleep on the sofa.

Ever since he kissed Wen Hui that night, he has been sleeping on the sofa on the third floor.

This life is really hard, but I have to swallow the sins I have made even if my teeth are broken.

Wen Hui wiped her hair with a dry towel as usual, dried the towel, and then walked to the bedroom as usual.

But when she closed the door, she paused for a moment holding the edge of the door. Then she found a set of clothes to wear tomorrow from the bedroom and walked to the sofa.

What's wrong with you?

Zhang Xuan originally closed his eyes and was about to fall asleep, but he didn't expect that someone suddenly stood in front of him.

Wen Hui looked at him quietly and said her first words to him after the kiss incident: Have you been writing The World today?

Zhang Xuan half-opened his eyelids and hummed.

Wen Hui said: Go to sleep on the second floor.

Zhang Xuan asked: What about you?

Wen Hui didn't answer, turned around and walked towards the door with her clothes.

Yo, have you figured it out and reconciled with yourself?

That's right. If you continue to be in a stalemate with yourself, my patience will be limited. Maybe one day I will stop serving you and leave.

However, thinking of the scene where she had been waiting for him to eat tonight, the old man smashed the unconscionable words into pieces again.

Returning to the master bedroom that he had not seen for a long time, Zhang Xuan felt a sense of intimacy as soon as he threw himself on the bed.

Roll around, roll around again, nothing to say, I have to write again tomorrow, sleep!

Chi chi chi chi. the female magpie raised her buttocks and screamed.

Chi-chi-chi chi-chi! the male magpie lowered his head and shouted at the same time.

The next day, when I opened my eyes, I saw a pair of magpies on the plane tree outside the window.

Oops, these two shameless silly birds have really become sperms.

Nokia passing by the bed, 6:02

Sure enough, once people have expectations and things to do, they will be more motivated when they get up.

An unread text message appeared on the screen, from Lilith.

Click to open: Husband, I had a dream last night. I dreamed that a blue dragon was entrenched in my belly.

After staring at the text message and savoring it twice, Zhang Xuan smiled.

Isn't this what Bo Ji said when she wanted to get Liu Bang's favor?

Lilith, the tiger girl, wanted to visit her.

Without thinking, he called directly, but the next second, he hung up quickly.

There is a time difference of 8 from London, so Lilith should be asleep by now.

Editor's text message: I am continuing to write The Human World and I can't leave for the time being. I will come to you when my mind stabilizes.

Read the text message again and click Send.

After putting away the phone, getting dressed, washing up and walking out, Wen Hui opened the door and came out.

Looking at each other, Zhang Xuan greeted: Good morning.

Yeah, Wen Hui nodded lightly and walked towards the door.

But when she walked to the door, she turned sideways and asked, Are you planning to start writing from today?


He stayed here during the summer vacation. In addition to worrying that the newly appointed Xu Shengli would not be able to grasp the situation, the other reason was to concentrate on writing.

Wen Hui looked into his eyes and said, Don't go shopping for groceries from now on. You can write with peace of mind.

Zhang Xuan knew her good intentions, but shook his head: No, you have a competition soon and need more time to practice piano than me.

I'd better go shopping for groceries. Proper exercise is good for my physical and mental health. Otherwise, staying in the study every day will easily lead to boring boredom.

Hearing this, Wen Hui pondered for a while, opened the door and left.

Change your shoes and go out, continuing to walk around the campus.

I just met two people while walking, one of them was an acquaintance, Zhang Sufang.

In fact, that man was unfamiliar. He should be Zhang Sufang's subordinate from the Labor and Health Department of the Student Union of the School of Management.

The two wandered around the campus talking and laughing.

But when he suddenly met Zhang Xuan, the boy was obviously a little reluctant to let him go, but Zhang Sufang greeted him: Great writer, you didn't go back during the summer vacation?

Zhang Xuan replied: I have something to do here. You guys are really not afraid of hard work when you come to school on a hot day.

Zhang Sufang said very frankly: I miss school a little bit, so I took my boyfriend to visit.

Zhang Xuan was a little surprised. He didn't expect Zhang Sufang to admit it so simply. It seemed that she was determined to break up with Li Zheng completely?

Zhang Sufang and Li Zheng were entangled in the past, but they had constant conflicts.

In fact, the root of the conflict was that Li Zheng refused to accept him, which led to Zhang Sufang loving and hating him and often making quarrels.

However, Lao Wei said that Zhang Sufang's family conditions were quite good, which was why she dared to slap Li Zheng.

Watching the two people leave, Zhang Xuan didn't have any opinions on this. He didn't ask others to do what he couldn't do.

Entering the vegetable market and coming to a familiar stall, Auntie, give me a pound of tenderloin.

The aunties all know him, or everyone in this market knows him.

