Rebirth of Japanese Wolf Legacy

Rebirth of Japan's only wolf inherits Chapter 501

He is holding a bloody fist, in the air of the room.

This is preparing for the Eli Advent, which is preparing the spiritual art.

Although it is a Magic to the Holy Grail to summon the Belle, but it is still necessary to make the Lord to make the spirit.

If you look at others, such a description may be slightly cold.

However, this is just a form, and it is not important if the syndrome is complex.

Waiting until everything is ready, the hour clock on the wall is just 12 points.

Washali is looking for a hurting gourd, starting from the bed to the window.

The pedestrians in the street have now left now.

There is a bit cold in the previous lively street now.

He looked up, the moon in the sky was covered with dark clouds, and gloomy.

The dark sky is like a black lead piece, and it is not too angry with people.

The moon is high, it is a good time to kill.

Washen is looking forward to the bag on the bed, just like a shadow.

After half an hour, he came to the church of the winter wood.

With the intelligence of Monarch Ermero, the priest in this church is one of the seven Yushu.

And in the last two of the war, there is also his figure.

There is no doubt that if this person is not particularly alive, then it is particularly strong.

It is not very special because of the reason for the choice of Walachuan.

That is, in addition to this priest, he does not know the position of other Royal.

God, in addition to the church, where can you go?

He stepped into the road outside the church, he felt a weak magic.

There is no doubt that there is the existence of magic neons.

This is normal, after all, this is the eve of the Shengup War, and the defense in the vicinity of the stronghold is a human condition.

The desertichuan looked at the scratch, pushing the closed iron gate and walked into the church.

There is no way, he has neither a talent of the magician, nor does it learn the magic.

Can feel the juncture here, or because his body has loaded a lot of magic, it is particularly sensitive to magic.

Push the door of the church, the cold moonlight is smooth, and his back is sprinkled on the surface.

There is a dark in the church, there is no prayer.

It is now overnight overnight, and the projection on the spelling window flashes.

Washali is looking for nearby, but it does not strengthen your senses.

Because of its own exposure, once it is attracted, the help of the lack of sensory is fatal.

However, waiting for a while, but there is nothing to move.

It is reasonable to say that you have touched the knot, and there should be alert to alert.

Does the priest have been going home to sleep? So even if someone is not perfect, don't you use someone?

The desertichuan is coming can't help but rise this idea.

However, the next moment, a calm and negative sound sounded in the dark.

"The church will lead to any lost lamb, but do not include a fierce wolf."

A tall man slowly came out from the left side of the church.

"But if you are really a lost lamb, then I am willing to listen to your troubles."

"Are you the priest here?"

"Not bad."

The priest slowly came, stopped at the distance from the desertichuan Wang ten meters.

At this time, it was a young man, a hard face.

It is better to say that it is a priest, it is better to say a meticulous warrior.

But accurately, this priest is indeed a warrior.

According to far, the church will cultivate "performers" inside the church church.

They are extraordinary, with strict training, unspeakable, quite difficult to deal with.

They are hard-wrapped enemies for magicians.

The priest in front of the deserter is probably one of them.

Yan Fengqi.

This is the name of this priest.

48 delusional phantom

"Is it?"

Washali is looking at the chest.

He is a little peace of mind.

"The priest, I really have my own troubles."

"It can be said to listen." Yan Feng looked at the hands of the warden.

The desertichuan is slow to walk two steps, hidden in the dark, the finger quietly moves.

"Dear priest, can you solve my trouble?"

"There is no need to conceal in front of the main, and the Lord of the world loves people."

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