Dry for the sky, it is the upper, in the fourth, it is the four steps up toward the dry position, Kun is the ground, then it is, after the eight, it is the four steps after the upside, then go back to Kun Steps, 巽 wood, refers to the shrubs around, and there are many shrubs, but one of the tallest ones, the second one, the two steps toward the tall and strong shrubs, the ridge is water, it is the mountain stone The stream below, in six, is six steps up the stream, and it is a mountain. It refers to a blade-like sharp rock. It goes out ten steps toward the most sharp rock. It repeats five times on Wednesday, and then goes retrograde for three weeks. In five weeks, you will find the key to unlocking this battle. ()

As she figured out this, she followed the footwork prompts, going up four and eight, left two first six and then ten.

She walked through the thorn bushes, and entered the uninhabited environment. After Wednesday and five, there was a slab in front of her eyes. On the side of the ash, there was a palm print. She first glanced at it and immediately understood it. This is to verify identity. ()

She pressed the palm of her hand into the palm print slot, and saw the square stone that seemed to be very ordinary. Suddenly, there were many strange lines. The lines seemed to be unstructured. In fact, there were traces to follow, not to mess with the stone.

Subsequently, the lines suddenly burst into full bloom, as if cracking numerous cracks from the ground, and in the gap, there was golden light shining.

A snoring sounded, she withdrew her hand and turned back to see the boulder that blocked the mouth of the hole, slowly moving to the side, revealing a dark hole.

She went to the hole and there was no fear in her heart.

The outside of the hole seems to be dark, but after entering the hole, it is not worse than the light outside. The top of the hole is inlaid with countless night pearls, which are emitting soft light. The light of a night pearl may not be anything, but one hundred. How many thousand night pearls are gathered together?

She looked around the wall and saw a painting on each of the four walls. It was like a mural depicting spring, summer, autumn and winter. The paintings were exquisite and vivid. One wall was the beginning of March Spring Peach, and the other side was June Bai Hesheng. Mantang, one wall is the October Golden Cinnamon Manchurian River, one wall is the cold river snow night fishing.

These four paintings are really just paintings of the landscape?

Before she came to the wall of the cold winter snow-fishing fisherman's wall, there was a hole in the wall, but the hole was blocked by the boulder, and above the boulder, it was like the outer slab, and the hand was carved. Slot, obviously, want to enter this, must be verified.

She reached into the trough, but the boulder did not move, no matter how many times she tried, it was the same.

She is awkward, with two jade rings in her neck. If she wants to get the treasures in the treasure house of the gods, she needs to collect four jade rings. She only has two, so she can only enter one door. If she collects two more, she can enter two. Heavy door.

Just the other two Yuhuan, where is it?

When she thought about it, her eyes were black and then she blinked, which was above her bed.

It turned out to be a dream! But why is this true?

Xiaobai saw her sweating and woke up, and quickly smashed a cloth towel to her, and patted her back with her small claws.

White recalls this time, returning to the gods, picking up the cloth towel from the white sable, and laughing, "Xie!"

The little white screamed and threw herself into her arms, slamming her head around her neck, tickles and smiled.

Outside the door came knocking on the door, she came out and found out that it was already noon, she slept, and actually slept for several hours.

Heavy recommendation [I eat tomatoes (tomato) new book] &;

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