Rebirth of Japanese Wolf Legacy

Rebirth of Japan's only wolf inherits Chapter 237

That is to say, in full opening of the ghost door as a chip, the person who opens the ghost door has reached a transaction between the demon.

Autumn snow came from time to Tower, I met a lot of Western Europe's magicians, and there was still no big movements on the Magic Association, indicating that the magician didn't plan to intervene. Moreover, the magician who fights the magic fighters will never know the exact position of the ghost door, basically exclude.

Know the ghost door, open it ... Who will make such a thing.

Who is there?

Suddenly, autumn snow thought of a terrible possibility.

Maybe open the ghost door ... is the exorcist.

Because only the proliferation of the war is known to the position of the ghost door.

To open the ghost door, you must first know the position of the ghost door ...

The descendants of the prolonged people who participated in the Hundred Ghost Wars can get this intelligence.

However, this is just a speculation, there is no basis.

And as a member of the Exorplant Association, she is unwilling to believe that the descendants of the people who are brave and good fortune will make this kind of thing.

"Is there any valuable intelligence?" Qiu Xue continued.

"There is a ... that is, the recent vampire incident, although it has not been exposed, but it has been perceived, the surface is a blood-blood cell, but is it a demon, it needs further investigation."

"How to invest?"

"What do you do?"

"Using the relationship between the police sees, find the body of the deceased ... Simply, it is to be an alternative autopsy.

"If you know the news of the prisoner, give it to me, I will deal with it." Qiu Xue said.

"But ... Miss Qianyue is not there?"

"It is a master." Qiu Xue corrected, "and each other, witches of the witch."

"Oh, you are still old, the mouth is not forgiving, but the taste is so soft." The other side said like a refreshing food.

"Are you in sexual harassment?" Qiu Xue frowned.

"No, there is nothing, forget, usually I is dignified me, I only feel relaxed when I talk to you."

"Then I wish you a relaxed feeling tonight."

The phone hangs up, autumn snow opened the quilt, got up, and went to the library in the middle of the house.

One of the dark rooms is a magic workshop. In order to fight the next battle, she must strengthen their strength.

She lifted his arm, and the white skin surface appeared as a blue light, and autumn snow moved along the corridor, down the stairs, and finally came to the library.

The night is very quiet, and even I can hear the sound of the clothes when walking.

When I came to the left side of the library, the second bookstore was rely on the wall, and Qiu Xue gently pressed the palm of the fourth row on the fourth column of the fourth column.

She is a silent sound festival.

The blue light rises slowly, the wall began to fluctuate, and finally there is a passage sufficient to make two side.

Nothing in the channel, brightening the Ming Yanyan's face of autumn snow.

This is a high-level observatory, plus the knot set by the Qianyue home itself, and the effect is multiplied.

If it is not an extremely keen person, it will not be found out here.

And with this keen sense of magician, less than one thousandth of the whole magician group.

Qiu Xue went up all the way and came to a branch.

The left side is the road illuminated by the light, and the right side is the way to illuminate the candlelight.

The purpose of autumn and snow is clear, and she has opened a step towards the left.

It seems that someone has arrived. The darkness of the candle is not illuminated, and suddenly, he suddenly burst into extremely violent.

The voice of the madness with full resentment and loneliness, like the abandoned ghost, I can't find the returning home, and I can't return to Huangquan. I can only pass the day in the dark, no one knows, no one Rather, just floating with the hate of this world.

Qiu Xue stopped and turned his head, silently looked at the road right.

There is no difference between the road. From the view, the road to the right should be more vivid, just like the bunker channel in the medieval, all kinds of prisoners and war criminals, and those witches, all have been I was burn on the firefield, but before that, they had to live in the various tortures in the dungeon, and it is clear that the owner of the voice still survive, but I don't know if I will be sent to the sprorter. Or firefield.

The mad sound disappeared, and the echo was also dissipated. The candlelight shines in the darkness of the depths, and the autumn snow said.

"Good night, my brother."

Entering the workshop, autumn snow wrinkles refined nose.

It hasn't been cleaned here for some time. When I cut it, I still walked into this home.

Today, she is coming to take my father ... is also the memory of the Marchian hours.

The magician will record his opinions and theoretical records on the magic, and a magician's hand can sell the sky in the market, because the theoretical essence of a magicalist diamond is recorded. The existence of magic is printed.

However, autumn snow did not read the notes left after the time of the month.

She went to the clock tower training in junior high school, and it was already a fairly excellent magician.

And in the clock tower, she encountered the existence of the teacher, good at the fighter of gemstone magic.

That is a cheerful and lively woman, always following a red hair, it is said to be a high-class attendant to enter the clock tower, the name seems to be called ... ?

Far from the autumn, the autumn is very good, not only character, but it is similar to the road of magic, both of which are the use of gem magic.

Autumn snow has reached a bottleneck in the gem magic, and it is difficult to break through a short time.

So I want to enhance the combat force in a short period of time, there is only the magic of my father left ...

With the support of the memory, then use magic in magic engraving, it will also be more heartbered.

With such an idea, autumn snow came to this magic workshop she was not willing to enter, and ready to open the box that originally put it in a lifetime ...

Chapter 209: I, I saw the dragon

The onion-white fingers are full of falling gray pharmacy and a desktop filled with test tubes, and thick dust prints a clear footprint.

The deepest part of the workshop is a narrow ramp. It is a bookshelf on both sides. The above is related to the magic books. There are still many ancient sheepskin rolls. These sheepskin rolls are the medieval things, and they can sell the auction market. It is a high price, but its true value is not its own historical value, but it is the things above - the ancient magic used in the medieval heresy and the witch on the fire rack.

Although it is modern, the development of magic has made great progress, but the past things is still very worth learning.

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