Rebirth of Japanese Wolf Legacy

Rebirth of Japan's only wolf inherits Chapter 296

Although Tailang's force is extremely incomparable, it is in the end of the body, and their agility is not high, it is very easy to kill, the way to use the assassination can be, after all, they have not taken a variety of water, only one life.

After solving Tailang Bing, the desertichuan went to the dungeon entrance.

Since the name of the reeds, Dao Xuan and Dao Cheng have played the idea of ​​the source of water, and it has developed a variety of water.

In the dunge of the name, there is a built road straight through the Xianfeng Temple.

This is a shortcut.

The relationship between the name and Xianfeng Temple is very subtle.

In the battle of the State, Xianfeng Temple helped the name in order to fight against the Buddha, and now the name and Xianfeng Temple have also reached a cooperative relationship.

The gang of the Xianfeng Temple is obsessed with the study, and the name will continue to send the prisoners in the dungeon to the material of the Human Temple.

The dignified, deep, exudes a desperate breath.

"There is a sacrifice of the deceased," the faint voice sounded, "Do you want to offer a power?"

The exit of the Dungeon also has the existence of the sacrifice, and the desert is always ready to ignore him, but it turns back to think, and turn it back.

"What do you need to buy?" The vocal voice said, "" There are many difficulties in front, "the bitter soul is numerous, as I see, your hands are also covered with blood."

"I have anything to take it out, I have a look," Washali is said.


Desertuan Wang picks up a steel totrumps, suddenly asked: "Why do you want to go to the city here?

"But it is a little deepening to do some small sale. It is not for making money. I feel that I am probably able to alleviate some sins. This world is grouped, the more, I have to sell things, I am blessing for help."

"Is it" Washali to turn around, "still count, buy it next time, next time."

For the first time, I went to take my own firecrackers, a few sugar, waiting until the Xianfeng Temple, how much is the monk of humanity, and I will give him robbery.

Go to the depths of the land, the candlelight swaying, the dry body of the stone wall is quite a few, which is the product that will fail.

There are still a lot of tall worms in the dungeon, like it, and the desert is looked to know that this insect is also in Xianfeng Temple. There is a group of people in Huanguan in Xianfeng Temple, specializing in experiments, and in the battle memory in the wolf, it can be seen that the physician is very enthusiastic, whenever I see the tourists can't help but play games.

"Throw, lost, lost grenade. Say quietly next to the small wolf, don't tell him"

This kind of sometimes comes out from the body of the monk, sometimes drilling from the inspection of the dungeon, in all, is the product of the undead experiment.

At this moment, a wandering figure entered the sight of the desertichuan, and the figure was very short, the body was thin, but the deserter did not dare to be smashed.

That is the failure of Dao Xuan experiment, it is difficult to kill, and there is no sense of mychers, and it is a long crash for the fresh vitality, and it is desired to be a bloody. Washali is a little doubt, which is also a product of water, why is there a red eye, and the other will become a living corpse?

The answer is not complicated. In fact, Dao Xuan and the brother Dao Cheng did not know how to change the water, but if the water deposited, there was a white precipitate, extract it out and refined, it got it. Turning the stain.

"Live Years" and "Red Eye" are the products obtained after the transcendence, and Dao Xuan found in the process of experiments, and there were no non-unlike people who took the championship.

The first one is that there is a live corpization, lost my mind, but it is difficult to kill.

The second is red eye, although it is difficult to kill, but it has a more powerful force.

Usually, there is a very strong belief in my heart, but the belief is not enough. If you want to become red, it is necessary to have a strong body, this is why it is When the wolf came to the dungeon, the Taozi's land road remitted the wolf to bring a strong person to help him test.

In the game, only two people can bring to the wolf, one is the left of the samurai of the head wearing an amount, the other is the left, and the other is in the Xianfeng Temple and "Peer". In the memory of the wolf, he did not give it to anyone, but in the game, it took anyone, and the people who took it with the people will be treated as an experimental object.

Have a question, why is Duofun to do experiments with himself, the answer is his mental split, and Dao Cheng has already died, but it has splits another "Dao Cheng" in the shape of the body. This "Dao Cheng" wants to use So experiment, so Taoism has also become a red eye.

Around the and the living corpse, continue to go forward, the desertichuan seemed to see a man wearing white cloth, he is Dao Cheng.

I didn't pay attention to him, and the desert is looking forward.

There are two natural places in the dungeon, one is to go to the Xianfeng Temple, and the other is to enter the body from the pit below the dungeon, and then enter the bottom of the name.

The end of the dungeon is a waterway, not hesitating, the desert is hop, only from here can reach Xianfeng Temple.

The water-ice is cold, and the desert is looked all the way, avoiding the sight of the number of soldiers who keep the road to the waterway, successfully arrived at the department.

Pull down the rocker, the head is hidden about the sound of the gear sound.

After more than ten seconds, a platform slowly landed.

This is the path to Xianfeng Temple, countless bodies are transported here.

Washali is looking into the platform, pull the tie rod, and then the platform will rise slowly. After a while, he successfully arrived a ladder.

Going to a ladder to a Buddhist Hall, there is a wolf in the Buddha. The spider is spread all over, and there is only a pair of paintings on the facial wall. There is a disc ancestall in the top.

The feet of the desertichuan just stepped on the threshold, he heard a voice.

"You're there

Chapter 268: Armor Strokes

Washali is looking at it, is it called yourself?

"Please don't go forward again." The soft voice sounded. Catch, I don't know what kind of treatment will suffer, advise you to look back, even so, if you still have the reason to step into Xianfeng Temple, then I will not obstruct, but I will be careful. "

Washali is almost forgotten, this is the sound of it.

There are many children's bodies in the territory of Xianfeng Temple.

When the last desertichuan came to the name, I saw the monks in Xianfeng Temple in the battlefield to find the corpse on the battlefield.

For the pursuit of unscrupulous pursuits, from then on, the Battle of Pak was left to the monks of Xianfeng Temple.

Nothing is besieged, but the sword is entangled, but the power of Long Yu attracts people.

They first took the body as experimental materials, not progress, and then used the living person as experimental materials, still did not progress, and they found a secret of the dragon's power, that is, whether it is a young child, they are young children. At least a look of young children. So they used children, and used almost extinctional methods. In the desperation of unsatisfactory, they finally created "the people made of dragons", and the fake dragon, Xianfeng Temple called it The child is also called the child.

Countless tests, countless children's lives, in exchange for the birth of the child.

"I am coming to seek not dead, I will open the door," Washal is expected to open the door.

Anyway, he knows that the other party is really identity, is a cute little girl.

"I have an unsatisfied, but the knife is a worship, it is not open, do you make a mistake?"

"Yes?" Washali is looking muttered, "It is not on your side."

"If you don't die, you can pull out, but if you have your own insistence, you can go to the inner temple."

Washam, I want to think, do it, although I am not open, but I can't go to the inner Temple to have other clues.

The old things in Xianfeng hide the worship to the child, then, where will he hide?

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