Biquge, the fastest update of the rebirth counterattack: the latest chapter of the concubine!

Chapter 357

"Yin Gongzi, how can you let the people of Kyoto see me? Do you have any unspeakable relationship between me and me?" Qi Rongyue stared at Yin Yixuan coldly, and the words that came out like Zhu Yu were set down. , Clear and loud into the ears of everyone.

Yin Yixuan said, "Why don't you tell me when you leave Hou?"

Qi Rongyue said, "I said, we don't need to say goodbye to each other." She paused, and said, "Yin Gongzi, you have always been a modest gentleman among the people. I also hope that Mo will not destroy this clean name. . "

Yin Yixuan shook her head: "I don't care about these, I just ask you, do you want to-"

She immediately interrupted him: "No, no matter what, I don't want to. You and I, once strangers, are now familiar strangers, but strangers in the future, I think I have said It's clear. I asked Yin Gongzi to let go, so I didn't miss my hour. "

With her cold and noble appearance, and the words that were left out of the room, there was no one who could not understand. It was clearly Yin Yixuan's pursuit of a lady, but the lady did not agree, but he was still entangled and annoying.

Yin Yixuan blushed and asked angrily, "Is it because of Zhong Wen? You treat me this way because of him, right?"

Qi Rongyue's brow got deeper and deeper, and she was very unhappy: "This is two different things, please don't confuse it, son Yin, not everything in this world is justified and emotional. That ’s why it does n’t make sense. Like it is like it, do n’t like it is not like it, it ’s not because of anyone, it ’s just not like it, that ’s it! ”

She didn't want to talk nonsense with him anymore and turned back into the carriage.

Seeing Yin Yixuan's expression began to dissipate, Xueer went to the side guard without the toughness before him, "What are you still doing? Open the road!"

The four guards struck immediately, dispersing the people around, leaving a way for the carriage.

Yin Yixuan froze for a while, and when he returned to God, the carriage was gone, his hand holding the reins trembled continuously, and the undulations of his chest became more and more rapid, and he sweared secretly to the carriage that was moving away. No matter what method he uses, he must get her back, definitely.



Since receiving a letter from Kyoto three days ago, knowing that she has left Kyoto and returned to Jincheng, he has come to the gate every day and waited for a few hours until the sunset. Xishan did not return. Every time I saw a carriage appeared in the distance. He began to get excited. When the carriage approached, he found that it was not Rongyue, and began to disappoint and mutter.

Sangui saw that it was getting late, and after a while the sun was about to go down, he shouted that Shizi, who was squatting on the grass for half a day because of boredom, said, "My son, let's go back. Presumably they are on the road today! "

Zheng Zhongwen shook his head: "Wait a while, maybe it will be here in a while. I'll figure it out, and I will be here at the latest!"

Sangui had no choice but to squat beside Shizi and follow him to bite the grass and count the ants.

Just before the red day was about to end, Zheng Zhongwen suddenly stood up, kicked Sangui with his foot, and said, "Look, is there a carriage over there?"

Sangui got up, rubbed his eyes, and looked in the direction that Shizi pointed to. It was already dark, and at the end of that official way, it seemed like a carriage and several horses were galloping.

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