Rebirth of Japanese Wolf Legacy

Rebirth of Japan's only wolf inherits Chapter 335

However, there is also a risk, and the consequences of killing the ghost doors can predict.

"So I have to do now, I found 'open the door'."

This is the most secure choice ... He must immediately go to Navi Village to find the name of the name, and strive to get a more useful intelligence in seconds.

Without hesitation, he immediately returned to the house, finishing the necessary things, deeply glanced over the room in autumn and snow, and immediately closed the door of porch.

Heavy rain washes the ground, and the desert is looking at the sound of the rain in the ear, and the black raincoat is put into the rain.


Qiu Xue came out of the room from the wizard, and wiped the beads of the forehead, loose tone.

Today's magic is used to use, it's time to add it.

"If you are here in autumn ..." She wanted to walk towards the bathroom without margin.

After taking a shower, she walked on the wooden corridor, suddenly a gust of wind blowing from the garden, mixing the rain wet her replacement clothing.

She sighed, this is the only pajamas she brought, there is no to it, she can only wear a close-fitting clothing to sleep ... I have slept after I fill in autumn night, but I am still not used to it. .

"I remember that my brother's room seems to have clothes I have not taken away ..."

I thought about it, she came to the door of the warden, knocked on the door: "Brother, have you slept?"

There is no lighting in the room, and the autumn snow knocked a few times, no one responded.

She is sinking, pushing the door, and there is no one in the room.

"Is this this ... Tonight is very big, brother ..."

Qiu Xue was weak, and the kittens huddled on the bed of she was looking forward.

She embraced the pillow of the desertichuan, smelling the smell above, sleeping.

"My brother ..." She whispered her eyes, like the words of sleeping.

Just suddenly on the phone, the ringtone was slammed.

She quickly opened his eyes, but before opening his eyes, the magic used for detection has reported to her "there is no danger".

She picked up her mobile phone and saw her phone.

"Hey, the master?"

"Is Qiu Xue?" The voice of an exciting middle-aged woman came to face opposite the phone. "We have brought a lot of good things to you this time. How long does it have to study a trip?"

"How come a few weeks?" Qiu Xue is in bed, two snow whitening legs sway in the air, "You and the unfriend can be temporarily unhappy."

"Yes ... I haven't seen the child for a while, I still miss him, he is okay, didn't you add trouble?"

"No, my brother is very excellent, I like him very much." The sound of autumn snow with a faint smile.

"Yes, that's good, I have been worried for so many years, I am also worried that you will hate him, after all, this child is not a child, then the discussion!"

"How can I say, I have said to you before the phone. My brother's achievements have risen in the new school, and maybe I can admit it to the East."

"Really? It's great!" Washal Lin is excited, and it began to be tonally.

When she talked about the desertion and autumn snow, she said that she would like to have the shortcomings and advantages of Wilderness.

Middle-aged women loved in her body showed the fullest.

Qiu Xue is patiently listening, and there is some gods.

She still remembers that she is still a very beautiful aunt, although the work is very busy, but I still take the time to come to the wilderness, and give her some mining snacks.

At this moment, she has a deep embarrassment for this middle-aged woman in this distressed son.

Because of the desertilation, I believe I can bring her son to bring a better level, and I will take a bridge between myself and the desertes, I hope I can step into the right track with her son.

This is actually the hope of autumn snow, but the situation has long been deviated from her arrangement.

At first, she made the desertichuan to join the Exorcline Association, in order to bundle him in the Milotian family, so the most secure.

But later, the demon of the demon, there is also a deeper, and now it has been completely become a member of the war. Strengthening the strength of the strength, she does not dare to ignore, not to mention this kind of enthusiasm People who attract talents. Even if you don't allow you, that person will find ways to turn the battle of the desert.

How do you tell Walakin? The son she loved is not as good as she imagined, but is the fierce fight against non-human life.

I thought here, she suddenly took out a dark red gem.

This is the gemstone she used this afternoon, in order to save the prosthetic privilege.

She failed, and did different from the scene in the alley, this time she used to be close to ten gems, still fails to save the life.

"Brother, only you ... Only you will not let you do something." Qiu Xue looked at the dark red gem whisper, "For this reason, I have to pay for it."

In the dark, she looked loudly, the spell that once thought about it.

"ABY ZAWRZE? NIE? Ierteln? Uow ?."

The true meaning of this sentence is - "Conclusions Conclusion."

Autumn snow closed his eyes in the dark, she only knew one thing.

That is, when he saved the allah in the alley, he has bind him with him through some kind of bond.

Chapter 35:

In the hot spring hotel, in the third floor, the tea in the bone porcelain cup is already flushed.

There is no sign of heavy rain, so that the hearts of all people in the field are wet.

"Is this rain come again?" The shallow wild is full of mouth.

They have just finished the meeting, which determines the operational policy within the next week, but now it seems that this approach seems to change.

"The magic concentration in the air rose a lot ..." "Zhong Xiaomi's brow is fastening," there is no sign, just like the previous rainfall. "

"This rain contains the magic concentration of this high, maybe the demon is accelerating the process of ghost door in a ceremony?" Said the witch fan.

"It's not the magic of the rain, but the magic in the thunder and electricity."

The old voice came in with the opening of the door.

"Sorry, I am late, before helping the south, there are some demon." The deserted Xiuji looked up the gray eyes.

"Oh, it's not in the case, come, sit here, I will pour you the tea." The shallow mountain smiles greeted him.

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