Rebirth of Japanese Wolf Legacy

Rebirth of Japan's only wolf inherits Chapter 489

He strongly pressed the hate in his heart and walked up.

His red eyes stared at the warden in the dark face mask.

In this case, then you should not blame me.

As a victory of the game, it is naturally seen in the interview invitation of Winter Towel Station.

He thought about it, settled in the evening, and placed in the Star Wild.

The lack of the award ceremony, Kuiwei is full of accompanying, and the existence is not very high.

The wrist hit by the desertichuan hit the pain, he thinks this is a psychological reason.

However, since it has lost, the name of the champion is no longer important.

He hasours to move his attention to the video. If you are lucky, you can get things to get things today, and then double your own humiliation.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, the interview on the online broadcast started.

The reporter first praised the championship and asked some basic situations.

The desertichuan is very good to push the past and praise the Starry Doufang, saying that I have learned a lot of things like a lot of things here.

This makes Xiao Taro, smiles, is very pleased, and it is not to ran back from the hospital.

I have interviewed about ten minutes. When the reporter asked what I would like to say, he knew that the opportunity came.

"I can get the champion, except for the help of Mr. Xing Ye, I want to help you."


Xiao Taro and reporters stayed.

"That, what do you encounter?"

"Not me, it is my child. I also said before. I came from the mountain. At that time, I had a family next to my house. They have two daughters. Because the family is not affluent, so two people There is only one person to inherit the property of the family, go out to study. This person who has inherited property is a smart sister. She has been working hard, but until the eve of school, the family suddenly changed the idea, let the sister inherited Property is going to school, because my sister is not suitable for reading this matter, I gave my sister's huge blow, then she left home, alone came outside, and she was working on one side. "

"It sounds very inspiration!" Female reporter gripped with a few points.

"Well, but the good life is not long, my sister's study score is very good, because of the students who are framed by the classmates, the awards have not been able to get, and after being detached, she is alone, and now I have not learned the state. "

The reporter can't help but move.

A person, unable to rely on his family, and a strong girl who is working hard while working hard is really distressed.

This made her can't help but think of their own cub.

Obviously, I can't eat, but I don't know how to use it. I know that I am electricity, saying that he is an Obusan, which is annoying, it's a matter of comparison, it is a sky, if you have a self Sister "is half understanding, you don't have to work.

The little tipho on the side is stupid.

Although you can only count the second stream, it is still a bit.

This desertichuan is not looked at the tuition fee to buy a sword museum. If there is no money to borrow it?

But he only dares to think about it in his heart.

After all, it is now broadcasting, he is not hindering the face of the warden.

39 Taster

After a while, it was over half an hour, the interview was successfully concluded.

Before the reporter left, the desertichuan once again confirmed.

This interview is indeed a live form, but it will also be broadcast in the city in the city after recording.

This is enough. he thinks.

The man is even can't see.

Although there is no four words "sadness".

But he has unveiled the old bottom of people.

Even if she doesn't watch TV, the news will also spread through newspapers and networks.

In the evening, in an old office building, the stunned lights lit.

"I really have courageous."

An orange hair, a female with glasses pick up the remote control on the desk, turning off the TV set with a coffee table.

She made a referring, and the light in the house was turned off.

Take out the firecream, a cigarette, the Orange Orange silently smoked, and the window behind it is neon street.

The light shadow flashes, she sucks the smoke, and her smoke is linger.

The other party will use this way to lead yourself this is very unexpected.

"I am so anxious to find me, should it be someone of the Magic Association?" She said herself, "In addition to the association, I should have not hanged with anyone recently."

There is no doubt that this is a bait, the other party is waiting for himself.

It can be said that she has improved the relationship with the passion for many years. She has participated in her sister's wedding, and there is no such thing as the title of the Association.

However, since she has sent a vow, she decided to go to the other side, and then see if she wants to kill, or do an even.

"Ah, but before, there is still a little thought, it seems that this way doesn't work, change it next time."

After I finished her lazy waist, I took out the same thing from the orange coat hanging on the wall.

A broken dagger, old, dark, with proficiency.

"The kid in the TV will not be rushing here?"

She holds her face in one hand, and the other hand playing this is the dagger of the antique level.

But I want to think, except this, I don't have any reason why it is eye-catching.

The street outside is a bit noisy, she closed her eyes, swaying the armchair leisurely, but she didn't care.

There is still a little time to rest, she has been playing a day, it is a bit tired.

However, this idle time did not last long, the phone on the table shook, a slightly harsh ringtone broke the darkness of this darkness.

The Orange Orange, picking up the phone, after listening for a while, the brow is gradually uncomfortable because the closer is bothered.

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