There are two battalion commanders in this group led by Wang Lun, and the rest are recruits. These two recruits are both nervous and excited. Act together by yourself. If you don’t behave well, it will affect your future life in the army. What’s exciting is that they are lucky enough to perform tasks with the officer when they first entered the army. If the performance is eye-catching, they will definitely be in the officer Keeping an impression in your heart will definitely help in the future.

However, Wang Lun didn’t pay much attention to their careful thoughts. Soon their groups had explored the edge of the forbidden area. Wang Lun and the others ordered they did not let their men enter the forbidden area to search. Instead, he began to slowly search outward along the edge of the forbidden area, because Wang Lun felt that Hongxia Princess was impossible to enter the forbidden area.

They searched here, and soon there was news. One group found some traces. Upon hearing the news, Wang Lun immediately took his group to the place of discovery. When they arrived, Wang Lun carefully checked the traces and found that they were left by a person, and this person was not used to the jungle environment, but not far from these traces, Wang Lun they found some other traces , These traces show that the people left are familiar with the jungle environment, so the traces are not particularly obvious.

This is a bit difficult to handle. The trace of the previous person should be Hongxia Princess. That's right, but who left these hidden traces?

In view of some doubts, Wang Lun ordered all search teams to be fully alert to prevent sneak attacks or accidents. Then let the search team search according to the direction indicated by this obvious trace. Now that there is a clearer direction, it is a good decision to search in this direction as the center.

According to the direction of the trace, the search team came to the edge of the forbidden area. The last time the trace appeared was this edge, and if you look at the trace, this person must have entered the forbidden area. Wrong, what is the forbidden area? This is the most dangerous place recognized by the four major cities and even the main city. This person will most likely not survive if he enters the forbidden area, but since it was an order from the top to find the Hongxia Princess, Wang Lun feels that it is not impossible to enter the forbidden area and look for it. So he discussed with the commander of the bow and arrow battalion who followed him, and decided that commander Chang would continue to lead the search team to continue to search the periphery. Wang Lun himself led two groups of search teams into the forbidden area to look for people who left traces.

After the decision was made, Wang Lun arranged a knife and shield camp, so that they would be divided into two halves along the edge of the forbidden area, moved towards two directions for movement support, basically from their current position Look, they have searched almost all the places that traverse the mountain range and belong to their Dawn City's sphere of influence, except for these traces, they found nothing else. The peripheral search can basically be said to be over, and now the only clues are those obvious and inconspicuous traces submerged in the forbidden area.

Wang Lun took the two groups of search teams and entered the forbidden area after arranging everything. The rest of the people also dispersed and continued to search. They definitely won’t have any major discoveries. What? Because their goal, Hongxia Princess, has indeed entered the forbidden area. As the smallest and most favored Princess in Reddawn City, Hongxia Princess can be said to be a favorite in one body. It means that if you want a star, the City Lord is absolutely not. Can pick the moon, so I have heard about the forbidden area since I was a child, and once, this Hongxia Princess once entered the forbidden area with her own guards. Of course, it was from the range of Reddawn City, but it didn’t. He escaped as long as he walked, and the guard was seriously injured and almost lost his life.

Since then, the owner of Reddawn City has often told Hongxia Princess how dangerous it is. Although some are heard from the hearsay, Hongxia Princess has experienced this kind of thing once after all, so I believe it, but this time is different. The original help of the Reddawn City City Lord accidentally offended the Reddawn City guardian in a struggle, and was directly suppressed. The Reddawn City City Lord had no choice but to seek new support. In exchange, she could only marry her youngest daughter. Hongxia Princess, who had been promised not to force herself to do things she didn’t like, broke out all at once. Hongxia Princess had a quarrel with her Royal Father. Frame, the Royal Father who still pampered himself was actually not leaning on himself this time, Hongxia Princess cried a lot, and then lied to open the city gates one night while the guards were drunk and delirious. , Escaped, yes, this person is Li Lifeng's grandfather.

Reddawn City City Lord was furious and killed Li Lifeng’s grandfather, and sent someone to retrieve Hongxia Princess, but the engagement ceremony is imminent, so there will be that single-person engagement ceremony that sounds absurd. In other words, what the bearded battalion commander said when he sent the mission was not groundless, but was blocked before the news had spread widely.

Hongxia Princess itself has some skills, but these skills are not enough to deal with the crisis in the jungle, and there are chasing soldiers behind, so Hongxia Princess has no way, only to enter the forbidden area to get rid of those Chasing soldiers. After Wang Lun entered the forbidden area with the two teams, Wang Lun took out a few masks from the package. This was prepared in advance. He had already planned to enter the forbidden area and search, but he never made up his mind. The water is more muddy, and there is a mysterious village in it. He is now the Great Elder there, and everyone there knows him, so in order to avoid wearing a gang, a mask is specially prepared.

The ten people didn’t say anything. They put the masks on their faces obediently, and they all took off the Dawn City logo. This is so that if they are exposed or conflicted. Your own city is clean.

After they were equipped here, they began to search. Wang Lun took the lead and was responsible for guarding against danger. The rest of the people looked for traces not far from each other, and after they found the traces, they searched according to the traces. , The search range is not large, but it is adjusted at any time, and Hongxia Princess is not safe, so the traces she left are very messy, and it seems that there is no way to find it. If you look for it with your heart, it is still easy to find. On the one hand, they are trying their best to avoid danger. The speed of the two parties is obviously different. Soon, Wang Lun and the eleven people found the person who left the trace, that is, Hongxia Princess, but Hongxia Princess is a bit panicked now.

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