Despite such a famous person coming to this stall to buy meat every day, the meat seller has become a well-known Internet celebrity in later generations. Her popularity has soared, many people have followed suit and become curious, and business is much better than before.

In the past, a pig could not be sold out until the afternoon, or it could not be sold out.

But now, work usually ends at noon, and sometimes an extra pig can be killed and sold.

So Zhang Xuan said he wanted to buy meat. The aunt was in a very good mood and happily chopped the best tenderloin.

One and a half pounds, 6 yuan. Although the aunt was happy for him to buy meat and picked the best parts to sell to him, the butcher's shrewdness was still engraved in her bones, and she would get more every time she cut.

Here. The meat was really good. Zhang Xuan didn't bother to care about it, so he just paid and left.

After shopping around, I also bought a sea bass, some mushrooms and beans, and went home directly.

During the day, I wrote, practiced boxing, and sometimes went to the mall. July passed in a flash.

August is here.

During this period, he wrote 6,000 words a day and spent the rest of his time reading.

Shangcun, crossroads.

Ruan Xiuqin got up early today and got out of bed before 6:30.

Although it is still early, it is already bright outside, and the hard-working people in the countryside have been busy for more than an hour.

Ruan Xiuqin didn't get up to pick vegetables in the fields as usual, but sat on the sofa on the second floor for a while.

She had a dream last night, in which she saw the girl calling her mother and giving birth to a pair of twins, the eldest son and daughter of the old Zhang family.

This pair of dragon and phoenix twins have bright and white teeth, and their looks are completely like Mi Jian's. They speak like grandma in each mouth. They are so adorable that Ruan Xiuqin's heart is broken and she is about to melt.

A dream is just a dream after all, Ruan Xiuqin looked sad when she woke up.

Picking up Mi Jian's photo and looking at it carefully, Ruan Xiuqin felt a little complicated.

This girl is really well-born, and her temperament is like that of a settled woman. She was also admitted to Peking University and is excellent in all aspects.

It's all perfect.

Even if Ruan Xiuqin cares most about Shuangling, she also knows that Manzai, who has a higher eye than her head, is devoted to Mijian.

So no matter what she thinks in her heart, at this point, she has to hide some of her thoughts.

Because Ruan Xiuqin has already understood that Manzai is a passionate seed, so if he tightens his belt and stops touching other women, he might still be obedient.

But it was basically impossible for him to push out Mi Jian and Lilith who had succeeded.

Moreover, when Mi saw such a good girl getting close to her son, she was reluctant to leave.

As for Lilith, Ruan Xiuqin was still worried.

A daughter who is worried that Lilith's family background is not simple, and Shao Shi's thumb will be difficult to end if she doesn't get it right.

Another concern is Lilith's daughter's figure.

Ruan Xiuqin is a woman, and women naturally understand women. Once her son gets involved with a charming body like Lilith, he is afraid that he will become addicted to it and be unable to stop, which will not be good for his health in the long run.

Of course, apart from these two concerns, Ruan Xiuqin still has relatively good feelings about Lilith.

Let me ask you, if a girl with a good appearance, a good family, and a good education loves her precious son so much, the mother will feel a little bit proud and happy in her heart.

Thinking of this, Ruan Xiuqin grabbed the landline phone on the table and called her son.

As soon as the phone call came through, she asked: Manzai, are you up yet?

Zhang Xuan happened to walk to the first floor of the teacher's apartment at this moment and replied: Mom, I just came back from shopping for groceries.

Ruan Xiuqin asked with concern: Today is August 1st, when will you go home?

Zhang Xuan said: It will take a few days. My writing ideas are very good now, so I want to slow down for a few days.

Ruan Xiuqin asked happily: Shuang Ling said that your new book writing has hit a bottleneck. Now you have found a direction?

Zhang Xuan was also happy: I found it, mom, don't worry, I'll write in another two days and I'll be back.

Okay, don't worry, your big thing is important. For Ruan Xiuqin, there is no bigger event in the world than his son's writing.

As long as it is beneficial to her son's writing, she supports it.

Thinking that today is August, Zhang Xuan asked: Mom, how is the old mayor doing?

Ruan Xiuqin said: Yesterday, my mother went to see him. He was good or bad. When he was lying on the bed, my mother even said a few words to him.

Zhang Xuan frowned when he heard this.

At this moment, Ruan Xiuqin's ears pricked up, her face immediately twisted into a twist, and she said calmly:

Manzai, Teacher Tian'e came to see mom to get mushrooms from the mountain. This was an appointment made yesterday.

Mom is dead. Take care of yourself over there, eat on time, and remember to get more rest.

Now is the season for picking mushrooms. Zhang Xuan has no doubt about it and said: Okay, please pay attention to safety.

After hanging up the phone, Ruan Xiuqin walked back and forth in the living room on the second floor.

Her mind was in a mess at the moment, and she was confused by the sound of the piano that came from the phone just now.

