Biquge, the fastest update of the rebirth counterattack: the latest chapter of the concubine!

Chapter 334

"You look like her!" He said suddenly.

Qi Rongyue's heart jumped, her eyes immediately became vigilant: "Like whom?"

Her wary eyes pulled him back to reality. The girl in front of her was Qi Rongyue, but Qi Rongyue.

Tian Yu never looked at him with suspicion and vigilance, never.

"It's nothing. When you get to the place, don't look around, just follow me." He staggered his eyes, no longer looked at her, and said quietly.

"Yeah!" She responded softly, and opened the car curtain sideways, looking at the scenery outside. Chu Palace, which had not been seen before, fell into my eyes again today. It turned out that Chu Palace was so majestic. It was so big that it took a long time to drive around the carriage to Chongdemen.

The carriage stopped in front of the Chongde Gate, and then you could only walk. The carriages of the civilian and military officials who came up every day would also stop here. The rest of the road could only be reached by two legs. Of course There are exceptions, such as Regency King Chu Lian. He is an exception. The only exception is his carriage, which can go directly to the Golden Temple.

This is his honor. It is the honor he gave himself. Although there is also dissatisfaction among the officials, it can only be anger and daring to speak. Today, the life of the Chu Dynasty is in the hands of Chu Lian. ?

The further you walked in, the more familiar the scenery, and the closer it was to the place where she had lived before.

She followed Min Hengzhi, step by step, carefully and carefully, her eyes did not let go of any trace of sight that could be seen in the road.

She must remember these and imprint them in her heart. These belong to her and her brother, not Chu Lian.

"In front of the palace is the Royal Palace, and the emperor lives in it. After a while, I will go to the palace ceremony!" The sudden voice of Min Hengzhi made her free mind tremble suddenly.

He seemed to notice that her mood wasn't right. He glanced back at her, his eyes were deep, but he said nothing, and continued to walk to the Royal Palace.

There were several guards and maids guarding the Royal Palace. When they saw Min Heng coming, they saluted one after another: "See His Royal Highness Jin!"

King Jin waved: "Free of charge, this is the doctor that the king invited to the emperor to see the sick. Is the emperor in there now?"

A palace girl frowned: "Return to King Jin, the emperor started to lose his temper this morning, and did not eat breakfast, and has been in it."

Noisy? Qi Rongyue frowned. Her brother had the emperor's ritual for urinating, and he never lost his temper.

There was a sound of something falling inside, and the Jin dynasty lady asked again, "Does the emperor often do this recently?"

The palace lady nodded: "Every day like this, the mood is very bad, the royal doctor has also seen it, and did not see any illness, just let him rest more."

King Jin stopped asking questions and led Qi Rongyue straight into the Palace of Royal Harmony, through the heavy curtains. She finally saw the ten-year-old boy who was already tall.

He was thin, and his rounded cheeks had become sharp, although he was tall but thin, showing that his life in this palace was not good.

She took a deep breath, and then took another deep breath, pressing down all the emotions in her heart and making a calm look.

Following Min Heng, he performed the holy ceremony.

Chu Tianqi stopped falling and looked at the two men kneeling on the floor. The man kneeling before one step was exactly what he used to believe and regarded him as the closest person except his parents and sisters.

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