Rebirth of the Great Era 1993

Chapter 539, frightening, high-powered interview (please subscribe!)

The female reporter was afraid that someone else would steal the topic, so she continued to ask: Teacher Zhang, a friend told me very excitedly some time ago.

He said that he was lucky enough to see you on the Great Wall and that you were playing with a beautiful girl.

Is that your girlfriend?

Everyone present was a little surprised as to why the female reporter asked two such innocuous questions in a row on such an occasion.

Isn't this a waste of everyone's time and valuable opportunity to ask questions?

Many people present were secretly blaming the female reporter.

Especially the alumni of CUHK, they asked this female reporter in their hearts: Are you having a problem with your brain? Who at CUHK doesn’t know that this great writer has a girlfriend? They are right there.

But there are also a small number of people who know the inside story who think there is something wrong with this issue?

For example, Wen Hui and Xiao Shiyi, these two people knew about Mi Jian's existence.

Xiao Shiyi knows Mi Jian.

It was because the slave Yang Manjing of the third surname once told her about the existence of Mi Jian, and Zhang Xuan also used Mi Jian to reject her.

And Wenhui knew Mi Jian.

At first, it was because Wenhui heard the two actors shouting Mi Jian's name in their dreams; later she asked Zhang Xuan directly, and although Zhang Xuan didn't admit it, he didn't deny it either and acquiesced.

Hearing this, Zou Qingzhu, who had been kept in the dark, immediately took Du Shuangling's hand and asked three times:

Shuang Ling, did you visit the Great Wall with Zhang Xuan last time? Is the Great Wall really as majestic and majestic as described in the book? Did you take any photos?

Hearing this question, Wen Hui, who was calm about everything, couldn't help but turned her head and looked at Du Shuangling.

The woman's intuition told Wen Hui that it was definitely Mi Jian who traveled the Great Wall with Zhang Xuan last time.

Feeling the eyes of her two best friends, Du Shuangling's expression remained the same without any change. Yan smiled and said, There are photos, but my mother brought the film home. I will show it to you next time I get the chance.

Hey, okay. Zou Qingzhu didn't have any doubts.

Wen Hui identified it carefully, then quietly looked away.

Hearing the female reporter's question, Zhang Xuan's eyelids couldn't help but jump, and he really wanted to curse Niang Xipi.

This problem can be hidden from everyone. You can hide it from everyone by lying, but you can't deceive the two actors.

She returned to the Great Wall because of her grandfather's problems and did not go to the Great Wall at all.

Then who accompanied Zhang Xuan to the Great Wall?

When his thoughts reached this point, the old man had a splitting headache and was about to explode.

However, he was a thick-skinned person in two lifetimes and could understand the overall situation. He knew that the most important thing at the moment was to get over the problem.

He immediately continued to answer vaguely: That's someone I have a very good relationship with.

After saying that, Zhang Xuan glanced at Chen Yan vaguely.

Chen Yan understood and walked quietly in the direction of the female reporter among the crowd.

Just when Zhang Xuan had a headache, another reporter asked: Teacher Zhang, regarding the Mao Dun Literary Award, the person who had a special shout-out to you before was Mr. Chen.

We know that you are very good friends with Editor-in-Chief Hong of People's Literature. I wonder if you have any relationship with Mr. Chen?

Then how do you evaluate his work White Deer Plain?

This question is really a bit far-fetched. Is he trying to reconcile the general ledger that he had avoided answering before?

But it's better than the female reporter's question.

Although he felt unhappy, Zhang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief and said immediately:

“I have no direct contact with Lao Chen, but we admire each other’s talents through our respective works.

I think Lao Chen has created his unique writing style, and he also describes the kind of life he is familiar with. I think his works are also very excellent, and he is fully qualified to win the Mao Dun Literature Award.

A reporter asked: Teacher Zhang, do you think it is something in your works that has impressed readers around the world that has allowed you to dominate the top three bestseller lists in the world?

Zhang Xuan replied: “I think the most important thing is the story content of my work.

Being in the top three bestseller lists is a recognition given to me by readers all over the world. The reason why they love my books is the story content.

I think my works are part of Chinese studies, or even part of world studies. The words I write express different worlds and the customs of a unique world.

At the same time, what I said also describes it in a broad sense.

Whether it is realistic novels, science fiction novels, or fantasy and magic novels, I always stand on the level when writing. I think such works transcend the limitations of region, country, and ethnic group.