She has been to CUHK twice.

Especially since we have been here for more than half a month this time, we naturally know very well who among the three girls Shuang Ling, Wen Hui and Qing Zhu can play the piano?

The two actors are not at CUHK.

Qingzhu had a phone call with Shuangling a few days ago, and she was in her hometown of Bishan.

Only the girl Wen Hui.

A terrible thought arose, and Ruan Xiuqin patted her forehead with her right hand again, hoping that she had overthought it.

There are three of you, Manzai, what do you want to do?

Just when Ruan Xiuqin was talking about what Manzai wanted, Zhang Xuan opened the door and entered the kitchen to start washing and chopping vegetables.

When everything was ready, Wen Hui stepped in as usual.

Seeing her put on her scarf and start cooking, Zhang Xuan thought for a while and said, I'm leaving.

Wen Hui asked: Go home?


When to go back?

The day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. Zhang Xuan said.

Wen Hui asked: It's so fast. Is there something going on at home?

Zhang Xuan shook his head, No.

Then he said: It's time to go back.

Wen Hui glanced at him sideways: What about your novel?

Zhang Xuan replied: Take your time, there is no need to rush.

Wen Hui nodded lightly and started cooking seriously.

For the next two days, the two of them lived peacefully together.

It's just that on the night of the 2nd, Wen Hui cooked an extra dish.

There was more soup than usual.

Zhang Xuan looked at the soup and smiled: You are finally willing to make soup.

Wen Hui smiled gently: You are leaving, let alone even a piece of soup.

After dinner, Zhang Xuan extended an invitation: Let's go for a walk together?

After Wen Hui hesitated for a few seconds, he agreed.

In the first half, both of them looked at their own scenery without speaking.

In the second half, Zhang Xuan said, I'll leave Zhao Lei here, so you can practice the piano in peace.

Wen Hui said seriously: Thank you.

Zhang Xuan waved his hand: No need to say thank you. I can't help you with the piano competition, so I can only do my best. I hope your wishes will come true.

Yeah. Wen Hui hummed softly.

After walking around the campus and returning home, Wen Hui poured two cups of herbal tea, one for herself and one for Zhang Xuan.

The old man took the herbal tea, looked at it, and asked curiously: Why is there wolfberry in my herbal tea, but not in yours?

Wen Hui took a sip of herbal tea, said nothing, and just smiled at him. Then he went directly to the piano room.

Looking at the wolfberries in the cup, Zhang Xuan fell into silence.

He is not a fool. As we all know, wolfberry has a function, that is, taking it for a long time can aphrodisiac.

And what kind of man needs aphrodisiac?

Do men without heterosexual partners need this thing?


And to take it a step further, does an average healthy man, a man with only one woman, need this thing?


Could it be that she was telling herself in a roundabout way: You are going back, there are actresses waiting for you over there, this thing will be useful to you?

Another meaning is: cherish your two actors.

A deeper understanding is: how many women do you have?

Zhang Xuan held up the herbal tea and observed it for a long time, pondering what Wen Hui meant.

After pondering over it for a while, I felt a little depressed, so I just drank the herbal tea in one go.

Then he got up and went to the piano room, pulled up a chair and sat on one side, quietly listening to her playing the piano.

Wen Hui glanced at him, and then threw herself into the practice without any emotion.

The melodious and melodious sound of the piano was still so beautiful, and Zhang Xuan, who was enjoying it very much, slowly closed his eyes.

I don’t know how long it took...

The voice that had been switching back and forth among Liszt's piano pieces suddenly changed to I'll Have You in My Life.


Zhang Xuan opened his eyes and looked at Wen Hui.

Seeing his confused look, Wen Hui glanced at his face, took it back and continued playing.

As he listened, Zhang Xuan had a vague suspicion in his mind.

Sure enough, after the song ended, Wen Hui's fingers gracefully rested on the black and white keys.

She said: When I Will Have You in My Life first came out, Shuangling thought you gave it to him. But you and I both know that you gave it to Mi Jian.

Zhang Xuan nodded.

Wen Hui raised her head and asked: The reason why aunt came to CUHK to comfort the two actors some time ago was because you met Mi in the capital, right?

Zhang Xuan was stunned. Faced with such a smart person, he did not deny it.

Seeing his silence, Wen Hui added: Why did Mi Jian's letter appear on the couple's bed? Have you ever thought about the reason?

Zhang Xuan asked: Do you know the reason?

Wen Hui didn't answer. She stood up and said, It's getting late. Let's rest.

Zhang Xuan subconsciously grabbed her: Hey, don't leave in a hurry and tell me the answer, otherwise I won't be able to sleep tonight.

Wen Hui glanced at him sideways, smiled knowingly, picked up the teacup next to her, put it into his hand, and left.

Zhang Xuan looked at the teacup in his hand, dumbfounded.

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