Rebirth of Japanese Wolf Legacy

Rebirth of Japan's only wolf inherits Chapter 323

"Okay." Washali nodded, "Some sliders inside, carefully slipped."

Going out of the room, he is not intended to sleep now, but intended to go shopping in this clean and elegant courtyard, which is more smooth.

I originally wanted to talk to talk, but I thought that he was still on duty, and the warden will dispel this idea.

After all, it is very impressive to interfere with people's work, let alone, because he puts away a demon into the world, then this consequence is very serious.

Tonight in the sky, the moon is hung in the sky.

Looking at the cherry tree that is no longer angry in the courtyard, it is a thing to see.

"It was already in the summer."

A breeze blows, the cherry blossoms fall from the treetop, but the desert is looking through the treetops, and I have seen a creature in the distance.

No, it is accurately, he is right with that creature.

That is an owl, the age is very old, and the eye is not the bright pupil of the raptor, but the old man is turbid.

Looking at the owl, the heart of the desertion is inexplicably raised.

It seems that someone stares on you with a gloomy eye, which is bored.

He stared at the owl, always feel a little familiar.

Carefully identified some, he was fraud that the left eye of this gray owl seems to be squatting, it has suffered a certain blow.

At this moment, this old owl shakes the body, and then the flashes take off, and there are many feathers.

Wankawa wants to try to scare this owl with his hands, but somehow, the owl actually hit the flying track of the hands of the sword.

I thought that this owl will live this, but the magical scene has happened, it seems that the owl is far away, but the thorn is in the hands of the sword, but only one feather

Seeing that there is a mistake to see it.

Yes, he knows this owl.

That is the endure of

He looked at this nearly black feathers and thought of his endurance fog.

He was shocked, and suddenly thought of some speculation.

Located in the well forest in the suburbs of the name, life is famous for the "foggy crow", even if it is caught, it will only leave the feathers and disappear, plus the fog in the well well, so no one knows Its true face.

Wolf's battle memory is quickly covered in the deserter, and each trick is like a continuous photo of the photo in his mind.

That's right, completely consistently, in the battle with the full-featured father, this "bird" appeared.

Because it doesn't respond to the song, it can be determined not to illusion, but the real existence

And I will disappear frequently when I attack, and leave a bunch of feathers, just like the legendary "fog crow".

So he is now basically determined to monitor himself.

If you can, if you can, you will not mind it, I really want to make him feel uneasy is that the owl has been flying.

Just like the enemy grabbed the offense, the eyeliner was withdrawn.

This is a precursor to the war.

The brain of the desertichuan quickly turned, and the exterior of the search for the ghost door is resting at this moment, and the lifetime of the priest people who guarded the surrounding guards daytime, at this moment, the spirit is high, and the attention is highly concentrated. If you really have to attach, where will he come from?

Since it is the other party is the ninja, it will think about the method of ninja.

"Air Racing" is looking at the open area of ​​this house, and there are not many trees.

But then, he locked his gaze on the West Lake in the distance.


The desertichuan hopes to turn back to the house and pick up the wedge pill and not dead.

Just rushed to the lake, the desertuan looked carefully to see the seemingly calm lake.

After a few minutes, there is no signs.

"Don't I say that he is only monitored," Washen is looking at this idea.

Just in the moment of his heart, a green army broke the water, like a smooth mirror, the big hand only locked the throat of the wild.

Chapter 294: Guild Wars

The right hand of the wandering knife is paralyzed, because the bangs have a similar toxic needle in the fingertips.

But fortunately, he has self-contained antivisions, as long as it is not too violent to poison, almost impact him.

It seems that the paralysis of the arm may not be caused by toxins, or the things that are coated is not toxic.

The other hand of the wilderness in the future, because his knife has been cut into the head of the desertion.

Of course, it will not sit in, when he is in the picture, his left hand burst into hot flames, and it covers it.

dry and negative, the flame of the blower covers his instant, like the autumn straw meets the flame, and immediately burned the bears.

Under the helplessness, only can only jump into the water.

Although it is possible to die, but the flame is burned, it will make the clothing and the skin together, gradually burns the muscles, and even be burned bones.

He is not afraid of pain, but the ability of action is damaged in battle is definitely a quite fatal thing.

It is better than the burden of the bullring into a cumbership, even if the power of the lazy power is increased by a thousand times, the body is increased by twenty times, and it can easily crush the diamond, and it can't overcome an ordinary bullfighter. Because of the speed of action, while the bullfighter runs around it, it may still raise the paw, wait until the paw landing, it is almost because it is bleeding.

However, at this moment, I still grabbed the desertichuan and dragged him into the water.

Although the underwater blowing tank is completely lost, but the desertichuan will break free from the bondage of, take out the hook rope toward the shore, flying.

He filling a hurting gourd. By the way, he brought a steel totrump, then pulled out the unsathered and wedge pills, but he thought in a second, then put the watery pill back to the scabbard.

Although the huge enemy of this body is suitable, he also has its own reasons.

This time, the hand holds the knife to the left hand, because the double-knife flow is used, so the left hand holds the knife is not too unfamiliar for him.

Waiting for the moment when I walked up, I can use it to give him a fatal blow to him. It is best.

However, because the opponent is the very old donkey, he did not have too much expectation to this.

Staying the water, more is to prevent sudden hidden hidden in order to prevent sudden violent rocks.

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