Rebirth of Japanese Wolf Legacy

Rebirth of Japan's only wolf inherits Chapter 453

Saber shook his head and barely smashed the past.

Because the side of the feet stopped quietly.

After the breakfast time passed, the Saber pulled Saber to the road of the Bouvery, the satellite leisure time will practice sword skills here.

It is obvious that the Saber said with a serious tone:

"Baste, what happened, should this kind of thing should tell Shiro?"

"But the big river is there, she is an ordinary person," Said, "SABER, you should think about it."

"This is also considering, but the enemy has directly destroyed the end of the family!" Saber can't understand, "the other person is likely to be rushing."

"Is it? But I don't remember anyone who has guilty, I really want to say some people in the association a bit contradictory, but my master can be a gem, no one will not have a long eye to this." Use the index finger to light down the chin.

"Nilang, he should know this matter."

"No," said, "I as a mother, Sheng as a father, we are no longer suitable for the insurance, so our two will now be here."

"Of course, I don't know, even if I don't say, I also have this conscious." Saber said.

As a result, protecting the Royal Servant is what the things should be.

This "protection" also has the meaning of eradicating threats.

It's just a serious, since the danger is coming, then everyone should be alert, so as not to predict the danger of happening.

"It doesn't matter, SABER, the juncture here is already firm, and there is also Iliya's help, I am very satisfied with the status quo, I don't want to let Sheng's worry, so I can only go to see you. "

After saying, it is empty with ice-cold tone to Saber:

"If it is an intruder, it is fine directly."

"Understand." Saber nodded.

The meaning is already very obvious.

This calm daily, absolutely does not allow people to interfere with people with care.

Nine o'clock in the morning.

At this time, winter is full of vitality.

However, it is only limited to urban and residential regions.

The highest in the winter forest is the housing area, where there is such a building that is filled with Western European style.

Unlike other houses, this second-floor Xiaodian Building with the court has been lived for a long time, and the people around them be used as a ghost house, and used to scare children.

Humblestive shell, rusty iron gates, rushed to climb the wall and fence, and the weeds in the courtyard, all over the windows, even the windows of the outer house, also covered thick A layer of ash.

However, there have been no one has been in the courtyard of the courtyard, but it has more footprints today.

"Is it really here?"

Numerous guests look at this dessert, as if the medieval castle-like house, it is not a bit dumbfounded.

Even if the magician, it will not live this place. If you don't have, how can you cut it?

But come, or go to the door, better?

The foot is coming from behind.

He slowly turned back because the other party did not hide the trace.

Not a sneak attack, you don't have to panic.

Then he saw the appearance of the people, can't help but stay in the same appearance.

The sun-like blonde, as well as the green treasure


But intuition tells him that people in front of you can't underestimate.

"It turns out, is you the invader?" Saber said.

Her skirt is in the wind, the hands are sure, it seems to have a weapon.

Sword? Upless guest.

At the same time, he felt the magic atmosphere of the sword in front of the girl in front of him.

There is no doubt that this is a particularly capable of hiding itself, so that the opponent can't estimate the length of the sword, and you have to eat a big loss.

There is still this convenient thing.

Although in the face of the hostility of the girl, he has not revealed hostile, but the right hand's hand has been moving toward the wedge pill.

He is still confident for his own knot, after all, is also a man who is exercised in his hands.

"Don't talk, then I will go up."

Saber charge, a note cut down.

Upless Guest, seek the knife, sway, and one.

The name has no heart cross.

The two knives of the gods, the first knife bounced the Saber attack, and the second knife was toward her head.

"What !?" Saber is very surprised.

She is not unable to cope with this second knife, but she has never seen some human beings can use such a profit.

An arbitrary two knives have formed a handicon cross, which is not intentionally, but is natural.

The sword is extremely heartless, nothing, is an idle.

It seems that the knife is not chopping, but cut off his own heart.

In her memory, one person makes her impression.

That is an AsSass proceede, Has used a trick that she was almost killed in Liu Dong Temple.

Although the knife waved in front of him is not as good as the Assass, but he has no kill.

Sure enough, the second knife stopped at a single foot from the top of the Saber head.

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