A reporter asked: Master Zhang, your fame and prestige are particularly rising at home and abroad.

But I see that you are always very low-key. When you responded to various praises and criticisms, you said you didn't want to say anything and you had no opinion, so why should you be so low-key?

Zhang Xuan said with a smile: Well, how should I put this? If I jump out, wouldn't it become a comedy?

Everyone was praising my work for being brilliant, but I took it seriously and said, isn't that funny and absurd?

I also pay attention to what my friends from all walks of life think about me. There are people who support me and there are people who criticize me. I feel that both those who support me and those who criticize me are helpful to me.

Because only when people have achieved certain achievements can they face this possibility.

In the past, when I was mediocre, I couldn't have attracted so many positive comments, there wouldn't have been so many people who liked me, and there couldn't have been so many people who disliked me.

So for the first time, I met readers and groups, and when I saw their various arguments surrounding my work, it actually inspired me a lot.

This is like a mirror, reflecting the situation and me.

Perfect answer, everyone applauded!

Reporter asked: I have seen many well-known domestic writers and professors criticize you for being rumored and lurking, criticizing you for being opportunistic with your subject matter, and criticizing you for not understanding literature.

But now that you have won the Mao Dun Literature Prize and are standing at the center of the world literary stage, what do you want to say to those critics?

What do you think of studying this field?

Damn it, are you inciting yourself to fight with those people?

It really brings out the faces of media people to the fullest.

Zhang Xuan said: There is a saying in philosophy: things develop, and the fundamental law of development is the law of the unity of opposites. According to the contradiction analysis method, if a new thing wants to succeed, it will definitely encounter resistance, so I can understand them There are different voices, but not all of them agree.

But I still have to thank them.

I finally got an opportunity to stand out among the crowd. This was also an excellent opportunity for me to get to know myself, to know what my shortcomings and shortcomings were, and what I should continue to do. persist and carry forward

As for literature, a writer should learn and write when writing, but a writer lives in social life, and his description of social life also includes politics and various social issues.

Therefore, a writer who is concerned with society and the suffering of the people will naturally have this kind of criticality in his descriptions. I think it is an important function to learn to criticize works, but we must also praise good things, the truth, the goodness, and the beauty. .

When a writer chooses a creative subject, there must be some kind of inner thing that inspires a strong resonance in him. Only then can he be inspired, only then can he be able to write like flying, and only then can he be able to write something that makes people happy. Works that move the writer and also move the readers.

The reporter asked: What impact does your hometown have on your study of creative writing or winning awards?

Zhang Xuan replied: Each of us has a hometown, whether it is us writers, you reporters, or other writers and friends, every hometown has played an important role in our growth.

I think my hometown is closely related to my studies, such as our common clay sculptures, paper-cuts, New Year pictures, couplets, etc. These folk arts and folk arts have grown up with me, and I have been exposed to these cultural elements. .

So when I picked up a pen to learn how to create, these folk elements inevitably entered my art, influenced it, and even determined the artistic function of my works to a certain extent.

The reporter asked: Mr. Zhang, what do you think the 3.1 billion earned in royalties this time means to you?

Zhang Xuan smiled and said: It means to me that I have to receive you today.

A young female reporter asked: I am a Jiaben media, and your work is also published here. Can you say something to our readers?

I'm a little surprised. Are all the Japanese reporters here?

Zhang Xuan said: All my works have been published in Japan. People's Literature has also received some post-reading letters from my friends.

For example, chefs in restaurants and waiters in taverns expressed their love for many of my works, and they all had such understandings that surprised me, and the degree of their understanding was incredible and beyond my imagination.

So I am borrowing your pen here to express my gratitude to this reader and my greetings to my fellow citizens.

A reporter asked: Master Zhang, you earned 3.1 billion in three months. This is a number that most people dare not even think about. It will never be used up in a few lifetimes. So how will you use it? What are the specifics? Arrangements?

Finally came to the question.

He knows that today's CBD mall can no longer hide it, otherwise people will misunderstand that the huge deposit is in his hands, and someone will take desperate risks.

After all, it is 3.1 billion, and few people are not tempted.

Zhang Xuan said bluntly: “There are no specific arrangements and I don’t have enough money.

You should have heard about the CBD that is being built at No. 228 Tianhe Road, Yangcheng. It is a CBD that I am cooperating with, and all my money has been invested in that big project.

