When Mob saw it, he quickly took the hemostatic powder and cloth from the medicine box and quickly bandaged Chen Mingjie’s injured right arm.

And Bai Yi has one hand clasped Chen Mingjie's left wrist and carefully diagnosed the pulse.

The pulse was fairly stable, and there was no poison in the middle. Her semi-suspended heart finally put down, saying: "There is no poisoning, and the eyes are swollen like this. It should be caused by the violent smoke."

The servants who led them came to the rescue: "The white girl said that the adults were injured by the poisonous fog."

Chen Mingjie said: "Is it possible to cure?" The injury on his arm is no problem, but the injury to the flesh does not hurt the bones. He also feels himself. Only the swelling and pain of this pair makes him very uncomfortable. Blindness, that is a big bad. >

Bai Yi looked at the red and swollen eyelids, much like the appearance of a poisonous snake worm.

The white on her shoulder was screaming, and the heavy snoring sounded one after another. Her heart moved and Chen Mingjie was injured by the poisonous fog. If she wanted to clear the poison, she would be able to cure the poison if she knew what was wrong with him. The purpose of the drug to the poison clear.

At the moment, they have no way of knowing what the poisonous fog is, and this poison can't be stored for a long time. Otherwise, it will be poisoned by the skin, which will make the flesh and blood fester, and blindness is a matter of time.

She turned to look at the white white sleeping on her shoulder and smiled: "Adult, I have a party or can be useful, can you give it a try?"

Chen Mingjie is busy: "You are not presiding."

"It's not necessary to open the square. I will come when I go. You should wait a moment." She turned and went out and took a tea bowl on the table.

Bai Yi came out of the house and smashed the white limbs of Bala on her shoulders, and turned to the white road that was unconscious: "Little white, one."

Xiaobai shook his head and said that he didn't want to be jealous.

She woke up with one hand and angered: "If you don't want to, you have to be jealous, or you will not give you meat."

I heard that there was no meat to eat tomorrow. Xiaobai was so scared that he woke up, and hurriedly shook the pale yellow urine in the tea bowl according to Bai Yi’s instructions.

When Bai Yi entered the room again, he was holding a tea bowl filled with light yellow liquid. She came to Chen Mingjie and sprinkled some of the white urine in the tea bowl on Chen Mingjie's swollen eyes.

Chen Mingjie sucked his nose and frowned. "What smell, how do you have a urinary smell?"

White recalled no snoring, and straightly passed the white urine to Chen Mingjie’s mouth, indicating that he was drinking.

Although doubts, but he did not have a little bit of low resistance to Bai Yi's request, according to her meaning, the urine was drained.

Xiao Baile, who is in the white memory of his shoulders, holds two small paws and holds a small belly.

Mobie looked like Xiaobai and smiled. "Is this little thing laughing?"

Bai Yi nodded: "It looks like when it is happy, it should be a laugh!"

Chen Mingjie licked his mouth and murmured: "Smell the taste, but there is a sweet taste, it is strange, what is this medicine?"

Bai Yi slammed his smile and said with earnestness: "It is a good drug for sputum. I don't know if it works. I have to look at the situation again."

Chen Mingjie is dissatisfied: "Do you take this test for me?"

Mobo smiled and said: "Do you want to be a boy who wants to experiment with you?"

Chen Mingjie smiled, two peach-like eyes were very funny, and his mouth was awkward, revealing a row of white teeth: "Nature is willing, it is poison, I will not hesitate to drink."

Heavy recommendation [I eat tomatoes (tomato) new book] &;

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