Rebirth of Japanese Wolf Legacy

Rebirth of Japan's only wolf inherits Chapter 166

It's really a slamming, but it's still a woman who was shocked by Yu Bo. He immediately felt his feet, he immediately felt the legs, it was a cobble.

"Your dead is here !!"

It's really broken ribbons in the hands, and laughing.

Before she rushed to the abroad, her pre-feet was falling toward his head.

I used to take the samurai knife, I don't know how many retreat people die.

Today, I have to add more people to the soul of those desperate!

"Not good, the deserter is dangerous!"

The shore of this innocence is to shoot his hand, but it is pulled down.

"Washen Jun has not sent it to us."

Silitan Kondans is stupid, people are dead, what do you still have to signal?

Can be killed with Mi, and the company wants to deduct the finger of the trigger. At this time, he found that this small monk ... is not a general big.

At present, it seems that there is no way to hide.

But why do you hide?

He took wedge pill and knocked the West, didn't you now?

It is really a misunderstanding that she thought she didn't hurt her.

However, it is actually a desertichuan hope that he has not made it.

Washali is deeply well known, although you can use your effort to kill the new woman.

- But it is too tired, the tiger mouth on your hand may be suffering.

In the first few times, the wedge pellets that were in the pana-rays did not have a good harm to the truth, and he felt that there would be a mistake.

But don't matter, anyway, this battle is not used, he just wants to try these cherry petals for the increase in wedge pills.

Go back and then experimentally experiment.

A paper man is off, and the left hand of the desertichuan is shot.

[Eightening · Blowing Moistrack]

A fierce flame is instantly ignited the body.

Gasoline with magic is stuck in the truth, and the fire is constantly spread on her.

She horted her pain, even the sharp burrs on the eight thick spider legs began to burn.

"It's now!"

Wilderness looks out of ten steps, the silver dancer appears in the hand, the double gun is unknone.

At this time, hiding on the tree and tied the trigger.

Both Kang Sheng stupid, is it necessary to say that everything before the desertion is in order to attract a new woman?

It seems that it seems that the desertification is perfectly mastered the characteristics of the spider weakness!

Didn't give him too much time, the Sangkang Sheng also fired.

In just a few seconds, hundreds of temporary bullets poured on the body of the new woman, while the strong flames were burning, making her painfully scream.

Chapter 151: Remind! Heyuan field land!

"Come on, this guy is over!" "" "" "

The body of the new woman has gradually deformed, accurately, is shrinking, the flame is eroding her body and shines for four weeks.

Although she rolled out the flame on the ground, it was so easy to extinguish the gasoline that was injected into the magic.

The bullets of the silver dancers have been used, and there is no filling of the ammunition.

He sprinkled the cherry petal again, and the wedge pill made a lavender.

It is really no resistance in the moment.

If the blood is displayed on her head, then this rib has been less than half at this moment and is continuously reduced, and the "inflammation" Debuff is also shown below.

A large number of magic bullets erosion her. Just when the desertichuan is ready to be born, it is really broken, and immediately cut a spider leg, talked toward his huge abdomen.

The huge abdomen spurts the white liquid, and it is won some of the flames. The desert is hoped to make the name of the name to her head, and it is really a blocked, and the face is burnt.

The name of the name is huge, and the spider leg is immediately smashed, and the new woman has no strength.

"I must cut your head! Feed your internal organs to the wild dog! Peeled you! I want you to suffer all the most painful things in this world!" It's really screaming, the sound said that it is anger or anger Excited, only feel harsh.

She once again breaks his legs, as a weapon, and spraying a thick spider from around, it seems to limit the actions of desertion.

The desertichuan is looking to open the very adhesive spider, ready to meet the attack of the new woman, she seems to be a battle for the back.

The new woman jumped high, the huge body obscured the moonlight, and the heads of the desertichuan.

He has a moment of shocking, and he is a wood, he will feel that the child will fight! !

This is just an attack, she really is the trend!

She wants to escape!

"Quickly shoot her!" Washen is looking forward to yelling.

Don't use him, and it is also struggling to shoot.

However, the utility of bullets is not so strong, like a new woman, like a preyful quarry, use a spider, but also extinguish the flame, but also prevents the invasion of bullets.

If she thinks this approach when she started to spread, then I will be a bad battle tonight.

It is unfortunately, she is now a strong end, she has lost her strength, and she is unable to fight against the desertich.

But the new woman's next move was unexpected to everyone.

She did not escape this hillside, but suddenly landed behind the Bohai Kang Sheng, while the weapon in his hand went toward his neck.


Wilderness is now can't get in the past, if there is a hook rope, but now he is not.

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