Rebirth of Japanese Wolf Legacy

Rebirth of Japan's only wolf inherits Chapter 510

This is much higher than the average ASSASS!


The Father also thought of doing dying struggles.

But his body can be far less than younger.

The quiet hand climbs his neck.

"So your magic gift can not protect you." Say, "Sorry, I will kill you."

The blade took out, the bodies of the priest were slowly felling.

Ignition and toxins quickly capture this life.

How did the priest have not thought that the other party has no meaning to negotiate, and directly sent out of the invasion.

What is crazy?

Does this person have such a confidence in their own strength, do you want to break all the enemies one by one?

This is the case of my father aware that I am wrong.

He originally thought that this person can communicate at least.

But in essence seems to be a paranoid monster.

Don't talk, there is no chance to communicate.

It is clear that he has given the signal that came and unintentionally fighting.

But the command to the direction of the direction is directly oblived.

The last moment of priest in consciousness is so thinking.

This guy should this be a madman?

"The task is completed, the owner, the invader has been smoked."

In the room, quietly returned to the abroad.

"Yes, hard you, how is the strength of the opponent?"

"The other party is a debrief in the church of the sacred church, which is very strong for the general magician."

"I understand, that is, the other party is coming to revenge?"

"No." Quiet shake the head, "the other party is negotiating."


"The other party is arranged on the road to the way, there is no concealment, this is one of the ways between the magician who meets, and the other party is only, I am afraid it is to prove my sincerity?"

Washal is expectant.

"This kind of thing is not too early?"

"Although it is an invitation, it is not the example of killing it for this,"

Quiet and low heads.

She seems to realize her own mistake.

This kind of thing should be given to the Royal Lord to judge, but not the zone of the zone.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter, but it is not an example."

Things have happened, and I will not be tangled.

And in that case, it is also very difficult to seek your opinion.

However, it is a key issue at this time.

According to the intelligence of the monarch Elmeroo.

Live to the last Spirit has Saber and Archer.

At this time, you should choose.

It should be a single battle, or choose to alliance with others.

If you want to allite, who is better?

Will the other party accept yourself?

53 plan

Sitting in the quiet look, I asked:

"Over the Lord, what do you have?"

"What is your good idea?" For future combat policies? "

Looking at her and said that he knows the information you know.

According to Ermero, the fourth holy cup war has a turning point that makes a major change in the battle.

The Holy Cup is limited to the five sacrifices of seven from those who have begun.

So the light is can't kill, you have to find a way to solve the Holy Grail Pollution before startup.

Conversely, he must have to find ways to lift the pollution of the Holy Cup in the case of maintaining survival.

Only in this way can he get it well and can realize the holy cup of your wish in the correct place.

"Is there such a situation?" Sitting to digest this thing.

After a moment, she gave her answer.

"In this case, you can't fight alone, I think it is better to join hands."

"Yes?" Washali nodded, and he also felt this is the most secure method.

"But we still can't judge whether other Royal Lords have a wishes of alliances." Say, "Yu Lord, need me to investigate another Royal Lord?"

"Can you do this?"

"Yes, because you can determine that the other six Royal Lords are in winter wood, I just need to spend a few days, I can roughly find roughly positions, but if you have to attack, you may have a little difficult, choose to negotiate Will be treated as an enemy. "

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