Rebirth of Japanese Wolf Legacy

Rebirth of Japan's only wolf inherits Chapter 397

Why do he pursue the privilege?

A series of questions have emerged in her mind, but she has no excess strength thinking, and I am too lazy to think that now she is shouting on every cell.

However, it is safe to safely.

The man took the frog, licking his lips: "Right, I didn't find this woman in a while, simply returning to a hospital, there should be an exorcist who is getting sick, it seems to be a girl, slip"

This sentence makes the nerve that is almost relaxed by the hydrophorn vegetables.

It is said that it is still in the hospital to prevent the disease, that is, the Hemou name is excellent, her internal organs are more serious, at least two months need to be adjusted

How can this man know?

Where did he know that herself and the old name is in the hospital?

I haven't thought about it, she crushed the last one in the body, climbed up towards not far, just like a turtle.

Never let men go to the hospital or whether the sea is willing to die.

I have to send the news as soon as possible, let the nearby privileges come to support

She climbed to the phone, the index finger passed gently touched the sending button.

The mobile phone slightly shaken, and she prompted her to send success.

In the quiet night, this shock is also detected by a keen ear of a man.

He turned his head, broke his mouth, and the hookstut vegetables were completely exposed to his vision, like a dying lamb.

"I can't afford my father and mother, I wast your protect bless, I will never allow the child's injury to the child is still very young."

Her eyes reflected the starlight of the sky, and the eyes of the eyes were soft as the blue tide.

At 11:30 in the middle of the night, the desertichuan woke up by the ringtone of the phone.

When he touched the phone, he was still a bit confused when I saw the words of the third line, I was awake in an instant, as I was splashing a scoop cold water.

Without any helves, he mentioned the wedge pill and not until it fought quickly, and even the pajamas did not change.

When you are preparing the stairs, the sound of autumn snow is ringing behind him.


"You also received the information", "Washal is looking forward.

"Well, are you going out?"

"Go to see the situation, there should be already exported to the hospital, I will go to Miss Water."

"I will go."

"No, you stay here, the murderous magic is also wandering in Tokyo, they have no combat ability, they have to protect it, we have been stared."

"I understand, my brother is careful."

"I will."

Washali looked at the Qianyue family and rushed all the way.

He was originally thought that the enemy was aimed at Qianyue or herself, but now he is wrong.

The enemy is targeted, it is the entire exorcline association

On the balcony in the living room, autumn snow looked at the deserter hung in the dark, tightly tightly tight pajamas.

Suddenly came like this, she couldn't sleep anyway.

Now there is only the news of the Chinese, how to deal with it.

Autumn snow gave himself a cup of coffee, quietly waiting for the news after the day.

At this moment, a police car suddenly stopped before the Milotian house.

"So Sasaki police officers have anything to visit in late night"

In the hall, autumn snow is sitting in Sasaki.

"Deep night is really sorry, but this is very important, because I don't have your contact information, so I can only drive." Sasaki looked at the hot coffee in front of him, "Although she has not found the murderer." However, the identity of the body found before the Yinyu House has been confirmed this morning. The deceased is called loose generation, and is a nurse in the Tokyo Dubinhai Hospital. "

"I don't know." Qiu Xue shakes his head, "as you see, my brother is just a high school student, and the family's things are taled by the two maids that don't go out. The company's things are also handed over to the housekeeper. We follow this There is no coming between Miss Nurse. "

"No, this is clear, I just want to pass a thing." Sasaki took out a photo and handed it to Qiu Xue. "I doubt that you have already been eyeped."

Qiu Xue passed photos, stunned.

"This is the picture we filmed this morning." Sasaki said, "The murderer left a word in the street light, meaning that I was free, I thought it was written by the victim, but I wanted to return to the police station. The less you are. "

He went to a coffee and continued: "I think about it later, I think this is more likely to be the information left by the murderer. He should have escaped it, so I will say that I got freedom. But he wants to be true If you want to declare his freedom to the world, you should put the body in a more conspicuous place, rather than the remote Panshan Road, and the body is placed in front of the Yinyu House, I think it may be because he stares at the Millennium Miss Millennium, what is your topping? "

"Not." Qiu Xue put the photo of the street light back to the table.

"Is it" Sasaki sighed, "Recently I will apply for the investigation of the monarch, if this news is really the murderer left to the Miliyue, then I believe that you must give me a satisfactory answer about the murderer The true appearance of the answer. "

"Of course, the Milotinth family will certainly cooperate with the police's investigation." Qiu Xue stared at the coffee surface to slowly turned the milk.

018 abandoned factory

A taxi stopped in the north side of the Shuwen, and the desert is expected to pay the money and get off.

He is a car called from the crowd of crowded streets in the world, where there is a taxi until three in the morning.

Although the Japanese custom industry is not allowed to conduct special deals, if you are "love" with those little sister, it is another thing, so many taxi will park at the door of those customs, with "couples" to nearby hotels .

Stepping into the woods, with the taste exchanged, the hearing is rising, and the desert is looking out the wedge pills, it is very cautious.

The mobile phone signal of the hills is here, indicating that she has not yet, which may be in which place is hiding, if this is the case, the murderer is nearby.

In fact, no one has existed here.

Gradually, he walked toward the direction of the coast, smelled a piece of iron, with a silky sweetup.

The field of view is gradually wide, and the tide is poured into the ear.

When I walked out of the wood, I almost didn't have a wedge pill in your hand.

On the coast, the mantlet vegetables are tied to the wooden cross, low heads, and the black hair with shoulders with the sea breeze.

Her whole chest was excavated, the part below the waist was also cut, the two legs were crushed into meat. In addition to the lungs, all organs have been taken away.

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