Rebirth of Japanese Wolf Legacy

Rebirth of Japan's only wolf inherits Chapter 525

"Good body!" Washen Wang eyes bright.

At that moment, he saw the movement of Berserker.

Two weapons, Berserker seized the first weapon, short rotation while flying the second, the whole set of movements, his arrival is like night winds, quiet, can act as thunderous violent .

"Wild dog, dare to use your dirty hand to touch the treasure of this king !?" Gilgamesh seems to be determined to kill Berserker, more weapon meteor fall.


"what happened?"

The sound of dance is surprised in the communication device.

"I don't know," the satellite should respond, "As long as it is a little smart, the Royal Lord will not let the people who have no strategic chaos today ... I will find Lancer and Berserker's Royal You are responsible for the alert, I always think that Assassin's Royal Lord may be here, in case, we have to avoid Alice Phil to attack. "

"Well, I will closely monitor the lady."


The battle is still going on, and the black knight has turned all the things you touched into a strong weapon.

The weapons in the "Wang Zhopara" in Gilgamesh are poured like rain.

This battle is unhappy, and the desertichuan is still can't move.

"The situation is getting more and more confusing." Said, "I missed the breath of others around."

"Should be the Saber's Royal, don't manage," Washali said, "We have to stay hidden. This is a good opportunity to observe other universal, we have to do it for the back of the battle."

Very simple truth, if you are familiar with your opponent's trick, the back of the battle will be relatively simple.

Quiet, in front of this, it is not more than other universities, so it is more familiar with the opponent.

Defeat an Overlord or the person is not a key, how to pull all the Royal Lord and win the holy cup is the most important thing.

"But is the Saber's Royal Lord not is the white-haired red woman behind her?"

"No, that is just an illusion, the woman is pushed out to pretend to be a Saber's Royal, attracting the attention of the enemy, and then the real Royal Lord will assassinate when the enemy is relaxing."

"But if you start, I am afraid that we will have the risk of being discovered." Since you change your idea, I think we can get started with RIDER's Royal Lord, and that little child is easy to kill, and Rider is observing the battle of Archer and Berserker in full god. "

"Forget it, if you don't accidentally, the Yuanshen will make Gilgamesh withdrew." Washen is expected to be time, "almost time."

Sure enough, before preparing to initiate, before the attack, Gilgamesh's face fierce.

"You have returned a life, mad dog! Hybrids, you will kill it before you see the next time!"

After that, he fails to disappear.

"It seems that the guy's Royal Lord is not as tough as Archer." Conquer the king said.

When everyone thinks this farce, Berserker is like finding the prey, and the spear is aligned with the Saber.

Saber naturally does not fear the challenge of the enemy.

However, after a short trip, the heart of Saber felt extremely shock.

Because this Berserker knows the length of the sword in her hands!

Because of the gun of the Dilmd curse, the strength of Saber did not completely play, soon, it fell into the wind.

Washali is looking for judges: "It is beerserker, you can suppress the Swordsman in the three knights ..."

"Not only that, this Berserker's magic supply does not seem to be very adequate, his Royal Lord should be a half-hang."

"Half-hanging Magician?" Washen is looking for himself immediately.

No, you should not be able to operate, you will only simply manipulate the magic.

"Yes, in short, Berserker is not in full state, his real strength is probably more."


The stronger strikes have become very serious.

When Berserker is ready to fight against it, Dilmd is stopped.

"This Saber has about it in the first, if you are striking, I won't sit on."

"Lancer, what are you doing? It is a good opportunity to defeat Saber!" Kennes spoke.

"Main Jun, I will swear with my glory, I will defeat Saber! If you don't believe, I can pack this mad dog in front of it, I hope you moil!"

After the moment of silence, Kenneas said with indifferent and high tone:

"I will order it to help Berserker, defeat Saber!"

65 Meeting Caster

The Delmd body is shocked, and the gun is aligned with the knight king.

"Sorry, Saber."

The force of the spell, he can't define.

"Dance, ready to cover Saber, I will snipe the Berserker." The guards of the satellite said.

Didn't find Ncer's Royal, now gives the first goal with Saber's life.


Two dark muzzles are aligned with their respective goals.

At the moment of the sashimi, Rider shot.

He drives his mount, emits a forceful spiritual pressure, repelling the Berserker on the Saber, in all, this is a beautiful sneak attack.

"Ncer's Royal, if you deal with Saber, then I will stand on the Kay King, your Ncer should have not strong enough to deal with me and Saber."

Originally, the two-handed situation turned into a two. NCER's Royal Eye saw that the situation was not wonderful, but he had a cold snort to retreat with NCER.

"When you come, what are you doing, conquer the king?" Asked Saber.

Tonight's battle is completely chaotic, there is no casualty, Saber feels that if it is not conquering the king, then at least the one should defeat one person.

She warned to conquer the king, so as not to attack the sudden attack of the chariot.

"Originally, I have been defeating you and Ncer's mood ... but, you first calculate and ncer's account, I will be the opponent of the person who lives in you, there is nothing, as a king, this is The gas should be. Then, the King King! "

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