Rebirth of Japanese Wolf Legacy

Rebirth of Japan's only wolf inherits Chapter 564

If the Rider single gun is fighting, the probability of his failure is almost 90%.

Then, after Gilgamesh disappeared naturally, the Saint Cup will come, everything is finished.

If you want to reverse this situation, only the remaining three rides will go to Gilgamesh, so maybe there is a line of life.

"What should I do?" Asked quietly.

Washen is looking at the tone.

"What can I do? Only have rider?"


"No. Don't say the strength of Rider, it is what he is in British! Before I didn't find the way to crack the Holy Cup, I can't let the three rides suffered anything."

After the desert is so decided, the door to the basement is pushed.

"It seems that you think about it," Conquer Wang Zheng stands in the air, "So answers?"

"I will go with you, conquer the king."

"Hahahaha, good kid! I appreciate you!" Conquer the king to summon his own seat, "So come up."

"Going up?" Washali looked at the ox car, I would like this is the treasure of the king of the king.

"Yes, let's go to Saber next to it."

"Oh, forget it." Washali said.

"Why? Kid, do you have confidence in this king?" Askadar asked.

"I don't have confidence in you."

"That is SABER?"

"Nor, I am just no confidence in Saber's Royal Lord."


"In order to get the Holy Cup, he will not cooperate with us." Washali smiled, "Not only will it work with us, I am afraid it is quite supporting us to fight with Gilgamesh, so that he can blow the gray. Won the victory of this war. "

"Looks like you seem to know about Saber's Aster."

"I just listened to some of his deeds."

"But even if you are saying, I still have to try it." Is Cantar said, "I don't try it directly, this is not in line with my style!"

"Yes! How to say anything, try it!"

Weber beside the Is Cantar also bleached.

"Well, since you have been so sticky, then I will stay with you." The desert is expected to boost, "but advise you still not to hold too much better."

"What is your call?" Is Canta laughed, "Look at the charm of Wang, conquer them!"

A4: 00, the satellite.

This is a dessertful Japanese home, only one main house and warehouse.

This is the stronghold of the Saber camp.

But at this moment, the king and the desert are looking forward to the door.

Tonight's wind is really ah.

"Look, I didn't lie to you?" Washali looked up.

"I didn't expect Saber's Royal Lord to talk so bad. I always thought that her Royal is the woman who is white and red."

"The charm of the king does not seem to work." The desert is hungry.

"This is" Is Cantar scrapping his face, "We should be able to deal with the hero king?"

"But I hope it." Washal is looking at the tone.

Under the worst case, you can use your own characteristics of life, come to play the hero king.

But this condition is really harsh.

First of all, you have to die very close to Gilgamesh.

In this way, I have to break through the guys of the guys, think about it.

"Let's go, rider," Webol pulled the shawl of the Iz Canta, "Otherwise, I will not sleep again later."

"No, don't you hurry?" Washali said, "Tomorrow has passed, how much you sleep, and it is also wakeful."

"Rider! Assass's Royal Mantra!" Weber said, "You are, I hope you don't die too ugly!"

"Okay, you are two, let's go back to raise a savage, you must stop the winter of winter, just rely on us!"

Looking at the back of Rider and Washam, the satellite put down the telescope.

Rider is also over, I didn't expect ASSASS's Royal Lord to deal with Archer, which made him a little surprised.

"Do you still need to prepare?" Dance said.

The satellite is silent for a while, nodded.

"Ah, in case."

"Then I will prepare the car." Dance said that he left.

Suddenly, the floor was suddenly sounded.

The satellite cuts the smoke and went downstairs.

In the living room of the house.


In the face of silent men, Saber issued a unwilling question.

Why not participate in the battle?

Do you have such a citizen who look at the winter?

Saber finds yourself. She once thought that she and she were only a good way, but she did not expect the fundamental concept of both sides.

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