Rebirth of Japanese Wolf Legacy

Rebirth of Japan's only wolf inherits Chapter 135

"Why are you laughing?" Holding an umbrella walking on the street, Heyuan Tianzheng looked at the smiling Apricot Spring.

"Because Qiu Xue sister sent me a gift."

"But you are not happy for this." Heyuan Tian said that "I feel it."

"In fact, because I just asked me to ask me 'your father, where did you go?" I don't know how to answer, then you will stand up. "

"I don't quite understand," Heyuan Tian said that "the old butterfly said that my brain is as straight as the street of the famous country main city, so please don't take it around it."

"At that time, uncle, you stand, isn't it the default, are you my father?"

"Just to guard against the attention of others, I can feel that the woman has a dangerous breath just now."

"I have a little thinking about my mother." Xingyuanchun said.

As far as the river field is going to say something to comfort the little girl, his eyes suddenly sharp.

Under the traffic lights of the front crossroad, a female high school dressed in school uniform is smiling.

Chapter 127: This world is famous

"You are late." Heyuan Tian said that he did not pay attention.

"Please forgive me, before the police came to find the door, I was delayed for a while." Fujun said.

They are sitting in a restaurant in the corner of a restaurant, got the sweet dessert of three people.

Fuji is really gently put in the dessert, lightly puts in the mouth, beautiful willow, "Sure enough people's food, no matter what you don't mix,"

"So?" Is the human head of human beings eat? "Heyuan Tianzheng asked.

"Of course, the blood is sweet and beautiful, I took a small spoon to dig a clean, my mind is much better than this thing." Fuji is really tapped with a spoon to tap the sugar container, grinned. stand up.

Apricot Garden has rely on the Heyuan Field, and she is afraid of this beautiful big sister in front of them.

"How beautiful little girl, looks like ... Love." Fujihara is really in the last second.

"Don't make your mind to her." Heyuan Tian Li Sheng exudes a murderous.

"Where is the little woman?" Suddenly Fuji is the eyebrow eye eyebrows. She is like this, which can turn into a man who likes.

It can be pure, charming, changing multiple ends, this is her, and in Japan's monster legend, she records her.

"Your temptation doesn't work for me, I don't want to spend too much here." Heyuan Tian's position is jumped, the sound is hoarse, his anger is very obvious.

As a warrior, it is a shame.

"You have passed, you will eat something first." He patted the back of the garden.

Xingyuanchun is very obedient to leave here, in fact, her inner heart doesn't want to sit together with Fuji.

"Don't be angry, the warrior. I am very listening to you, I will accumulate blood for you." Fuji is really saying, "But why do you want to leave two small holes on the neck of the deceased?"

"In order to transfer the attention of the demon, you will continue to do your own business, don't let them find that we seek blood, this city has a blood ghost, put things to them, it is good. The privilege will not come to us in trouble. "

"I have no big demonstration." Fuji is really laughing.

"I will say this, if you want to reach the miracle of death, then you will work." Heyuan Tian gains up and pulled the apricot.

"It's a unique warrior." Fuji is really looking at the back of them, "At least I bought it."

She habits the hairdress of the world, but at this time, her action stopped.

"I haven't seen it ..." The eyes started to have a hole, and the skin began to become pale.

"I have gone, I don't see it, the ribbon is invisible!"

Fuji is really standing up from the seat, and her face turned into a spider. But it was recovered quickly, that is the performance of her anger to the critical point. However, it is better to sit in a relatively remote position, and the rattle of Fuji is really seen.

"Is it lost? No, I am tied so solid, it is impossible to get it ... it must be stolen, right, being stolen, damn human ..."

She grabbed the package, and she walked outside. The waiter just wanted to call her to pay, but I was scared in the moment of her face.

Before this, let the waiter can't help but look more beautiful JK, now I am like a ghost.


"Is this this?"

In the million-month house, Washal is looking to take the next old book.

Although it is very old, it is unexpectedly nothing, it seems that the maids usually have a clean here.

This is a historical book that records the history of the Japanese country since ancient times.

Looking through it, but I don't want to understand the past, but I want to find the established facts he guess.

Finally, on page 388, the desertichuan looks like this.

Although it is just a small paragraph, it is enough to shock him.

Although I have already guess, I have been confirmed when I have confirmed it.

The content of that paragraph is like this:

[At the end of the Japanese Warring States, the war of the whole country, there is still no decline in the country, and even the name of the country in the depths of the mountains, but also the bonfire, not lucky]

During this passage, the name of the famous country in this world is real!

"That is to say, what the world I am in is the world's world's world after more than four hundred years later?" Washen said gently.

He knew that when the final of the Warring States, the name of the name led everyone to launch the name of the name.

Japan's Warring States era continued from 1467 to 1615, which has been more than four hundred years away from now. The reason why the general Japanese history book failed to record the name of the name, because the name of the famous country is too short, a city built in the depths of the mountain, destroying, no one will care.

However, it is a small abacus in the heart of Washal.

Since the name of the name is true, then it is to say that it is still able to find the remains of the name of the name.

Although I want to think so, the desertichuan knew that it is possible to find the remains of the name of the famous country.

Don't mention the name of the famous country hidden in a mountain forest, it is difficult to find. Second, even if you find a place, most bridges between the inner government to attack the names of the city are all destroyed, and the span millimeter broken bridge makes it difficult to pass over. Moreover, after four hundred years, the wood bridge has long been rotten, and the bottom of the name is the abyss of hundreds of meters. Once the fall is falling into the situation where it is not ambiguous.

The remote location of the name of the famous country soon soon aware of the inner government aware to realize the value of this country.

But so, they must also capture the name of the name, because in Feng Chengxiui, the purpose of the inland is to be unified, and there is no other country to have independent power.

So the Queen's army withdrew the name of the famous country, maybe in order to rush to kill, they cut off all the roads to the outside.

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