Rebirth of the Great Era 1993

Chapter 1046, I’ll have you in my life (new book released)


When Zhang Xuan rushed back to Nanluogu Lane without stopping, Mi Jian was chatting with Liu Yi in the yard.

The old man walked over and said to Liu Yi: Mom, you have been tired recently.

Liu Yi took one look at her daughter, stood up and said with a smile: We are all one family. No matter how tired we are, if you two are doing well, my mother will be happy.

With that said, Liu Yi poured him a glass of water, chatted with Zhang Xuan for a few minutes, and then left the venue free for the two of them.

Seeing his mother-in-law leaving, Zhang Xuan sat down next to Mi Jian, grabbed her hand and said, I'm sorry, I came back late.

Mi Jian looked at him quietly for a while, then blinked and joked: A farewell is better than a wedding, but you don't even kiss your wife when you see her?

Zhang Xuan leaned over and kissed her lips, biting them for a while.

After he finished playing, Mi Jian asked: It should go well this time, right?

Zhang Xuanyuan said, Thanks to your suggestion, I brought my mother here.

Mi Jian thought about Seagate's appearance for a while, and told her for the last time: Don't let the two actors down.

Zhang Xuan said: I know.

The two chatted for a while, and he asked: Are you afraid?

Mi Jian said: Sometimes I'm afraid, sometimes I'm not afraid.

Zhang Xuan asked: When are you afraid?

Mi Jian said: I'm afraid it won't be easy to take care of the child, and I'm worried about his health.

Zhang Xuan patted his chest: Don't be afraid of this, I will ask the best accompanying doctor to be by my side.

Mi Jian held his hand tightly: Actually, even if you have the best doctor by your side, you will still have all kinds of worries as a mother. I used to think a lot when I was alone.

Now that you are by my side, I suddenly feel at ease.

Zhang Xuan said apologetically: I'm not leaving.

Mi Jian smiled: Then I will take it seriously.

Half an hour later, Tao Ge and Wen Yu came over, along with Xinxin, whom they hadn't seen for a long time.

Tao Ge came over and drove Zhang Xuan away: We women will chat for a while, and you can go help with the cooking.

Zhang Xuan had no choice but to go to the kitchen to help Comrade Ruan Xiuqin.

Looking for an opportunity, Ruan Xiuqin asked: Man Zai, how do you feel?

Zhang Xuan knew that she was asking about Seagate, Don't worry, my wife can't escape here.

Ruan Xiuqin patted him on the back happily: Although you are causing trouble to me outside, my daughter Seagate really likes her, and she has done a good job in this matter.

Zhang Xuansao glanced at the door and carefully teased: Ha! If Seagate's mother hears what you always say, she will probably be so angry that she vomits blood.

Ruan Xiuqin hit him hard and said, How can you say that about your mother-in-law behind your back? It's natural for people to have opinions about you. If it were me, I would just drive you out of the house with a broom.

Zhang Xuan said: Hey, this is good. With you always here, I won't worry about the old Zhang family's granddaughter suffering a loss outside.

Ruan Xiuqin suddenly asked: Mi Jian is about to give birth. Do you want it to be a son or a daughter?

Zhang Xuan said: Tao Ge once asked me this. It doesn't matter whether I am a man or a woman. I like Mi Jian's children. What? Are you always biased against your granddaughter?

Unexpectedly, Ruan Xiuqin nodded and shook his head: It's not that Mom is biased against my granddaughter, but Mom knows that you like Mi Jian very much, so you love the house as much as you. Mom naturally hopes that the baby in Mi Jian's belly is a boy, so that after a hundred years, I will feel relieved about Mi Jian.

Zhang Xuan was stunned: Are you always worried about Mi Jian?

Ruan Xiuqin said proactively: Although she is very smart, she is too kind-hearted. If this child is not a boy, she may not be a match for the two actors when she gets old and loses her beauty.

Even Wen Hui, who Ma didn't have much dealings with, was probably more decisive than Mi Jian.

Zhang Xuan frowned slightly: Mom, do you look down on your precious son so much?

Ruan Xiuqin pouted: When ancient emperors favored a woman, they probably liked her very much at the time, but what happened later? Even if she was as beautiful as Zhao Feiyan, even if she was as virtuous as Wei Zifu, didn't she fall out of favor in the end?

Zhang Xuan was speechless: You are so irritating. How could a son of the Zhang family be that kind of person?

Ruan Xiuqin said: Forget about your old Zhang family. Going back eighteen generations, your old Zhang family has never produced a romantic child like you. I guess it is difficult to get a daughter-in-law most of the time.

Zhang Xuan laughed and said, My appearance has followed you, so you have to trust me.

Ruan Xiuqin said with a headache: I would like to believe you, but don't you like Wen Hui too much? Mom is still worried about meeting Wen's family in the future.