So let alone 3.1 billion, another 10 billion will not be enough. Now I am an out-and-out loser, owing billions to the bank.

A reporter followed up and asked: Teacher Zhang, are the CBD projects in Lujiazui in Shanghai and Sanlitun in Beijing also under your supervision?

Zhang Xuan spread his hands: Yes, otherwise how could I owe the bank billions?

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was in an uproar!

Thinking about the billions in arrears, Du Shuangling felt a little worried.

But Wen Hui showed a clear expression. This would explain why I met him twice in the HP area.

As for Zou Qingzhu, ha! Like other CUHK alumni, everyone is dumbfounded!

Well, many girls even got their pants wet while sitting.

A reporter asked: Master Zhang, many people regard your Clockwork Girl as the pinnacle of learning to create.

Think you’re going to go downhill next? What do you think?

Zhang Xuan said: I disagree with this view. It is just one book in my writing career. It is inappropriate for you to judge my life without reading the following books.

You should think about why the American TV station HBO is willing to pay 550 million for one of my book titles. Is it really because they are stupid and have too much money?

A reporter asked: Hello Master Zhang, I am from Xiangjiang TV Station. What do you think is the universal value of learning?

It is said that your success also means that through speaking, you have opened a window for the Western world, including the world, to understand China, is that right?

Damn it, this is another huge pit. A bad answer will be used to make a fuss.

Zhang Xuan considered it and said: This universal value is now very bad.

Everyone talks about universal values. In fact, the universal values ​​I understand are not that complicated. The things that are true, good, and beautiful are universal values.

We in China think it's good. If you treat other friends with the same feeling you treat your mother, they will also feel good about it. This is a universal thing.

I think when studying works, it means that you write works that can impress more than just your compatriots. Your works can also impress foreign readers after they are translated. Such works must have universal values.

A reporter asked: Are you pessimistic about mankind?

Zhang Xuan wondered: No, why do you ask?

The reporter said: In your science fiction works, I found that human beings are so stupid. They repay kindness with hatred, heal their scars and forget about pain, and still fight among themselves in the face of external threats.

Zhang Xuan's reply was very slap in the face: You may have only watched Clockwork Girl to say this.

A reporter asked: You observe fixed people in a small place for a long time. This will have a great impact on your writing! Those of us in big cities actually don't see anyone every day, and everyone is in a hurry.

Zhang Xuan said bluntly: I think for a writer, it doesn't matter where he is. Even if I am in a big city, I can still concentrate on writing.

The reporter said: I think writing novels is the most painful thing in the world!

Zhang Xuan denied: No, I enjoy it very much!

The reporter continued: There must be a lot of suffering.

Zhang Xuan was not used to it: No, it's very exciting, very exciting.

This unexpected interview lasted for a full 4 hours and did not end until the evening.

The reporters, teachers and CUHK alumni present were thoroughly entertained by what started off as a gentle exchange of words and turned into a fierce exchange of words.

Everyone thought that he was indeed a great writer, with broad knowledge, quick thinking, and the unyielding character of a literary man. If a reporter carries him up, he will definitely silence the reporter.

Phew, this damn interview is finally over!


This tiredness is not just physical tiredness, but also mental tiredness.

Zhang Xuan walked to the backstage and met Li Mei head-on.

Surprised, he asked: Why are you here?

Li Mei said: I rushed over after I learned the news. I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to handle it alone.

Zhang Xuan looked at her for a few seconds and then ordered: That's just in time, go help me entertain the reporters and teachers.

Well, there are also student union officials, they all helped me a lot today.

Li Mei said: Don't worry, I have already booked a hotel and prepared red envelopes for them.

These are all agreed upon customs. If you want others to say good things to you, you have to feed them. Zhang Xuan had nothing to say.

Seeing Chen Yan approaching, Zhang Xuan asked, Have you figured out which newspaper the female reporter belongs to?

Chen Yan nodded, walked over and whispered.

Zhang Xuan thought for a while and said, Help me keep an eye on that person.

Chen Yan leaves.

Zhang Xuan quietly recalled today's interview on the spot. After not noticing any obvious loopholes, he took out his mobile phone and called Tao Ge.

He had to do this just in case.

The call came through quickly.

Tao Ge was half asleep and asked: Well~, I just fell asleep and you called me. What do you want from me?

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