Rebirth of Japanese Wolf Legacy

Rebirth of Japan's only wolf inherits Chapter 492

"Yes, you can see what you have, but you have to know that one item is a baby for some people, but for another person is garbage, I just have valuable for me. thing."

"Is it ..." The desert is looking at the tone. "That seems that I only grab this way can go."

"Ah, negotiations, I will know that it will become like this."

The Orange Orange, sighed and took the glasses.

Women's elegant and intellectual suddenly disappeared with no trace.

Instead, it is a cold and sinister, and the rational look is simply wearing a person's body.

41 against Cangsaki orange

"Kid, you have to do it, I am willing to accompany."

"I hope that you will not bring too many people." Washali looked out the wedge pill.

"Dealing with you, not yet." The Orange Orange, "But actually wants to use the sword to deal with me, you are really innocent, since you know about my past, you should know something else, if only I look forward to the words of the pen, then I will take my meat, then I may want you to be disappointed. "

"Don't worry, your rune can not play, I am a problem."

The Orange Orange laughed, and the slender index finger scored traces in the air.

A green rune appeared in front of the wilderness, and then blocked.

The ray is turned over green, covering dark.

That is the white light of the eye, it is said in the Nordic mythology, O'Don throws the light of Kunuen, the radiance mapped in the spear is this.

It is not just a ray, but it is no flame of temperature.

Those who have been exposed to it will be ash in the case of feeling pain.

Time has passed more than ten seconds.

Cangsaki orange spit out a smoke ring.

When she saw it, she didn't be a magician, and even magic didn't say it.

The number of magic circuits in the body is only poor, but the quality is surprisingly.

But this advantage is only in the amount of magic storage, maybe this child has a large amount of magic experience in the body inside, and the huge magic has a large channel of the magic circuit. It is so tough enough to be a child. It didn't be born.

If you want to say, it is like a balloon, although it is small, but it will become very big.

"Is it until here?" The Orange Orange was boiled by the wind.

Her brows suddenly wrinkled.

She seems to see what black things in the white light, like a chocolate slag mixed in milk.

In the next moment, the spiral hand was taken out from the rays, and the sound was coming.

After the Orange Orange, he was withdrawn while playing a finger.

The intricate barrier composed of silk is launched, such as ice crystals, which are condensed.

The hands of the hand rotated in ice crystals, and finally stopped from five cents from oranges.

At the same time, the white light caused by the Lujun cyber also disappeared, but in the moment of the shot, the golden thunder is down from the sky!

- Barzi!

It is relying on this strength of this, he resists Lun Encornies.

The two are mysterious and naturally resistant to each other.

And this is also the only force that is expected to be "mysterious".

The knife of the wedge pill goes on the thunder, and went toward the enemy's body.

In the face of the "mysterious", the orange look is serious.

She gave up the use of the Lunun rune in the first time, but opened a suitcase that portable.

The box opened in the box, a black shadow came out with a rapid grace.

The black shadow is still bigger than the orange, no thickness, is a flat black cat with shadows, but it is just a top like a cat, and there is only the entity that only has the cruel.

It snarled silently and looked down toward the deserter.

The thorn-like genus has reached the extent of dense phobia.

The thunder of Pakistan turned down, and the black shadow was completely destroyed by the force of lightning.

- But this is enough.

The Orange Fascia is not changed.

It is the purpose of being released to resist the weird lightning, even if only one instant.

Because she only needs an instant, they can start counterattack.

Because the black shadow is resistant, the orange has got full of the opportunity of Lucun.

The runes of the two joints were launched.

This endless Nordic rune has played a powerful force at this moment.

More than the fine iron, the hard magic barrier is launched in front of her, and the thunder of Pakistan is trapped by this barrier. Those who wanders around and not allowed to leave.

Originally just a little orange with a slightly playing heart has also entered a serious state.

That lightning ... is mysterious in mystery, only by humans can't seek, it must be the secret law from which it is.

The knowledge is to ignite her heart, so her war is also excited.

She said with a strange and quirky speech: "I hope that the wind is taken away."

At this time, after the Lunsak, it is more power than the words evolved from the text itself.

The desertichuan will break through the barrier, throw the sword while pulling out the unstead, the scarlet knife and the black sputum exudes a strong and evil atmosphere.

He baked into, and the giant ninja has been used to pull the distance. It is really good.

Orange smiles slightly.

The red too knife that emits greedy is thinking about something that is not awkward.

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