Rebirth of Japanese Wolf Legacy

Rebirth of Japan's only wolf inherits Chapter 459

Washal is looking at your heart.

Over the afternoon, it will not be sent a hand to monitor yourself.

Although just think about it, this possibility is not excluded.

There is a saying that there is a saying.

"I will never demonstrate others with the worst malicious."

Although it is still not serious to this.

However, it is also a safety of your own sister, he has to pay attention to it.

So you must get the Holy Raw, participate in the Holy Grail!

"Ok, then you have to work."

Saber shakes his head: "There is no thing."

Street on the street, the water, the desert is looking forward to calling a taxi.

Boys, a girl with a knight style is like this to look for the approach to the standing part.

15 make the use of the magic

When arriving in the suburbs, it is already four times in the afternoon.

Washali is looking forward to getting off on the road, asking the Saber on the side:

"Excuse me, is the estuary is near this?"

"Well, it's almost, but accurate positions need to override a few hillsides before you can arrive, because it is just a mountain, so there is nothing like the way to arrive there, I will take the road."

"Okay, trouble." Washali nodded.

Saber before, he was behind, the two passed the guardrail of the road, and took directly to the mountain road.

"Miss SABER wears such shoes and clothes no problem?"

"It's not hindering." Saber was easily walking.

As the English spirit, it is the Swordsman in the seven major, all the levels are above the average, and her spirit is not necessarily powerful. This kind of road is a small dish for her.

All the way, the two are silent toward the destination.

She advanced quickly and did not take into account the speed of the desertichuan.

After about ten minutes later, she seems to realize this.

Saber turns back and want to confirm the location of the desertichuan.

Although the swordsman of the desertichuan is very high, it is also quite large to the physical loss of the people who keep this rugged road. Even if the people who are often fit, they can only go to stop, they will not let the body feel Tired.

"What happened?" The voice of the warden loudly.

Saber slammed back, the integrity of his eyes were shocked.

"No, there is nothing."

After a few seconds of the face of the desertichuan, Saber continued to advance.

"what happened?"

Washali is awesome, and the girl just saw it later, is it to discover the trail of the enemy?

It's really seen, it's clear that you can feel at all, at least some people help look back.

Is it worried about yourself?

Still not to trust yourself?

No matter which kind of, it doesn't matter for him.

However, since there may be an enemy, it is necessary to prevent sneak attack, no matter what person, as long as it blocks yourself to get the stand, then proceed.

However, in fact, there is no enemy, just just Saber wants to confirm his position.

Saber has a wonderful feeling.

This teenager next to him is very strong.

Not only the sword, even the physical quality is also very powerful.

A well-known breathing, stable pace, and the silent attitude, she didn't know the existence of the abroad, and turned back to find his position.

Although he did not kill and war, but only on his own actions, he did "hidden". If this kind of person became an unope, it is probably more suitable for the Assassing tricks.

Powerful strength plus powerful "breath shadow", if it is an enemy, it will be quite annoyed.

Saber exposed a smile who did not know himself.

If you can learn from such an opponent, you will be a quite a pleasant thing.

And people who have this sword surgery, is it necessary to be quite well?

Disdtebled to use conspiracy. Only knights, the fair duel is glory and dignity.

The heart of the desertichuan is not clear, and no matter whether it is.

But the heart refers to the eyes of the blind eye.

After a few minutes, he has never perceive the existence of the enemy.

"Can you evil, is it in the track or at the opportunity? Where is the enemy?"

No matter how he found it, he did not find the other person's trace. It seems that the other party is a sneak master.

However, since the other party did not move, then he would not fight the snake, but the brain is already in the method of confrontation. Where will your opponents come to attack, and how to deal with

If the opponent is a magician, simply use the wedge pill to first focus, then he doesn't have to take the silver dancer, open the five shots, this is the move of the name, summing up the name of the sword law?

It is the winner! It is the winner!

After more than 20 minutes, Saber and Wildagawa finally arrived in the estuary.

His worried thing has never happened, along with the air fighting.

"Is this place where the Holy relics is robbed?"

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