Rebirth of Japanese Wolf Legacy

Rebirth of Japan's only wolf inherits Chapter 231

Wilderness, I feel that I still listen to the ear, or there is no existence of the people, and it is estimated that the police in the apartment can be seen.

Originally he could completely kill this demon in the air, but did not, because he wanted to know, things behind this.

The purpose of string and demon collusion is to restore the name, but what is still a mystery.

If you can ask some things from this demon, it will make a good idea for the plan of the string, and it is convenient to formulate countermeasures.

But at this time, Qingye, who looked at the demon, suddenly narrowed his eyes, and his brow is light.

He took note of the demon of the demon wearing the wedge hole ... No, it is precisely that it is human hand.

The woman's left hand has no name, with a ring.

"Washen Jun, help me to watch her." Qingye said.

"no problem."

Although I don't understand what I want to do, the desertion is still helping to see women, and she does not let her have any action.

Qingye pours into the body and speake anything in the woman's clothes.

After some look, he touched a wallet from the inner pocket of a woman coat.

Open the wallet, which is a few hundred thousand yen banknotes, cosmetics, paper towels, and some business cards.

Qingye took a business card carefully: "Sure enough, it is human ..."

"Human?" "How is it possible?" How is this possible? Have you seen the people on the neck? "

Qingye did not worry, but read the name on the business card: "Anyi Hui, 27 years old, is a dentist, there is a wedding ring in his hand, should be married people."

He handed a business card to the desertichuan, and there was some doubts after reading it.

Soon after the ghost door, did the demon have the ability to mix in human beings?

No, if this is the case, why do you want to call her "humanity"?

Looking at the appearance of the desertichuan, Qingye explained: "Washali, do you know two women?"

"Two women?" Washali looked at it. He seems to remember that there is such a figure in the monster legend in Japan.

But more specific things ... he is not very clear.

Qingye explained: "The monster that appears in the famous folk story in Kanto, Japan, and the mouth of the mouth is in the top, but if you see it now, the mouth is neighboring near the neck is correct, this The mouth is bigger than the front mouth, the teeth inside are like a thorns of a root, but also something that is tentacles, you can eat the amount of time. The usual mouth is covered by hair, when no one is If there is food in front of you, you will use the hair as a tentacle, eat the food. A legend that has passed like the leaf, telling a stepmother to kill the son of the ex-wife and become such a monster. In this In the story, the anti-hermery of the stepmother killed this child, so the child's grievance turned into a monster, attached to the stepmother, so that she became two women, never eat ... "

"I am very hungry ..." The woman on the ground looked at the warden, "Can you give me? For example ... people meat.

Washali hopes silently taken the wood from the back neck's mouth, and then grab a gray to go in.

"Is it delicious?" He asked, "If you feel too dry, I can spurze you to pinch a sand dunes, which is more moist."

And the two women were obviously disgusting, and the back of the mouth issued the vomiting of "vomiting".

Suddenly, the mouth of the thorn is suddenly shot in the mouth, and the speed is fast, like a white flash shot.

However, the desertilation is like a child who has to spur it from the mouth of the second female neck, escaping in advance.

"Hey !!" The two women distorted the water.

Failure, it is a pity.

Deeply dangerous desertichuan re-put the wood back, then press the pile to press down.

Because there is a reminder of [danger], he can escape this robbery, otherwise the heart has been pierced.

" ! !!!!"

The mouth of the back and neck was "deep i throat", and the woman had a miserable voice in the mouth, which also mixed "I am wrong, please forgive me", the like, it seems that it is enough.

"It's enough!" Qingye blocked the rude act of Walanawa, "She is attached, the two women need to appear in the person, you hurt her, the human woman being attached is also harmful."

"Oh," Washali is looking away, and apologizes the second female nodded. "Sorry, I don't intentionally."

Although the second girl complained, but did not show it, I was afraid that it was a terrible thing to make her mouth.

Are you not deliberate?

Do you tell you your own letter?

"Okay, the duration of the neighborhood is over." Qingye said, "Let's change a place."


Dark alley, dim light.

Two men surrounded by a woman who did not end the chicken, I was whispering.

"What should I do?" Qingye said, "Do you first get two women from this female?"

"Do you have a way?" The desertichuan looked at him.

"No, it is estimated that people who are good at this aspect will be available." Qingye gave suggestions.

"Forget it," Washali looked at the mobile phone. "I hurry home to eat, three minutes!"

Qingye's eyes are bright, do you say that Warangchuan is a special way?

Washali is the first to take off the jacket, then stretch the body, then the fist is pinched.

Qingye is awkward, do you put this warm up?

After the heat, the desertuan hoped to deliver the injured Hulu to Qingye: "Before you start, if this two women are hurt, will it be painful?"

"No, the consciousness of the confident women will be held by the second woman, but the damage caused by the body is existed, for example ... her wound in her hand."

"Oh, then you don't have to worry, I will cure." The desert is looking forward to a long breath, and the strong body under the dim light has a different charm, "... and it is intact."

"You want ... What do you do?"

Qingye's face is somewhat uns, he guesses what is going to do next, but still want to confirm.

"Interrogation, there will be two women to force the body, these two things, I can do it at the same time." The desertichuan is moving.

"You, you dare to do this!" The two women also realized what they would happen, but she was attacked, arrogant, "You kill me, this woman can't live! Come, have the ability, you play I am dead! When you arrive, you will carry the name of the murder! "

Washali, I didn't care about her: "Qingye, you hold the gourd, whenever she is almost, I will give her a boring, don't be too small, don't afford it, don't be too much, otherwise it is a waste ... The human woman's consciousness does not feel pain, and the body is also very healthy afterwards ... Then I am playing now, it is just a demon ... "

The voice just fell, he was striking.

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