Rebirth of Japanese Wolf Legacy

Rebirth of Japan's only wolf inherits Chapter 542

Washen is expected to open the door, in front of him is the unmarried wife of Kennes - Sofilly.

"Do you want to pass?" He asked.

Sofilly silent after a moment: "You are right, Kenneth has lost, so on, not only him, even Ncer will die."

Compared to your own fiance, do you care about that?

The desolate effect of Deelmd's tears is really powerful.

"So I decided to come here, Kenneth has failed, cut the arm by Saber's Royal Lord, and the magic circuit also damaged, although I lied to him did not have an occasion, but the magic you can play later. The effect is only half of it. "

"I said earlier," Washali said that "Saber's Royal strength is very strong, and it is impossible to deal with him."

"So what do you plan?" Sofilie said.

"Isn't it said before, I need you to stay in me for a while, disguised into a kidnapped illusion."

"But Kenneth will not believe. Dilmd's magic supply is actually made by me. If I don't do something, then I will not stop for his magic supply. Kennes will not have to hear your words."

"This is simpler, Ms. Sofili, you only need to provide your belongings." Washali said, "Of course, this premise is that your fiance is enough to love you, otherwise you will return to the Magic Association early, stay Winter wood can only be died in Kenneth. "

"Then, what about the bow soldier?" Sofilly said, "According to Dilmd's information, it is very strong? What do you want to do to win this war, let me and Durn? Mr.? "

"As for this, please feel free, in addition to the people outside Caster, all those who have already present, they all have the power of the bow soldiers, so the bow soldiers are now a common enemy. As for the rest, I will give it to me. All right."

Sofili stared at the desertichuan, and the heart was full of trust.

Said so much, this man still did not reveal any of his plans and intelligence.

But Kenneth is also untrustworthy, he has failed once, in the case of a large loss of physical strength, Sofialey is really unable to give him the second chance.

However, she came to the Royal Lord, she would like to say when she said, I don't know when I was killed by the Saber's Royal - known as the magician killer.

I thought about it. She sighed in her heart or decided to accept the proposal of the desertichuan.

"Ms. Sofili, we are determined?"

"Well, then let's sign a contract."


"Of course, I have to sign a contract, which is only for my safety, but also for the fact that we are in a strong and indestructible." Sofilli's mouth exposed a smile.

That's right, although there is doubt about the desertichuan, just sign a contract, then there is not a terrible.

"So how do you sign?"

"You can't see it, you still have a parallel magician," Sofili snorted, "but I am not qualified to say this."

"Please explain it in detail." Washen said.

Sofilly took out a rolled paper from his arms to the deserton.

He opened, browbowned.

"Self Geass Scroll?"

"Yes," Sofilie said, "In the world of magicians, this is the spell contract that concludes the absolute agreement that cannot be destroyed."

Washali hopes to pay attention to her and read itself.

Binding style.

Conclusion: Sofili family, Soravidi Nuasare Sofilly.

Order: The successful implementation of the following conditions is premised on the premise, and the vow will be turned into the arms of the arms, there is no exception.

Oath One: Conclusion The object will never have to conclude the Sorami Nuasare Sofilie, never have killed and harmful intentions and its behavior.

Oaths III: Even if the conditions are not completed, it is not allowed to sell Soravi Nuasare Sofilly, including all objective betrayal behaviors such as intelligence and specific information.

Condition: Winning the Holy Cup and completes the wish of Solaid Nuasale Sofilly and the dermid Audi.

Contract: Blank. "

"Is this this, is it to prevent my default?"

"Yes, you don't have to read this spell contract, it is mandatory, it is mandatory. From the principle, any means cannot be eliminated, even if the contract is dead, it is contract The resulting soul will also be bound, as long as you sign this contract, you will never hurt me. "Sofilly has a little proud and proud.

"Very good, I understand."

"Since understanding, then sign it with your blood." Sofilie said, "Don't be so be so be careful, this is the prevention I did, as long as you don't intend to hurt me, this contract is just a group Wastepaper. "

"But Miss Sofilley, this is unfair."

"Well?" Sofilli frowned frowned, "Assass's Royal, what else is there?"

"Yes, I can't hurt you, then?" "Washali said," In turn, if I sign this contract, can you kill Kennes? Because the contract exists, I I can't even hit you. "

"It turns out that I owe consideration. After all, it is time to tighten it."

Sofilly wrote a new thing after I took a new thing from the crash in the hands of the afternoon, and I will return it to the deserton.

"So you should have no objection," Sofyie said, "But I thought, I changed the above content. After all, 'You' is not alone, so light makes you abide by the contract. Your employees must also abide by this. "

"Nothing, after all, considering itself is really important, as long as you trust me, then I will liberate NCER while getting the Holy Cup, not only let him always be with you, but also let him get the body of this era. "

"Don't draw big cake at this time, you should get the Holy Cup first."

Washali Wang browses the content of the contract, gently cut his thumb with wedges, and write the names from the blood.

At this moment, he felt that a certain rule is like the sword of Da Mo Kris, is usually suspended in his head.

If you have anything you have to violate the contract, then a strong curse will undoubtedly come to your body.

"Very good, the contract is established, then I wish us a happy cooperation." Sofilly relieved at this moment.

"Quiet." Washali said.


In the sight of Sofilly, there is no sign of the person in the room with a white skull mask.

Do you want her to have always lurked? If you have any little action, you will take your hands.

But now it is fine. Sofilly is very proud of the heart, whether it is desertion, still quiet, can't hurt her.

"So Ms. Sofili, for your safety, I need to send you to a place, can you?" Washali looked at her eyes.

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