Rebirth of Japanese Wolf Legacy

Rebirth of Japan's only wolf inherits Chapter 410

The only thing that exists in the cage is a recorder.

Washali is looking into it, and the door behind it is slowly closed.

He drilled into the cage, open the playback button of the recorder, and it is a heartbreaking roar.

I am afraid that this sound deceives autumn snow? He can't help but think so.

It is more attractive to his attention, it is the wall that has a malodous blood moss on the wall. However, when Washen is looking for carefully, it has found all the words on the wall.




[Kill, all kill]


Almost all of the walls are almost a childish font, but there is almost no complete sentence, but just express full emotions with words.

That is the word "brother" that is not much knowledge.

He can even imagine "brother" is how to bite his fingers in those walls.

There are also a few hollow iron tubes extending from the ground, but it is very soft, I am afraid this is something specializing in drainage.

The hands of the desertant huntees, injects the magic of the interlaced steel, and those steel seem to have a vine with life, and gradually wrap him.

He thinks that it is right, this is not an ordinary cage.

The torso seems to have a compressed feeling, and the limbs are fixed, and it seems that the air is locked.

Close to the wall, in addition to the right arm, there is no room to be active, but even so, in addition to the wall outside of the wall, this arm touches less than anything else, this is why this cage exists. the reason.

It is necessary to seal the powerful pails of the ruins of the deserter, so they can't even let the "brother" will act free.

A mysterious power seems to flow into the body along the steel strip, but the desertichi is not malicious, it is like a meticulous inspector, check the body of the deserton. From the top of the head to the foot, did not find suspicious signs, those who released his body.

This is the so-called "regular inspection", although there is a blood seal, but the powerful curse sometimes breaks through.

Once this is detected, this cage will lock the body of the people in front of it before, just like a serious mental patient, even the neck is moving, and there is a place to move around I am afraid there is only an eye.

In this case, the curse leads to the blood ability of the emergence in the body, in that case, it takes only a period of analysis for a period of time. For a mouse that lost freedom and sunshine, whether it is a broken his teeth, or a broken own bone, you will find a way.

Just this "testing mechanism" completely eliminates the happening of this situation, it can be said that it is the last hoping hope of the prisoner.

"I'm not going to die." The desertichuan is moving to the wrist, whispered.

Even if you have your own self, you will live in this life because of the pain bleeding.

No, this is not a life, even survival is not possible.

Washali hoped to hear the roll of tapes in the mountains.

After killing yourself and the autumn snow, the Washen Xiu Ji Huai Huaji Hui will think about the heart of salvation, and the face is asking for the Mili March to find the way to cancel the curse. However, Mili March did not break the curse, nor did you know because you don't want to manage, or there is no strength.

Before you returned to the Miloth, Qiu Xue seems to be in this matter, but the strength and resources are limited.

After all, she inherited the magic buses, only half of the month, even the Yuli, the minister of the full-scale printing, how can she succeed?

It is a foot foot inside for two hours.

"It is indeed a place that will make people split." He said softly.

The object that has not been speaking, the nature is afraid of the lonely human brain naturally splits another personality.

- Protective personality.

Let the deceased in the "Demo Rings", split it out in extreme environments to protect themselves.

I want this person to accompany "Brother" to chat, sing him, instill his concept of "hate" and "compete".

Since I remember the Qingming last night, I would like to think about the scene of the child.

At that time, "Brother" is indeed gentle, but treating autumn snow is sometimes not good, according to the view of the child is bullying, according to the statement, it is abuse.

It seems that there is no blood, the sister is the exclusive toy, and it is also at all.

Although it is in secret, it is sometimes seen by the desertichuan looking for the autumn snow.

So the two will explode some small battles.

This is why autumn snow is compared to "brother", more sticky.

Washen Wang also remembered that the arm had some flesh, like grabbed his wife hiding behind him behind him.

If you want this time, it is the beginning of the ceremony, because it is a double violent in the body and consciousness, and he is very valued for Qiu Xue, he has chosen to destroy. I am afraid that in the subconscious of young "brother", the sister he cherished led to his madness and pain.

But the fact is, it is because he is too loved this sister, so even the curse is sent, his eyes cannot be removed from the autumn snow, so he is more preferred to attack the autumn snow than to attach other people.

The more you are precious, the more you have a chic pleasure.

This kind of ice-cold brutary is probably that even adults can not realize it correctly, let alone a little boy.

"What makes you escape?"

Washen is looking for everything, but it has not been able to find the answer very well.

"If there is a melancholic blue tune, it is good ..."

He thought about it without margin.

I don't know how long it took, he came out from the cell, the sky outside was already black.

This thought it was able to find some "brother" weakness, but I didn't get much useful information.

and many more.

On the front of the door, the desertichuan looked at the tape to look at the recorder.

What this thing is originally placed here for him, or said ... Is anyone deliberately brought him?

The desertichuan is suddenly a bad cold.

032 twins

"Miss, ready to have dinner."

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