Rebirth of the Celebrity Business Woman

Chapter 864: Grow like summer flowers

Miao Shulan showed a pale expression on her face, and her body was swaying as if she could fall down at any time.

She covered her mouth, "Mr. Jiang, are you really so unfeeling?"

Jiang Yeyan glanced at her, and a little impatient flashed under his eyes, "Ms. Miao, it's still the same sentence, please respect yourself!"

Miao Shulan waited on the spot for a while, but didn't wait for Jiang Ye's comfort, but didn't want to wait for another owner of this room instead.

Tang Jingyun knocked on the door, opened the door and saw the scene in the room, raised her eyebrows and smiled, "What happened?"

Jiang Ye saw Tang Jingyun walk in, put the cigarette in his hand out of the ashtray and got up, "Are you here?"

Tang Jingyun nodded, "Yes, she glanced at Miao Shulan who was standing by, what's the matter? You bullied others? Or did you do something hurtful and unreasonable behind my back?"

Jiang Ye smiled bitterly, "That really didn't." He felt that this was really a catastrophe, so he just sat there, and if he didn't do anything, disaster would come from the sky.

Glancing at Miao Shulan, Tang Jingyun did not speak, she just sat on the sofa, picked up the cigarette case that Jiang Ye put down from the coffee table, picked one out, and took a sip, "Ms. Miao, if there is nothing wrong If so, Jiang Ye and I would like to talk a little bit about the privacy between husband and wife?"

At this moment, Miao Shulan was in a panic. Although she felt that she really loved Jiang Ye, the relationship between the two people was based on their emotional discord. There was such a legitimate reason, but she still felt that she was looked at by Tang Jingyun with such a smile. When she was very stressed, her phoenix eyes raised, as if she had completely seen her inner thoughts in an instant, and she suddenly felt ashamed.

Looking at the woman who fled from wasteland, the smile on Tang Jingyun's face also increased. She was smoking a cigarette, Jiang Ye was standing, she was sitting, she was silent, and he didn't know what topic to talk about for a while. And she seemed to be thinking about some deep question. Through the floating smoke, Jiang Ye felt that Tang Jingyun’s face looked a little fuzzy at that moment, with an indescribable psychedelic color, like a gorgeous flower. Enchanting flower.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Ye took the lead in breaking the silence. Tang Jingyun glanced at him and said in a deep voice, "Isn't it the first time you see you so skilled in solving her business?"

Jiang Ye didn't know how to answer her question for a while. If the answer was yes, wouldn't it be telling Tang Jingyun that this is a common thing, and he was hiding a lot of things from her? If he said no, didn't he deceive him?

What is the relationship between Tang Jingyun and Jiang Ye? How could he not see the hesitation on Jiang Ye's face, and could understand Jiang Ye's meaning at a glance. Tang Jing knew that the answer should be yes. Tang Jingyun smiled, and Jiang Ye was a little flustered and nervous by her smile. Just as Tang Jingyun could see him through, he could also see Tang Jingyun's anger under the smile.

He raised his eyebrows and wanted to say something joking to ease the atmosphere, but in the end he was silent.

After a long while, Tang Jingyun let out a sigh of relief slowly, "So when I didn't know it, you had experienced so many temptations!"

Even if you want to come, whether it was Jiang Ye back then or now Jiang Ye, by virtue of Jiang Ye's identity and looks, in fact, it was originally very attractive. Even if there is no background behind him, I am afraid some people are willing to post him upside down!

Even if Jiang Ye's momentum is cold, some people still like this one. Isn't she Tang Jingyun?

Moreover, it is quite common to play on the spot in the interpersonal relationship. Even Tang Jingyun has not never received invitations similar to your wish. Others don't like her, but just want to have fun in time. Nowadays, many people's minds are gradually opening up, and they are not repulsive of such things. What's more, it is very obvious that they are such a drunken class.

And Jiang Ye, as a man, socializing outside, how could he have not encountered such a thing? No matter how deep the relationship between two people is, in the eyes of the caring person, they are just superb at acting. She used to be unwilling to think deeply about these issues, and she was too lazy to think about it, but for the first time facing such a scene today, she couldn't help but think of many things that she didn't pay attention to before.

Jiang Ye smiled and sat next to Tang Jingyun, holding her hand, and smiling, "No matter how beautiful the woman outside is, she will be no match for you. We are already old husbands and wives. Do you still care about this?"

"What do you mean?" Tang Jingyun also smiled.

Before long, a waiter came to look for Jiang Ye. It was an old friend of Jiang Ye and a patriarch who came to look for him. Jiang Ye left first.

Tang Jingyun was sitting in this lounge. The lounge is very quiet, with a clock hung on the wall, ticking by, making it more and more audible to hear the needle falling in the room, and the hustle and bustle coming from outside the door seems to be separated by two worlds. . Tang Jingyun sat there, her eyebrows were indifferent, and she couldn't see the slightest smile. For a moment, she suddenly picked up the ashtray on the table and slammed it on the ground.

With a "clang" sound, the ashtray made a loud and loud sound on the ground, which looked a little scary in this room.

Can't see Tang Jingyun's expression hidden in the darkness, but the deep anger on her body cannot be concealed!

She admitted that she was jealous.

