Rebirth of the Great Era 1993

Chapter 1044, The door panel is singing (new book released)

What is a tablet position?

This represents the ancestors of the Zhang family. This is to be written into the Zhang family tree and for descendants to admire. Although this thing is not a marriage certificate, it can ensure that the Seagate branch will not suffer in the future inheritance division.

The grandmother of the Zhang family admitted it openly and openly, and the Zhang family admitted it openly and honestly. Who dares to exclude this branch in the division of inheritance?

Even the first wife wouldn’t dare.

Of course, having said that, as long as Zhang Xuan did not die prematurely in an accident, he would have made preparations for the division of the inheritance in advance. Although it is unlucky, this is something the wealthy family must do.

But preparation is preparation. With Ruan Xiuqin's attitude and Ruan Xiuqin's words, the situation and meaning are completely different.

Seagate has a different meaning to Zhang Xuan. It is not a mistress, but a wife in another situation.

The Xi family has a different meaning in the Zhang family. It is not a foreigner, but an in-law.

Even if Seagate does not formally receive the certificate from Zhang Xuan in the future, it will still be the same.

Tao Ying and Tao Ge looked at each other and secretly thought, What a spirit!

The old man felt happy. He was very supportive of his mother's approach. He once again felt that bringing Comrade Ruan Xiuqin here was a very wise decision.

With Ruan Xiuqin's assurance, the last regret in Xi Xing's heart was filled, and at this moment, the hanging heart was completely relieved. Anyway, in order to maintain the uniqueness of one, his daughter did not want to get the certificate from Zhang Xuan, so he did not pursue this form.

He Xianglan, who was originally very depressed, was very moved after hearing Ruan Xiuqin's promise without hesitation in front of everyone.

Looking at the way Jie Bao and Zhang Xuan were flirting back and forth, she recalled the scene where her daughter and Ruan Xiuqin were laughing and talking to each other when they got out of the car. She knew that this daughter was completely lost and it was impossible to persuade her to come back.

Therefore, since it was impossible to persuade her daughter back, Ruan Xiuqin's promise blocked all her mouths, leaving her speechless and impeccable.

Anyway, from He Xianglan's point of view, if she and Ruan Xiuqin exchanged places, as Zhang Xuan's mother, she would definitely not lower her profile like this, and she was determined not to do this.

It can be seen from this that the daughter is very popular with this in-law.

He Xianglan frowned inwardly, realizing that she had been brainwashed by Ruan Xiuqin, and she involuntarily regarded the other party as her in-laws.

His own mother is so capable, and a son cannot be vague. Not only did he present the top-quality jade worth 2 million yuan that he bought, but also presented him with fine wine. He also held the manuscript of The Wind in both hands and said to Xi Xing: Dad, This is my opinion, please accept it.

With a Dad, the living room was instantly quiet.

No, it's so quiet that you can hear a pin drop!

Everyone knew that Ruan Xiuqin had risked her life for Seagate and lowered her attitude, but they didn't expect this announcement to be even more shameless!

You are also a great writer after all! The hidden richest man in the country! This Dad was shouted at any time!

The two sisters, Tao Ge, were speechless. They were all worried about Xi Xing and his wife. He's such a mangy dog. What can you do to him?

The shout made Seagate blush, at a loss, but secretly happy.

No matter how much she fidgets on weekdays, and even now she still wants to fidget, but since she is going to be with him in the future, she naturally hopes that he and her parents can get along well, not to mention how harmonious they are, but at least not to be embarrassed.

This was Seagate's lowest expectation, but she really didn't expect this man to have such no limit.

This lower limit is as low as when he pressed himself against the door panel several times as before.

Ruan Xiuqin was also stunned, her eyes focused on her son's face. In terms of the thickness of his face, she felt inferior to him!

The sudden Dad made Xi Xing panic, but fortunately he was able to hold on.

He looked around the living room and immediately understood that this was a conspiracy played by Zhang Xuan on him. His daughter was of the same mind as her mother and son. In front of so many people, he had no choice but to accept the Dad call. .

If not, where would he put his daughter?

How can my daughter have the nerve to stay in the living room?

How will my daughter face the Zhang family in the future?

If she doesn't agree to this Dad, even if her daughter gets along harmoniously with the Zhang family, she will always have a thorn in her heart. Who knows if this thorn will break out one day, and it will definitely be detrimental to her daughter.

With these thoughts in mind, Xi Xing glanced at his wife and said Hey with a smile.

Xi Xing's Hey immediately warmed up the delicate living room, and Zhang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone is picky about persimmons, but he was sure that Xi Xing would not refuse, so he fought to the end.

Now that Xi Xing is done, can He Xianglan be far behind?

We can't let Xi Xing, Xi Jie and Zhang Xuan chat and laugh around in the future, while you, He Xianglan, just sit on the bench and watch indifferently, right?

How lonely it is!

Strike while the iron is hot, Zhang Xuan poured a cup of tea and handed it to He Xianglan, Mom, drink tea.

At this time, Seagate's dimples were raised and he added: My writing hand is worth tens of thousands of dollars. Mom, you should savor this cup of tea.