Speaking of the Wen family, Zhang Xuan said: I have already overcome the most difficult hurdle. That is the hurdle of Wen Hui's mother. I guess you will need to work harder as you grow older. For such a good daughter-in-law, don't be afraid of difficulties. .”

Ruan Xiuqin asked seriously: A girl like Wen Hui is really willing to be with you?

Zhang Xuan asked back: Do you always think Wenhui is good?

Ruan Xiuqi said: Okay, Wen Hui is naturally excellent. If you had said you had caught Wen Hui before, I would still feel like I was dreaming.

Zhang Xuandao: That dream will come true.

Ruan Xiuqin asked: What conditions did the Wen family put forward?

Zhang Xuan said ambiguously: I don't know yet. I'll have to see Wen Hui next time to confirm.

Ruan Xiuqin was dissatisfied: You don't have any guesses?

Zhang Xuan said: Of course I know what's going on, but it's like playing cards. If Wenhui's parents don't show their cards, I have to hide some of my trump cards.

Ruan Xiuqin was silent and asked after a while: If we want Wenhui to be sincere with you, wouldn't the price we have to pay be much higher than here at Seagate?

Zhang Xuan did not deny it: This is the case for the time being, otherwise the Wen family will have a difficult time, but there is still a long way to go in the future. I will try my best to prevent each of them from complaining about me.

Ruan Xiuqin sighed in a low voice. Although she was quite satisfied with these girls now, there were indeed too many. Putting aside the others, she was worried that her precious son would die of exhaustion on a woman's belly.

That night, Zhang Xuan and Mi Jian were still excited late into the night talking about their children.

Later, Mi Jian said, You have traveled so long today and drank too much. Please rest early.

I did drink too much tonight with Mi Pei and Li Wendong, and knowing that it was time for Mi Jian to rest, Zhang Xuan got out of bed and prepared to sleep in the next room.

Unexpectedly, Mi Jian stopped him and said, That's it. I often wake up at night recently. I want to see you.

Zhang Xuan was stunned for a moment, I remember you didn't have it last month, why is this?

Mi Jian explained: “In the past ten days, my child has been making noises at night and often kicks me in the stomach.

In addition, as the doctor said, the closer to the due date, the more the fetus will sink and easily press on the bladder. I will wake up more at night.

Zhang Xuan lay back and said, I won't move that night.

In the first few months, the two slept together, but at that time Mi Jian's belly was not as big as it is now, so he felt safe in his heart.

But now that he saw this big belly, he was always worried that if he accidentally touched his belly at night, he would wake up Mi Jian.

That night, Zhang Xuan found that Mi Jian had woken up 6 times, almost every hour.

The old man stood up and helped her every time, which made her very distressed.

The further you get to the back, the more times you wake up at night.

Especially on May 9, Mi Jian's frequency of going to the toilet increased to once every 20 minutes. At this time, the doctor gave advice: You can go to the hospital delivery room.

Tao Ge next to him asked: How long until the baby is born?

The doctor said: It should be just these two days, either tonight or tomorrow.

In fact, the family had the medical conditions for delivery, but for the sake of safety, she went to the best hospital in Beijing.

I was admitted to the best independent ward.

This night, Lao Zhang and Lao Mi didn't sleep much, they were all waiting.

After 3 o'clock in the morning, the amniotic water broke. The doctor said that the baby would definitely come out within 24 hours. For safety reasons, the doctor did a systematic check on Mi Jian and the baby in her belly.

After the results came out, the doctor said: The amniotic fluid is safe, the baby's fetal position is correct, there is no umbilical cord entanglement, and other indicators are also within the safe range. It is possible to have a normal delivery. Do you want to decide to have a normal delivery or a caesarean section?

After hearing this, Liu Yi confirmed and asked: Are you sure it is 100% safe to give birth naturally?

The doctor said: Everything is in good condition now and you can have a normal delivery. If by chance, even if the normal delivery encounters difficulties, it will be too late to have a caesarean section. Don't worry, we will monitor and control the baby at all times during the process.

Hearing this, the elders on both sides looked at Mi Jian and did not dare to make a random decision.

After all, this is the first child of the Zhang family, and the relationship is very important. Both parties have their own little thoughts.

Ruan Xiuqin certainly hopes to have a natural birth within a safe range. She believes in the old saying that children born naturally are healthier and smarter.

But as a mother-in-law, she couldn't say anything about a normal delivery, otherwise she would be easily labeled as being bad to her daughter-in-law.

Liu Yi feels sorry for her daughter, but her generation has no barriers when it comes to having children, and they also believe that children born naturally are better.

But the difference between Liu Yi and Ruan Xiuqin is that she has an extra thought. If the first child is not a boy, she also hopes that her daughter will have another child, so that a natural birth will be more conducive to subsequent births.

Mi Pei was worried at the side, but couldn't say anything. After all, the in-laws are here, and the daughter is already married, so it’s not easy to force the decision.

