Rebirth of Japanese Wolf Legacy

Rebirth of Japan's only wolf inherits Chapter 315

The all kinds of movements of the name of the name are endless. He can do it in a moment.

Time passed by one minute, the blade collision is endless.

Gradually, the desertion is gradually occupied by the wind.

Xianfeng Temple bodhisattva cooperates with a fierce sniper, which makes it compressed.

Ten steps, coughing a blood.

He is old, people have the limit, let alone today can not help but be old, and they are suffering from certain serious illnesses, need to be realized to take care of the disease.

Looking at the blood in your heart, I am slowly said: "You are really a boy who doesn't want to like, but you can use the name of the name so you are so proficient."

"Ask these meaningless, come, even if you are the name of the sword, you will become my food." Washali said.

One heart is definitely his strongest enemy in now, and several times he almost hacked, hard to rely on the "dangerous" tips to barely hide.

"Then I will fulfill you." "

The crisis has emerged on the top of the head.

Stepping in the heart, a little down, and the knife is hired.

This knife looked down, but he still retained the posture of the sheath.

The crisis disappears, and the desert is very good.

He seems to have seen this, but it can't remember it.

The next moment, from the vertical extension, it is now sprayed and now.

First knife, second knife, third knife

Until the fourth knife, the desertichuan did not defend, and the whole body suffered from tens of times.

He finally remembered, will only a knife into a secret skills that countless times.

It's just a flavor, just a focus on this matter, so that the release of the release is fast.

This is a tempering, and the aged sword is full of a life.

Secret biography.

Chapter 287: Preparing in front of Mount Fuji

Just relying on a trick, the age of the year is reversed.

Desertuan hopes in the middle knife, although he has worked hard to use wedge pills, try to make the organ umbrella, but the high-speed chop does not give him any opportunity, let him look like a pipeline on the pipeline A.

He lost.

"Heshe, will be defeated"

The secret is not ending yet, and the heart is suddenly pulling the knife with a half gesture, and the end of the overbearing.

But when I gave him the last blow, the desertichuan hopped in the Buddha.

This time, the transfer is fast than any time, and the last one is empty, he was transferred back to the old temple.

Lying in the air, he hit his hurt, gourd from the arms.

Although he is seriously injured, his mind is also clear, then dragging it will be dead, the blood loss is too much.

The secret is too strong, and it will die for a general person.

But now there is a problem, although people are alive, but his hand has already lifted, let alone gourd to the mouth.

"Hey, is it like this?"

A person's face appeared in front of him.


"Don't see for ten days, you have changed a lot, just like Shura." The only said with hoarse voice.

Washali looked at the sky and sighed silently.

"Shura" is not different from the evil ghost.

The Buddha's carving is almost abolished, so it is natural to know how deep the Buddha's sculptor is in the resentment of the Buddha.

In his opinion, the carving knife in his hand will undoubtedly become a weapon that ends yourself.

The consciousness is gradually blurred, and the hoist in the hands also dropped.

At the last moment of his consciousness, the cool liquid poured into the throat.

"Let's go through the drugs in this, the farther, the better, no longer come back."

Almost after I filling the medicine water in the gourd gourd, the Buddha sculptor becomes barefoot and turned to the temple.

"Wait" Under the rapid recovery of hug in the hug, it is expected to get up.

The Buddha's carvings stopped and turned back.

"Why do you want to save me?

"I just hope to be able to engrave a face-to-face charity." The Buddha said, "Let's go down, look at your appearance, I have never suffered from war, still go back your hometown for good."

"I don't think I am Shura, I am dirting, but I have my purpose."

"Then, your purpose," Buddha cargo, "I also sword, I have had my own purpose, but the purpose will always be lost, just like Xianfeng Temple, you have, you I can understand that I natural is the best, I don't know if I don't understand, the little child, leave the name, this is my advice. "

Washali Wang did not answer, silently visiting the Buddha to enter the temple, then use the bell.

He returned to the shabby temple, but the owner of this old temple was a wolf.

When he stepped into the first step of the monasterion, the wolf saw him and then stopped the lives in his hand.

"Let go down the knife." The short three words indicate the attitude of the wolf.

"You also think that I am Shura"

"No, you just walked on this road, I haven't arrived at that point." The wolf went down and continued to engrave Buddha status.

At this time, the desert is observed that the Buddha statue of the wolf is more embarrassed.

"Do you can't compress it?"

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