He Xianglan glanced at her daughter, feeling very helpless. What does it mean that a married daughter is like splashed water? This is because the ancients really did not deceive me.

The knife was on her head and she had to take it. He Xianglan smiled, reached out and took it and took a sip.

As He Xianglan drank the tea, the atmosphere in the room reached its highest point. Later, Zhang Xuan took Xi Xing to drink wine and eat supper.

He can drink a lot of red wine, as long as he doesn't drink white wine.

Tao Ge also joined later, and he was a hero in wine, but he was nothing more than that. Xi Xing thought he was very powerful in drinking, but he still got drunk.

Taking the opportunity when no one was around, Tao Ge asked in a low voice: Are you not drunk?

Zhang Xuan said: No, you came too timely.

Tao Ge smiled and asked, Sister, are you good to me?

Zhang Xuan said yes.

Tao Ge said drunkenly: I was very touched by how shameless you are today, and I will do the same in the future.

Zhang Xuan looked at her steadily.

Tao Ge closed her eyes and said, Sister, I also want to have a child in the future, our child.

Zhang Xuan remained silent for the first time, stretched out his arms to hug her from behind, buried his head in her neck, and said after a long time: Okay.

Hearing this ok, Tao Ge felt relieved. It was a matter that had been hidden in his heart for a long time. He hugged him and said, Sister, go in and have some drinks. You can go and accompany Seagate.

Zhang Xuan warned: Don't drink too much.

Tao Ge waved his hand without looking back.

In the room, with the addition of Tao Ge, the chatting atmosphere among Tao Ying, Ruan Xiuqin and He Xianglan became even better.

He observed silently for a while. As long as he didn't mention his daughter, He Xianglan was actually quite talkative.

Think about it, how can someone with low emotional intelligence become the editor-in-chief of a newspaper?

Even if this newspaper only has influence in one city, where there are people there are rivers and lakes, which shows that it is not that simple.

Seeing the four of them chatting fascinatedly, Zhang Xuan secretly pulled Seagate and slipped out.

Under the eyes of so many people, especially the two mothers, she couldn't refuse.

It wasn't until she got outside that she asked, Uncle, where are you taking me?

Zhang Xuan hissed, glanced around, and whispered, Uncle, I'll take you to a place with a door.

Seagate's face fell instantly, Please spare me.

Before she could even say the word Ba, please go around me, her little cherry mouth was blocked by her hot lips.

Because he had been staying by Mi Jian's side, there was an old man who hadn't touched a woman for a long time. He was so excited when he touched Seagate that his whole body was burning, as if he had poured gasoline on him and started a fire.

At first, Seagate was a little confused, a little numb, and even wanted to resist.

But how could she have the strength of a man? One big hand held her waist and abdomen tightly, and another big hand held the back of her head tightly, leaving her with nowhere to escape.

After feeling his volcanic lava and feeling his manly aura, Seagate, as a woman, still couldn't resist.

In other words, Seagate wanted to resist, but her 24-year-old body still betrayed her.

When those big hands acted unscrupulously, Seagate felt like she was drunk, as if in a dream, and finally fell into his arms.

Even at the end, Seagate, who was completely carried away and fell in love, hugged him with both hands and slowly responded to his kiss.


Xi Xing, who pretended to be drunk, did not fall asleep. Since there were people in the living room outside, it was difficult to turn on the lights, so he just looked at the night view of Dunhuang through the window in the dark.

But before the night scene could be seen, he saw his daughter and Zhang Xuan hiding in the corner outside.

He sighed, expressing his old father's helplessness and sadness.

He could see that although his daughter resisted at first, she later complied, which proved that her heart was full of that bastard, otherwise she would not have let him do whatever he wanted outside.

Uncle, don't do this


Uncle, can you see tomorrow? There are many people watching tonight.


Uncle, don't come here

Where to go?

Change the scene.

Uncle, please, go to the bedroom.


Oh, poor door panel.

The door panel is singing.

The door panel is crying.

The door panel is thinking: I have already hid from the capital to Dunhuang, why don't you two let me go? How did you find me? Is there any royal law? Is there any justice?

Xi Xing lowered his head and smoked two cigarettes. When he looked at a corner outside the window again, hey, the person was gone?

After thinking about it, he got up and came to the door of the bedroom, bent down, put his ear against the door, and listened for a while. Lao He, Xiu Qin, Tao Ge, and Tao Ying were all there, but the voices of Zhang Xuan and his daughter were missing. .


The old father sighed again.

Ps: I fell asleep in my chair while writing last night. When I woke up, it was already past one o'clock, so I have been writing all night, sorry for keeping everyone waiting.

In fact, it can be regarded as stuck. I would not fall asleep if I were not stuck. Sometimes people feel very sleepy when their thoughts stop. After I woke up, I felt that what I had done before was not working, so I simply found another way to make Zhang Xuan feel shameless, so that we could have such a happy scene.

As for how much more I can write in this book, I am not 100% sure, but I will definitely not force the book to be finished, and I will not end until the story is complete. This is my promise.

ps: New book released.

new book

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