Rebirth of Japanese Wolf Legacy

Rebirth of Japan's only wolf inherit of Chapter 304

The vulcan is extremely vision, and the monkeys will make a shouting to make drums to let other monkeys alert, and Wen Wen Mark is very good.

Washali looked at a moon sugar, which gave him a chance to make a chance to make a chance, and in the blessing of the sugar sugar effect, the desertichuan is like a ghost close to the lanter monkey, but it is still a view of the monkey, flying quickly.

Washali is looking for it, he wants this effect, so that he will force the monkey to force the monkey to the dark attachment of the illusion, reach out, do not see it, easily.

Subsequently he came to the corridor and pulled the big clock of the illusion.

The roar of this clock is enough to let the hearing of the monkey temporarily invalid. After the Washal is looking forward to the giant tree in the center of the illusion, waiting for the monkey to come here, then slammed, to kill it

Monkey is easier to kill, because it will only warn their companions, there is no special sensory.

There is still the last monkey.

Washen is looking for, listen carefully.

After a few seconds, the wedge pills stabbed out, running through some things behind.

A white monkey slowly fell, and there is a golden footprint that remains.

It is the last, invisible monkey, although it can't see it, but it has been tightly followed behind the desert.

The ,

The squad is a person who will endure as a bumbler, and consumes paper people.

This secret can temporarily surrounded by the original life, so that people who have been used as a will temporarily act for the monetary activity, although the residual life will end, but absolutely calculate God skills.

In other words, Washali can be able to become the squatting of the opponent, helping yourself to kill the enemy, so that there is no better than the helper.

Then, the desertuan is looking to clean the Xianfeng Temple from top to bottom, and use the moon sugar and assassination and other means to search for a lot of hard candy from the monk of humanity.

Immediately, he used the Buddha to send it to the main city of the famous city. He went to the back door. From the White Snake Shrine, he came to the fallen valley. He met the snake eye white vine, but he did not fight against it, but explained his intention. Come to cut off.

After all, there are many beautiful and beautiful, and everyone is the monk hand, and the eight hundred miles will kill XXX. Washali is not energetic, and there is no one who kills all of them, although there is an organ umbrella, but the number of paper is limited, and it takes time to use paper people. If they come to a "wheel war", it is very popular. Uncomfortable.

The snake eye is very happy, so that the deceased valley has passed the fallen valley. After all, she as the worship of the white snake, I naturally want to see the Sakuo.

From the fall of the fallen valley to the toxic mango, in the snake's eyes, the desert is expected to use the same reason.

Before going to the foggy Sen, the desertichuan looked at the nest of the lion. After all, it can take the blood smoke and love the fingers.

Among the dark huge caves, there is a huge lion, and the neck is inserted and a wilder knife. According to the shape, only giant ninjas such as, can use this knife. This seems to be one of the ninja in the Buddha Valley, and the height should be up and down.

The lion is sensible to the arrival of someone.

Washali is looking for shrugs, not bad, anyway, it is to kill.

After that, the sound of firecrackers and the sound of the firecrackers were rang.

When the desertichuan hopes to see the tall tall tall, when he took out the green from the butt, he knew that the big event was not.

After half an hour, the desertichuan hoped on the ground and pinched his fingers and silently.

He felt that he smelled like a pile of big manifests.

After using the water flowing over the cave, after simple cleaning the body, the desertion is coming to the foggy Sen, and it is a fog here, not only fog, but also a phantom.

Walking on a thick tree trunk, the desertichuan has arrived in front of a Buddha statue, and there is a fire burn before the Buddha statue, and as a fuel is a manner.

There, there is an aged monk lying here, and when the walnight is, it will be given by the old monk.

"You, you cough and cough, if you are also in the same way to the Buddha, can you help me discuss the enemy?"

"Buddha enemy" is looking forward to it.

"Yes, cough and cough enemies, in the previous waste temple, in order to bounce the villagers, use a magical fmingam to block the village, the people outside, the people inside will not be able to cough and cough, there is a door to lock, Can also go in the second floor "

Chapter 276: Enthusiastic Water Village

After that, the monks have turned down.

What is the Buddha's enemy in the people in the arms.

Aristocrat in the palace of self-resembling.

If you have a long-term drinking source, there may be a stone to live in the body.

The quartz stone is a scent, and the fragrance of fragrance is fragrant.

The spring guild said: "The idiot of the palace of the source, I am going to become a squid, and you will not touch forever."

As long as you grow out, you can come to Xianxiang, but over time, the nobles of the Source Palace found that the power of the Sakura, which only relying on drinking water is incomplete, it can only provide no death, can't stop aging, so A part of the nobles played the fisherman's idea. They screamed the villagers to feed the bait, and then cheated to feed the fish. After the fish bait, the fish king was built, and then killed the old fish king after the system, became a new fish king.

The fog is a person who is sent to feed the fishing bait in the village of aquatic village.

The road in front is covered by the fog, so it is not possible to kill the fog.

Falling from the tree, the absurd look suddenly felt that their own limbs were stagnant. The whole person seems to be in a landslide, it is very uncomfortable.

You can't be hop, you can't sprint, in this case, you can walk.

Washen, I wish you a enemy.


It has not been the first warrior of the past, but it has stepped on a follow-up road.

And in the foggy Sen, because it realizes that it has stepped into the madness, so I only walk into the depths of the forest, but I was expected to be in the abroad.

Washali hoped silently took a cherry blossom petals on the wedge pill, although there was no passive paper with the source of the source of the source of the paper to force, but so good to strengthen the damage to the grievance, if he will increase the magic in the future, Speaking that the power of the enemy in the spirit can be more enjoyable.

There is no men in front disappeared.

Washen Wang didn't think much, and after the anti-wedge pill, he knew that there was no longer disappearance.

This thorn has a non-first abdomen, forcing the footsteps of no advancement, no matter what, good is to protect your own "post garden".

Although it is unrestrained, it is not a panic, but the most taboo thing in the battle is that he is in trouble.

Following the memory of the wolf, the desertichuan will look through all the moves, whenever you have no disappearance, then you can exempt the unresnated "Sports" in front of yourself, because you are not in this film. It is very safe to move in the mist of the viscose.

And there is no big attack, it is easy to pop.

In this way, the desertuan hoped to defeat the no one, got the moon hidden murder.

This formula can make the moon hidden spirit of the head of the head of the head of this body.

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