Rebirth of Japanese Wolf Legacy

Rebirth of Japan's only wolf inherits Chapter 159

"Dead is blind." Washali said, "You can rest assured this."

"Too good!"

Three single-eyed demon weird around the desertilation.

"Ok, don't jump." Washali said, "You see my mud, help you kill the big bird, can you help me?"

"As long as it is not too much ..." The old eight considers.

"No, I just want to please you take me to find you discovered the paper people." Washali said.

"Is the paper man?" The old eight said, "This is ok."

"So, it is not good, let's go." Washali promised to urge old eight.

Following three little monsters in the forest, the silence of the sky, the ordinary people will be very scared.

But for the old eight, this is their posterior garden, and they live in the forest for a long time, and even every tree here is familiar.

Looking at the old eight, they walked in front, I sent a hip hiphon in my mouth, and the desertion felt a little stupid.

From the previous concerns, the desertichuan hopes that these little guys may have been alive for a long time.

This is a little going to him. He thought it was alive for so long, and these one-eyed monsters became like or comics, and they worried about the monsters of the stitches.

But the fact is not the case.

That is not deep, it is simply three seconds, because there is no clothes like to put things in the ass.

But this is also very good.

Before the big bird came, they were very happy.

A person can have a happy day every day, what else is to pursue?

After half an hour, the desertichuan went to the deeper forest.

When I came here, I was stunned when I was watching.

Because the treetops here are full of floating paper people, it is simply four weeks.

"We are here, we are found in this place." The old eight said.

Looking into a tree, gently reaching out, the paper man on the treetop fell, falling into his hand.

"So can we go?" I asked the old eight.

"Well, I remember the way back." Washali hope, "Go home."

"Thank you for the privilege!"

The old eight with two brothers turned into the mountain forest, the small figure hidden in the dark.

"So many paper people come from?" Washen looked softly.

The white paper floating is not limited to humanity, but if you think, your thoughts sometimes appear in the form of a phantom.

Do you say that these paper people appear due to the monsters?

At this time, the paper person who stayed in his palm suddenly flew down, and the darkness of the front is falling. It seems to be to lead the warden.

Chapter 146: Permanent Tomb

Not only is the paper man in the hands of the desert, and even more than a dozen paper people with the surroundings.

Looking at the desert, I have followed it, and the whole body is in a state of high concentration.

Although the papermaker looks like him to take him to a place, who knows that there is no danger that place?

The paper man exudes a weak light in the air, like the fireflies in the summer forest, just light is not so bright.

The distance is not long, just two minutes, the paper people came to the destination.

Moonlight sprinkled in the forest, and there was a wooden house that had already rotted early.

There is also a grave in front of the house.

The desertichuan went to the surface of the grave, the paper people floated with him.

The tombstone of the grave is engraved with two or three words that are oblique.

Although the long time, the writing is difficult to identify.

But the desertion is still trying to distinguish the name above.

- [ ]

Washen is looking tight.

"No way?"


That organ master and pharmacist's Dao Xuan's apprentice, physician forever?

Yongzhen, she is a person who can change the ending in "Wolf", and the gains of the medical martial arts are beautiful.

But talking about her is not so thrilling.

She is the orphan of the battlefield, a bright eye and a young age brought her a rice.

The person who gave her rice is a Buddha carvino - only.

She and the wolf are the orphans who have been brought back in the battlefield, but the difference is that it is the good Buddha carvist, but the wolf is a wild hind.

Young is very realistic, and she has a native without evil eyes, but also settled in the future of envy.

After she was in the name of the name, she was brought to the medical road, and he taught the superb medical skills.

When she was a child, she became a prostitute who focused medical skills. I used to hate alcohol, but in order to help Dao Xuan's busy, she gradually accustomed to the taste of alcohol, and hurt the ninja in the treatment The pain left a very deep impression, and later her soft attitude towards the wolf may be affected.

She likes to visit them for them in Dao Xuan, listen to the laughter of the two people, I like to see Chang Yakata and the song dance dance dance dance when she holds a banquet, she will also lose the road to see the city, side Swirl swirls in the Sword Log.

And her swordsman is later learned.

At the time of murderous, when I killed, I was willing to get into Shura, and I saw the name of his left hand.

And the immediate meeting on the side has witnessed this,

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