Rebirth of Japanese Wolf Legacy

Rebirth of Japan's only wolf inherits Chapter 307

Everyone picks up the mobile phone, there is only one text message.

"On the 13th patrol team failed to return before the sun, the sound is not, the last contact is at four o'clock in the afternoon, the positioning system shows the last location of the Qingmu original tree in the West Lake, the feet of the West Lake," by night action ability Strong privileges form a three-person team to explore, the rules of war: do not fight, meet the demon to return directly to the fastest speed. "

"No. 13 patrol" hit gauze.

"What happened?" The sea old name is the same as the mate.

"The brigade seems to be the team where the sides of this innocent" is said.

"Mr. Bo" is also stayed in the old name. According to the strength of the shore, this should not come to Mount Fuji, but his transformation of the weapon is very in line, so it will make him follow the most teams to the Fushan foot, repair and modify the weapon.

So a logistics person, why ran to the front line

What's more, what his team is missing.

Put the remaining half eggs in your mouth, and the hills climbed from the comfortable hot spring pool.

"See you must have to go."

"" Hai Dynasty said, "But Miss Hosey is not the kind of privilege that belongs to night time."

"Hey, you don't understand this," The hill gauze wrapped in a bath towel. "As long as you drink the medicine, I will be inevitable."

"I also go to" the old name is also climbed.

"In advance, the night is very dark, there is no extra night vision to wear" .

"It doesn't matter, my grandfather used to be the prolonged man. His biggest record is that there is only more than ten kinds of demon who kills more than ten kinds of demon."

"Your grandfather can be used as a night vision."

"Not" The old name is firmly said, "It is relying on the nose, my grandfather is a blind man, but the eyes blindly does not affect his hunting enemy, because he can smell the odor of the demon and my sense of smell seems to be very sensitive."

Water yarn vegetables want to say: "That is coming, you can follow the guys around the Ming Dynasty, I don't want to see if there is a general manager, let me see how much you have."

Chapter 279: Crisis Third Team

After ten minutes, a search and rescue team consisting of three people was ready to go.

"Note." Zhongming said to them, "Just the positioning system found their position again, still in the green wood trees, but the original location should be moved, be careful, although most demon is stupid, but There is also a smart. The policy of this action is not a war, even if you find a team member, as long as they show the same, you will escape, there are many privileges that are stationed in the West Lake will take you. "

"Why sent us a team of team" The last man asked in the team.

"Because, this is the highest efficiency, and the casualties are the smallest." Zhongyu shot shot their shoulders, "The signal source of the No.13 squad is still moving, a squad is enough."

The man understands that Zhong Yan is worried that there is ambush, so I only sent a squad, which is the minimum of casualties.

The Mount Fuji is not counting, and the enemy is mad, and it will cause a serious casualty in an unknown environment, but if you only send a team, even if you do something, it is just that they and the 13th team. Yes.

"Okay, let us start now." Hypere gauze said.

"Well, every half an hour, remember to send a signal." Zhongming said, "The old name, you must be careful, the power is not used."

"I understand, the president." The old name nodded.

Leaving the spa hostel, the vests of the hills embark on the journey of looking for teammates in the night.

The location of them now is near the mountains of Mountains in Mount Fuji.

There are five lakes in the north of Fuji Mountain, from east to west is the mountain lake, river road, West Lake, Jingjin Lake and Benbi Lake.

The position of the 13th team is in the green wood in the green wood next to the West Lake. It takes some time from here. They have to pay attention to the movement of the surroundings. If they encounter the demon, they can only return.

Walking on the road, the hooksticks took out a bottle of pharmacy.

"What is this" The old name is curious.

"I have modulated medication." Water sputum, "Don't look at me, I used to learn in the clock tower."

"Clock Tower" The old name is bright, "Is it the clock tower of that magic association?"

"Well, but I have no learning of magic talents, so I have learned some pharmacy." Hydroplasses said, "This is an owl drug, which can make people in the night."

Although the equipment library of the Exorcline Society is equipped with a night view, it takes some time, and even if you want to make a batch of night vintures even again. At present, the night vision ownership of the association has almost all sent to the mightext of the night, because the enclosure is absolutely can't have any leaks, which is why do three nights have a strong powerful privilege to look for the 13th team.

"Wow, it's so powerful"

"You are also coming," the hill gauze said, "But the taste is not very good."

The old man took the medicine and gently drunk, and it felt that the darkness in front of him was disappeared. All things saw a clear.

Looking at the old names of the sea, the hooksticks understand their own potion.

"It seems that you are lucky, the water is valid for you."

"According to your statement, some people drink it will be invalid." The squadron's silent man opened.

"Of course, each person is different, the amount of raw materials for the deployment agent will also be different. If I combine the reinforcement agent, the specification is coming in a strong man, and the strong man will drink, but a person who is thin with firewood. This medicine, then the consequences are likely to bear the pharmacity of the drug, and die. "

The old name is scared.

"But don't worry, the owl drug is not strong, even if you drink it, you will have a few days of stomach." Hypello is comfortable. "

"Don't come," she said to men.

"Free, I can see something in the darkness." Men said, "My blood will make me in the dark."

"That's also." Hyperellian vegetables said to the old name, "pay attention to the taste of your nose."


"Let me see the signal source of the 13th squad, they stopped, it is estimated to have a break," said the Hai old name.

"It is also possible that it is hiding by the demon." The man said.

"It is best to get lost, the forest of the green wood trees is easy to lose." Hypere gauze white man, "Continue to move, be careful, don't be attacked."

Spa, a small room in a spa.

"I have something to find me" in the middle of the tatami asked.

"I also go." Wei Wei Zai Weixi whispering.

"No, I have sent a small team to go, waiting for more people to search for the 13th squad." Zhong Yan did not hesitate to refuse.

"I am afraid that I can't wait for tomorrow." Wei Wei is saying, "The green wood trees are very easy to get lost, where special magnetic fields will make the compass invalid, and the trees cover the trees will cover the sun, and the forest is still Misty presence, the positioning system on the team members did not fail, even if they lost the direction in the forest, they can rely on the positioning system to locate us, so they find the right direction. "

Zhongyu Ming sighed: "You are right. The reason why they have not come back, the biggest possibility is to be killed by the demon, the communication system is damaged, and they must escape into the green wood trees. Complex terrain and vegetation to avoid chasing. "

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