In addition to Wang Lun, there were 25 recruits. They were divided into five groups and entered the jungle from five positions. The response team was also divided into three squads and entered the jungle. Groups 2 and 5 walked in the leftmost position of the fifth group, and served as the defense and guard work on the left, while the numbers 3 and 4 walked in the rightmost position and served as the defense and guard work on the right. Wang Lun and No.1 entered from the middle. Their main task was to support and guard the middle road.

After entering the jungle, No.1 stopped and said to Wang Lun: “No.6, our battalion commander said let me teach you some practical things. Taking advantage of the free time, I will teach you first. Some of your things, first of all, anti-reconnaissance and trapping techniques..."

Wang Lun is here quietly listening to No.1’s explanation. They are really practical skills for this mission. It was also very helpful. He took it down silently. On the 1st, he found that the recruit group was a little far away, so he said to Wang Lun: “No. 6, let’s talk about it now. We need to catch up with the recruit group. Go ahead and mark out the range of action for them. The skills will wait until the job is over. Let's talk about the opportunity!"

After speaking, he took the lead and ran out. Wang Lun set off right there after. Said this number is a veteran, this guy is running really fast in the jungle, Wang Lun can only do his best to follow behind, gradually Wang Lun found that the route of number one is a bit peculiar, although it is a bit curvilinear, but every time. Avoiding places that are easy to leave marks, and sometimes you can take a big step forward with the inertia of speed, just like jumping and running, Wang Lun also started to follow the number one in a way, but at first Still a little unfamiliar, there are often signs of tripping or falling. Although all adjusted in time, the speed has slowed down. One also noticed this situation, and he also deliberately slowed down some of his steps. After Wang Lun gradually mastered this technique, he slowly recovered his speed. After a while, he was surprised to find that his speed was actually comparable to Wang Lun's speed.

"This recruit is not simple. My footwork and habit can be learned so fast. You must know that it takes a lot of time to practice such footwork. This guy can learn it so quickly. Although it’s still a bit worse, it’s not simple to be able to learn fur so quickly.” One’s heart was startled, and his steps accelerated a bit. Although Wang Lun was struggling to follow suit, he still clenched his teeth and persevered. Come down.

Soon these two men surpassed the recruit group who needed to find the target and came to the front. After a long section of the road, No. 1 signaled Wang Lun to stop, "Okay, This is the farthest position. The generally speaking recruits can’t reach this side. Let’s set up a warning sign here. I’ll be on guard. Go back a bit and see if they need support. If not, If you do, you just need to be on guard on their side, especially at night. It’s not safe to go across the mountain range at night. You don’t go too far back. We have to take care of each other. If you have any problems with me, you can Come and help."

"Okay." Wang Lun replied, taking out the flying claws and rope prepared earlier from his backpack, and tied one end of the rope to the tail section of the flying claws. Separate the three claws of the flying claws, carrying the rope and flying claws, and ran back. After running a certain distance, I looked at the surrounding terrain and felt that it was okay and then flew the flying claws to this side. A high tree branch is thick enough to stand on, and there are no other branches below it, and the leaves are thicker, so there is no problem in hiding it. After the flying claws were fixed to the branch, Wang Lun pulled hard, and after confirming that there was no problem, he tied the rope to his waist, followed the trunk and climbed onto the branch. After removing the flying claws and rope, put them back into the backpack. Hidden among the dense leaves.

After discovering that Wang Lun did this, No.1 also secretly picked up the big finger and thought: "This kid is a good material. He has used the investigative skills he told him on the road. This The location is also good, and the trace processing is OK. It’s really good to be a scout."

Think about it, Number One also found a similar location in the vicinity. The way he climbs the tree is different from that of Wang Lun. The same, the two daggers crossed directly, and the position of the knife was a relatively large crack in the trunk. If you don't look carefully, you can't see the trace. It is much smaller than the trace caused by Wang Lun throwing flying claws. Wang Lun watched here, and remembered this method in his heart, and went back to find a tree to practice.

Wang Lun, after they are well concealed, look at the recruits group. The five groups of recruits entered the jungle in five directions and began to look for their targets carefully. Each group was dispatched with a tacit understanding. Two people are looking for, the remaining three are responsible for guarding the surroundings and slowly advancing into the mountains. The members of the response team are cooperating on the periphery. They are impossible to find hidden places like No. 1 and Wang Lun, but they need more action. Be careful not to be afraid of the recruits’ discovery, but to escort the recruits to conflict with combatants in other cities, and to detect the combatants in advance and give an early warning.

These people entered the jungle after noon. Unconsciously, the sky has slowly darkened. The five groups of recruits have tacitly pressed the tents not far away from each other to prepare to rest, because It is a recruit task, there is no need to take advantage of the night to take advantage of the night to replenish physical strength, and check the harvest during the day, each group of recruits will be arranged to take turns to watch the night, one person at a time. The four members of the response team each found a hidden place to hide, guarding the surroundings.

There are always beasts and murderers active at night. This is the mountain range that runs across the mountain range. It is the jurisdiction of the four major cities, and no one is willing to provoke this place. This is not a tiger looking at this. The recruits on the side, No. 3 and No. 4 discovered this wild beast ahead of time, but they will not take the initiative to help the recruits get rid of the threat.

The tiger slowly approached the fifth group (Additionally, according to the direction of departure, No. 2 and No. 5 are the first group, and No. 3 and No. 4 are the fifth group.) Obviously there are no recruits responsible for the alert. Found this wild beast. However, these recruits are not so stupid. They set up traps around their camp, not attack traps, but alert traps. This tiger touched the alert traps.

The five recruits of the fifth group immediately ran out of the tent after hearing the warning, and then formed a guard formation and searched in the direction of the sound. The other four groups also heard the sound and came out to check what happened. Going on.

It didn’t take long for the fifth group to find the intruder and launch an attack. Although the tiger is very fierce, human intelligence and cooperation are still very strong. The fifth group paid two minor injuries and one slander. The tiger killed the tiger at the price of, and the medical team in the fifth group treated the three wounded people. Since it was not a serious injury, a slight bandage did not affect the activities. After the leader of the fifth group called the leaders of the other four groups, he divided the tiger.

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