She didn't quite understand why she suddenly had such emotions. These years of people coming and going, she has seen a lot of things, seen a lot of things, she has also seen a broken family, and it is not uncommon for a husband and wife to be separated, but she never thought it would appear. On her and Jiang Ye. She suddenly felt that Jiang Ye was a little scary again. He seemed to be using warm water to boil a frog, step by step, seduce her into that terrible trap. What's even more frightening is that she was so reconciled.

No feelings can compare to the time that the two of them have been supporting and supporting each other over the past few years. Time flies, it has taken a lot of people away, but it also left a lot of things after all, Tang Jingyun thought, she probably has been planted in Jiang Ye's hands all her life.

Tang Jing sometimes couldn't help thinking, if she hadn't met Jiang Ye that day, what kind of trajectory would her life go? Every time she thinks of this, she feels as if something is missing in her heart.

She suddenly remembered a sentence like the one she had read.

I believe that I was born like a bright summer flower, undefeated and coquettish like fire.

I believe that when I die, I am like a quiet and beautiful autumn sunset.

I hear love, I believe in love, love is a pool of struggling blue algae, like a stern wind, passing through the veins of my blood loss, injecting years of faith.

Tang Jingyun was still young at the time, and she didn't quite understand the intense fire-like feeling in this poem. After many years, she suddenly looked back and suddenly understood the meaning of this.

Life is as gorgeous as summer flowers, and death is as quiet and beautiful as autumn leaves. She doesn't know what kind of posture she will go toward death in the future, but she knows that she has been born as gorgeous as summer flowers. How can she, who has experienced such a fierce love, once made a magnificent oath like "You give birth, you die, and you die, die", how can she not be as gorgeous as Xia Hua? !

It is precisely because of such feelings that Tang Jianyun felt heart palpitations for the moment just now. Because she suddenly discovered that there are actually many women who can find Jiang Ye's good.

She suddenly understood what it was like to be jealous. Love is possession and monopoly. She wants to have all of him while others can only watch. No, she is not even willing to give them the qualification to watch. Perhaps Jiang Ye had worried about her like this before!

But after all, she still had a warm feeling in her heart, because Jiang Ye had always dealt with this matter privately, and never made trouble in front of her, giving her a fairly stable emotional environment. She thought, if it wasn't for a blunder this time, maybe she wouldn't find it?

When Tang Jingyun pushed the door out, she suddenly found a woman standing beside the door, and that woman was Miao Shulan.

She raised her eyebrows and smiled faintly, "This is...Miss Miao? Is there anything else?"

Miao Shulan looked at Tang Jingyun in front of her. This was the type of woman she hated the most. Whether it was her appearance, temperament or family background, she completely defeated her and made her feel strong when standing in front of her. Low self-esteem makes it impossible to raise one's head at all.

But thinking of her inner thoughts, Miao Shulan clenched her fists and said softly, "Hello, Mrs. Jiang..."

Tang Jingyun raised her hand and stopped her words, "Sorry, my friends like to call me Mrs. Tang."

The embarrassing expression on Miao Shulan’s face flashed, and her momentum fell off immediately. She gritted her teeth to cheer herself up, “Hello, Mrs. Jiang. I took the liberty to meet Mr. Jiang today, hoping that it won’t bring the feelings of the two of you. What's the trouble?"

Tang Jingyun glanced at her lily and smiled, "Well, it's not troublesome. It's just a little annoying. It's like a very small thing, but I still have to deal with it. It makes me a little troublesome."

Miao Shulan wanted to speak, but found that Tang Jingyun's eyes were deep and thorough, and everything she wanted to say was very pale and fragile.

Tang Jingyun glanced at the woman in front of her lightly, she looked good, and her congenital conditions were good, but her soul and her qualities were too despicable. Such a woman, let alone Jiang Ye, would not be seen by ordinary families. Because even if it is a marriage, the character is still to be picked.

"Ms. Miao, before you speak, can I ask a few questions first?" Tang Jingyun spoke first, refusing to give priority to the guest. "I want to ask, if the relationship between me and Jiang Ye is really bad, then why do you think? Jiang Ye would like you? And from what angle did you observe your accusations against my child? Do you really know what's happening in our family?"

Tang Jingyun actually came very early and almost heard all the conversation, but she wanted to see Jiang Ye's reaction, and then she never opened the door.

Miao Shulan did not expect that Tang Jingyun's words were so straightforward, she immediately clenched her fists, as the saying goes, "One blast, then declines, and exhausts." What she said is blocked by Tang Jingyun like this, Miao Shulan's heart has actually been exposed. Timid.

"Mrs. Tang, I just want to pursue my own feelings. I am based on the condition of the relationship between Mr. Jiang and you. Although there are some misunderstandings, I really don't want to get involved in your marriage. As for the children, This is exactly what I want to tell you. I hope you can spend time with your children. People like Mr. Jiang should not spend too much time taking care of the children. She has already worked very hard."

Tang Jingyun snorted, "Ms. Miao, do you really know what is going on? A family of wealthy families like the Jiang family naturally has a set of rules. The growth and planning of our children has never been what you imagined. It's that simple. Jiang Rong is Jiang Ye's eldest son and Jiang Ye's only child, and his education is sometimes directly intervened by Mr. Jiang."

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