Rebirth of Japanese Wolf Legacy

Rebirth of Japan's only wolf inherits Chapter 455

Washali is looking to follow the satenthora.

And Saber replaces indoor shoes, followed by back.

The male named by the desertichuan suddenly made her mood.

She always feels that this person in front of him is with some purpose.

But that is not a malicious to the people of the bargow, and has to be adopted.

In short, look at the situation first.

Monitor this man always.

"I'm gonna start now!"

On the dinner table, the thirty-year-old Fuji Village Dahe took the beer drink, and the sake brought in the morning she was ready to stay at dinner.

"Runju, drink beer to the stomach in the morning."

"Which is there?" The vines and rivers took a laughter, "no problem!"

"I think so, the body of the big river is not in general."

Saber said seriously, after all, so many years, I don't know when the big river is used to cultivate a glass of beer in the morning. When I noticed, this habit has changed.

The desertichuan is also a bit surprised. This 30-year-old woman looks like a teenage girl.

Her unknown refers to there is no ring. Is it not married yet, it is also a beautiful person, can drink alcohol and live, should there be a pursuit?

And once you have been forty years old, women are no longer suitable for birth.

So, or just love someone, or you haven't found a suitable candidate?

But simple singleism is also possible.

But this doesn't matter his business, but it is just his own observation and understanding of Fujiun Da River.

After all, whether daily life is still a non-daily struggle, the observation is quite important.

In the days to stay in Sakurai College, he also likes to sit in the corner silently, observe the dynamics of the same class, which people are coming, and who can do it in my heart, this isoffit. The little action is seen.

One is not perfect, one of the big reasons is unclear to cognition ourselves, and it is impossible to observe himself with God's perspective in the processing of some events.

Sometimes I think I will make my emotions, I don't know in the eyes of others, you have already put a stinky face.

"Teacher Fujiun, drink some millet porridge?"

At this time, Sakura put a bowl of millet porridge with red dates in front of the big river.

She didn't stop the behavior of Drinking in the caves in the Fujiki River, just silently preparing the millet porridge of the stomach.

"Oh, small Sakura, it's hard to work!" The big river is light.

Although the assorted hot pot is very delicious, the fragrance of the millet porridge that exudes the red dates is also what she loves!

It turns out that quite gentle women are the type of good wife.

By now, the desertation is probably mastered by everyone's approach.

But the blonde girl sitting opposite let him care.

It's only a few minutes from the table, and this girl has already added five bowls.

How do you say it, it is really shocked to him.

12 farther

However, according to him, the origin of this girl is not in general.

Her unacceptable sword can cause considerable threat to the enemy.

Not only that, but she is in the way to prevent themselves, not relaxing, and at any time in the preparation state

It is only a sixteen year old, but this gesture seems to be a stagnation of a pretty old road fighting for decades, the previous sword angle and strength is just right, if it is not long-lasting with his own weapon I will not make such a sword.

Even if the Warlife is looking away, holding a sword who is not inforunance in wedge pills, will also affect the battle, because the hand, weight, etc. of the weapon need to be a long-term process with the user.

Not only that, this SABER's words and deeds have a proper elegant and meticulous, which can have this gesture. It must be an extraordinary person?

But why do such foreigners live in Japan?

Among them, he didn't know, but curious is curious. He won't take the thing for his own curiosity to explore the things of others unless there is that necessary.

After lunch, women named cherry take care of the baby.

Fujiun Dahe also rides a battery car to school, after all, there is still her class in the afternoon.

The people staying in the living room will only have the satellite, fever, Saber, and the deserter as guests.

Sitting in the warden next to Waikawa got up: "I go to the pot of tea, let's talk first."

"Si Mi, I want jasmine tea."


After Shiro, the desertichuan watched a beautiful box from the bag, and the top with a red ribbon played a beautiful bow.

"Right, this is a gift from my sister to send me. If you can, please also accept it."

"Well, is it given to me?"

"Yes, it is Qiu Xueo to give you." Washali said, "she is also intended to come, but these days have a little more, so they have not come."

"It turned out so", I took the box. "But I still say that I still don't know that Qiu Xue has a brother."

"Ah" Washen is awkward, "In fact, I have no blood relationship with Qiu Xue, just a childhood player, now because my parents work abroad, so I have stayed at her home."

"It turned out to be like this." Said, "Is it nothing to do now?"

"Of course, please." Washali hope, "I don't know what the autumn snow is prepared."

"Yes, then I have to see what surprises she prepared." The tone is very happy.

When she is ready to open the bow, Saber sitting next to her is holding the hands.


do not worry.

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