Zhang Mi's family didn't say anything, and Tao Ge, who was accompanying them, couldn't even come out to say anything. His eyes kept wandering around a few people.

Thinking of the pain the couple went through during their previous birth, Zhang Xuan said to Mi Jian: Actually, a caesarean section is a good choice. You won't be in so much pain, it saves you worry and effort, and the baby is still healthy.

But this proposal was directly rejected by Mi Jian: No, I want a natural birth.

Zhang Xuan lowered his head and reminded: It may be very painful, and the process may take a long time. You listen to me, it is better to have a caesarean section.

Mi Jian said: It doesn't matter, I can bear it. I feel that only by going through this pain will I be twice as kind to my children in the days to come and cherish this difficulty even more.

Hearing this, the old man was a little moved and said with emotion: He can be your child, which is the greatest happiness in life.

Mi smiled and said, You're not bad either. You won't have to worry about food and clothing when your child is born.

Mi Jian decided to give birth naturally.

Ruan Xiuqin was secretly happy, feeling that a daughter-in-law here was really hard to find, and meeting Manzai was a blessing she had cultivated in her previous life. The Zhang family had great luck.

Liu Yi was equally happy. She had a natural birth for the first time, which would make it much easier to have a second child in the future.

Mi Pei was also happy. What his daughter said just now made him, a father, extremely proud.

Although her water broke at 3 a.m., Mi Jian stayed up for 6 hours and her hair was wet with pain.

Zhang Xuan couldn't bear it several times and said, It makes me feel bad to see you like this. We can't have a normal delivery. Let's have a caesarean section instead.

Mi Jian shook his head, grabbed his hand and insisted, Believe in your wife.

The female doctor bent over to check and suddenly said to Zhang Xuan: Go and buy her a few bottles of Red Bull and chocolate to replenish her strength.

Zhang Xuan nodded and left the delivery room quickly.

Tao Ge outside the door asked, Where are you going?

Zhang Xuan said: Buy Red Bull and chocolate.

Tao Ge opened the bag and took out 6 bottles of Red Bull and 6 pieces of the best dark chocolate and gave them to him.

Zhang Xuandao: So many?

Tao Ge smiled: It's auspicious for Mi Jian and the child.

Ruan Xiuqin and Liu Yi on the side liked this meaning very much and praised it repeatedly.

May 10th.

At 9:30 in the morning, the doctor said to Mi Jian: Drink a bottle of Red Bull and eat a piece of chocolate.

Zhang Xuan was feeding on the side.

After 10 o'clock in the morning, the doctor helped Mi Jian straighten her legs, bent down and shouted:

It's starting to come out, it's starting to come out, I can already see the hair, you push hard, use the method I taught you before.

Mi Jian was holding the hospital bed with his left hand and Zhang Xuan with his right hand. He exerted all his strength and sweat broke out on his head and body.

Zhang Xuan helped fix Mi Jian with his right hand and wiped her with a towel with his left hand.

Five minutes later, seeing that Mi Jian's strength had weakened, the doctor said again: Drink a bottle of Red Bull and try to strengthen again. Come on! He will be out soon.

Unexpectedly, Mi Jian drank two bottles in one go and then did as the doctor said.

Another five minutes passed like this. Mi Jian saw her man's worried face, so he forced a smile and said, How about you sing a song for me and the child, so that I can distract the pain.

Zhang Xuan asked: What song do you want to listen to?

Mi Jian said: I will have you all my life.

The old man had already risked his life for Mi Jian. Without hesitation, under the watchful eyes of all the doctors and the Shanghai Stock Exchange, he held Mi Jian's hand tightly and sang:

Because I dreamed of you sending me away

I woke up crying.

Watch the night wind blowing through the window sill

can you feel my love

How many people once admired your appearance when you were young?

Who knows who is willing to endure the ruthless changes of time?

How many people have ever...

Wow wow wow...!!

Wow wow wow...!!

He sang this song twice.

At the end of the second time, the baby was finally born successfully.

Zhang Xuan immediately put his head over.

The doctor smiled and said: Congratulations to both of you on the birth of your baby!!!

Zhang Xuan grinned, feeling extremely excited.

He lowered his head and kissed Mi Jian several times, then smiled stupidly: Look, our child, hehe, boy.

Mi Jian couldn't care less that he was sweating profusely. He was relieved and had a happy smile on his face.

After a while, the doctor next to them told the two: The child weighs 6 pounds and 6 taels, and is 53cm tall. Everything is normal!

Six kilograms and six taels, it is indeed a great success!

ps: A new book has been released (My 1991), everyone is welcome to collect and read it.

This book was targeted and I lost the right to modify it. I wrote a string at the beginning of the last chapter and couldn't modify it. I was very depressed.

A new book has been released, everyone is welcome to collect and read it.

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